Dear Charlotte;
In September you will go to University. I miss you already. You will have the time of your life. Things will not be the same without you. *SNIFF* I feel like I am running out of time to pass wisdom on to you so I am going to write you a few posts to cover off anything I have missed out in the last 17 years.
– that boy over there who looks so good may not be.
-that boy over there- no, over there– who looks dull, may not be
-peaking early is a disaster
-don’t run from conflict, it will chase you down anyway
– any drink called a zombie or a strip and go naked is as dangerous as it sounds. Take your own and make your own. Remember how mom, at 20, barfed in Di’s convertable? I did not make that one drink (yup it was only one)
-hold on to your quirky- ness. The most interesting and happiest adults I know are unique individuals
-be yourself, everyone else is taken
– if it doesn’t feel right don’t do it
– if it feels right, sleep on it first, call your mom, do a pros and cons list, go for a long run, cold shower, maybe lock yourself in an ivory tower and throw away the key and then see what you think.
-don’t create drama; believe me life has plenty of it already
– remember the STRING THEORY, except when it comes to how you treat people and yourself. Because in that case, every knot is a big fat one.
– cooking things on high heat does not get a good meal to the table faster, it gets a bad meal to the table faster
-if you turn the thermastat way down in the winter when you are away for a weekend the pipes will burst or freeze. I can’t remember which but both is bad.
-if you eat pizza and drink beer every night at midnight, you will gain more than just a degree (see pictures of mom in sweat pants in first year as proof of theory)
– listen to your gut- it is always right
-when you feel lousy, go do something. When you feel down, get outside.
-if all else fails, tomorrow will be better.
-go to class; I’ll kill you if you don’t.
-Don’t take direction from imbeciles. If Joe Blow said jump off the cliff would you?
(none of these people are me… I am already in the water)
-take a cab anytime anywhere. I will pay for it and give you a big fat tip just for being smart.
-you will never be 17 again. Love it and enjoy it. But for those parts that you hate, don’t worry you will be 40 before you know it.
-laugh everyday
-keep singing- you are so good at it and it brings you joy
-I SWEAR ON MY LIFE that what they say is true -30 minutes of cardio exercise 4 times a week offers the same benefit as low grade anti depressants. EXERCISE. It is an act of self love.
-nothing is too big a problem that it can’t be solved
-eat food that will feed your body and mind then the other stuff
– remember always-you are so loved by so many. BIG TIME
Thats all for now, darling. I will write again soon.
Oh and if you find an exchange student from Botswana in your room when you come home- dont be angry, we cried hard for a day and then had to do something about missing you.
A Excellent read. Not too long-winded yet not too brief. Just the right mix…
Yes and clean jammies and fresh sheets!
Oh I love that saying and had never heard it before! early ripe early rotten- good one jules!
I wish it was middle school- that is so long ago now!(excellent name choice, Texas)
I bet you feel your will never leave right, grumbler?
yes go for it Leslie!
take a hot bath and go to bed and things will be better in the morning (that is what my mom would say).
amazing Nanc. And you can borrow Will anytime you want!
i agree with many points…especially “early ripe, early rotten”. also, with the drinking thing…stay away from the blue drinks. they will turn _everything_ blue (or green depending on how dehydrated you are!)
Oh my!!
My charlotte is going to middle school this year and I feel the same way….I am not sure I could handle university!!!
This is all sage advice, Village… *sniff*
I love this and one day I am going to change the picture!!! You don’t mind to you!!!!???