“It is not the tragedies that kill us, it is the messes”
dorothy parker
(I can safely say living like this would kill me)
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It gets better. My kids are through with that messy stage (14 & 17) now it’s just clothes all over their floors. I kinda miss those messes. Heck, I’m 37, could always have another right? Dh is furiously whipping his head from side to side. He may have whiplash. Oh well, guess not.
This is why my head may end up in the oven too. That is my daily life.
YES!!!! My favourite DP quote , unfortunately it reminds me of my first marriage…….
“What fresh hell is this?”
I get palpitations just looking at that photo. My house has mini-messes all over (again) as a result of two super busy girls and a husband who just closes a cabinet with it is a disaster rather than start to re-sort it.
I am trying not to be paralyzed once there is more than one hidden disaster but it is very hard.
If don’t have the time to finish re-organizing one area, I just can’t begin it, that is my major problemo. And from one mess, it morphs into many.
I keep telling myself once my smallest is in full days, this won’t be so hard.
I am not any where as good as you but this would end me! I need to attend your folding school.
You are preaching to the choir, sistah… (love it!!)