I’ve got an old laptop that was handed down by a neighbour who thought it would be perfect for my son to use for his homework. It’s possibly 10 years old. It’s heavy and it’s S.L.O.W.
We graciously accepted the offer as it was perfect first laptop for him. Then other people started offering their unwanted, but still good, electronics. We had to turn them down. We really don’t need them. We also have an old printer that is just sitting there collecting dust in the basement. I never really knew what to do with this old clunker and no one wants it.
But since it’s starting to feel (and smell) like Spring (YIPPEE) we’re also in the mood to purge. This time we’re getting rid of the unwanted electronics. Electronic waste (e-waste) is defined as all types of unwanted electronics and electronic equipment. We’re faced with the challenge of how to get rid of these items since e-waste contains a unique combination of hazardous materials as well as valuable materials that can be repurposed.
A recent Samsung Canada survey revealed that many Canadians may not know what to do with their old electronics (that’s us). In fact 1 in 3 respondents say these items are just gathering dust in their home while 1 in 10 admit to throwing their e-waste into the garbage.
So, what to do?
If you’re in Toronto & GTA area, Samsung Canada, RBC and the Green Living Show are partnering up for an E-WASTE COLLECTION DRIVE and SCHOOL CHALLENGE!
On March 30 and April 3 to 6, bring your unwanted electronics for safe disposal to the Green Living Show OR to these participating RBC branches:
RBC Aurora – Aurora Heights Plaza (15498 Yonge St.)
RBC Pickering – Hwy 2 & Liverpool (1340 Kingston Rd.)
RBC Markham – Steeles & Silver Star (4751 Steeles Ave. East)
RBC Woodbridge – Hwy 7 & Marycroft (211 Marycroft Ave)
For each e-waste recycled at the Green Living Show or at participating branches, participants will receive a FREE ticket ($16 value) to the Green Living Show (April 12-14).
Now, about the SCHOOL CHALLENGE…
The Passion for E-Recycling School Challenge offers up $20,000 in Samsung Hope for Children Smart School grants to schools in the GTA that collect the most e-waste!
Green Living Enterprises and Samsung Hope for Children have created a unique way to teach elementary school students about e-waste recycling. From April 1 to May 15, 2013, elementary schools within select Ontario school boards can register to host e-waste drives at their schools. The three schools that collect the most e-waste by weight will share in $20,000 in grants.
Schools may register now for the challenge by visiting www.passionforerecycling.ca for more details as well as fun and educational e-waste recycling stuff for grades 3 to 5.
For a complete list of e-waste items that will be accepted at collection sites, please visit www.ontarioelectronicstewardship.ca
The Green Living Show is Canada’s largest green consumer show, dedicated to easy and workable solutions for leading a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. For more information, visit www.greenlivingshow.ca
This post was not sponsored nor was I compensated.
As we plan for our renovation this will be great! However, I am surprised and disappointed that there are no locations in Toronto proper. I guess we’ll be trekking up to Markham!