Once upon a time when my Godson was born- I went to visit him, to meet him, to squeeze him, to adore him and his mom, one of my oldest friends, who was so ‘exhausted’ ( a euphemism for other things I will not print- very tough labour).
His 2 and 1/2 year old sister answered the door screaming and jumping up and down
“I’ve got a baby brother. He’s got peanuts and I don’t.”
Ahh, yes the peanuts envy. Well, that is a post for another day.
So, just two weekends ago I am at Queens University for a tour with my grade 12 daughter and sassypants, her sister, and I get the great pleasure of taking everyone out for a nice dinner in Kingston. The godson (almost19), the sister (21) both who go to Queens.
I love this cyce of life. And I know age shows when you start saying “where on earth did the time go?”
But seriously. Where on earth did the time go?
I remember being a starving (not to be confused with thin) University student with the steady diet of PB sandwiches and KD .
To be able to treat them to something nice, to sit with them and speak and laugh like the good friends we are, with a vast and deep history between us and a love for one another – made being a grown up a beautiful thing. Godson handsome with his Movember moustache (please shave soon!) and his sister with her poise and beauty- where did those chubby, colicky babies go?
I think about you so often and how hard it must be right now to stay hopefull
sending best wishes and love- n
Nancy, you are truly your Mother’s daughter! What a treasure to read your thoughts especially at the very difficult time in our lives. Life does go on….those long ago years on Donino with all of you fun “kids” and the four very fun adult parents…..and now we are all moving thru different doors. Sickness and new babies. Divorces and marriages. Far distances between us but great visits…..I loved having you with us in Mizpah House. Shared interests ….penguins, art, books, laughter. What treasures memories are….the fuel that keeps us together…in good times and the not so great times. I treasure your friendship like I do your Mom’s…..she is number one perfect. Hugs and love, Judi