my letter-personal and confidential -back from Santa
Every year my children like yours, have written to Santa. As I have a problem with growing up or asking them to do so too quickly, this tradition continues (they are 13 and 16).
Four years ago when I separated I needed all the help I could get. I was open to miracles, kindness from strangers, praying, fingers crossed, magic, and lucky talismans. Mainly, I really believe in asking for what you want and putting your wishes out there in the world. This always seems to work.
So why wouldn’t I turn to Santa baby?
I sent him a letter and asked him to let my mom let go of my dad from her direct care peacefully when the time was right for her. And she has done that. I asked to have the courage to start a blog -or two – on separation and divorce. Voila. I asked that my children and I stay healthy and fully engaged in our lives. All good, knock on wood. I asked that if a material wish would not pull from the other more important wishes, that I might get to improve our home. Done.
Somewhere out there there is a postal worker who thinks I am odd. Or perhaps a jolly guy with a big belly who thinks we should all get what we want if we work at it every day.
This week, the three of us will mail our letters and embark on another surprising year.
What are you asking for?
I was duly impressed when there was personal stuff written on each! My kids loved that my letter was addressed “Dear Little One” ! Make sure you send yours, Tracy! Put it out there.
We do the postal workers letters to Santa as well, there is magic in it for sure – except last year, when my girls got the exact same FORM letter, and my nine year old was not at all impressed 🙁 hopefully this year it is better. Every other year it has been done with such care, and very personal, not sure why the diffrence last year. We are doing ours this week 🙂
That is so great, Nancy. It really is important to ask for what you want… no matter what time of year. And who better to ask than Santa?!