My children always eat balanced meals, never snack on junk food and don’t hide anything from me
(daughter’s desk drawer)
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ya … and?
You say this like its a bad thing 😉
I vote for “great example”. More than one, my husband has come home to find my daughter and I snacking on chocolate chips. Mmmmmm…. chocolate…..
I’m sure you are still a great mom! Ui would’ve been worried if there was something more sinister than this in her drawer!
haha! love this.
My daughter has one of those m&m candy dispensers in her room – she’s really good about it and knows it is not to be touched without asking first.
One time she had a friend sleep over though and the girl ate her way through a pound of m&m’s in 24 hrs!
or a great example- I eat Jube jubes in bed.
Clearly, you are a failure. #momfail