Everyone knows no one eats the green ones. Why do they make them? I would rather have none left than a dozen ugly, yucky green ones staring back at me.
I could be in the throws of PMS, I could be overtired and needing a sugar fix, I could be cranky, I could be needing a lift and STILL even if there was no other junk in the house, I WOULD NOT, COULD NOT EAT THE GREEN ONES, SAM I AM, GREEN EGGS AND HAM.
Piss me off.
mouthwash, I think
not a jujubes fan but you’re cute when you’re angry!!
I have never found them offensive…
I mean…I can’t eat the black ones.
But what flavor are the green ones? I don’t even know…
WOW. I can’t stand it. The John Cusack thing, the humour, the golf swing, the single mom thing- we had so much in common – how can it be?
I hate all jujubes…just typing that made me gag…
who knew? there are some of you out there!
Green ones are my favorite!
I see large weekly green deliveries at your doorstep in your future
I love green jube jubes. Am I the only one who does? They honestly are my favourite. I’m shocked to learn that people don’t like them.
Hate!! Yes.