She: Ooooo… can I PLEASE have these? *eyebrows high and hopeful*
Me: *exhales slowly*
Sneaker. Black with some sparkles (but NOT with lights) and black satin ribbon laces.
(And embroidering on the heels in an excellent shade of hot pink for this plum of a child. They go with her life.)
Me: *glances side-eyed* You’ll have to learn how to tie them yourself if you want to wear them… they won’t let you into kindergarten with those, unless you know how to tie them yourself.
She: I already know how… I did my soccer shoes, remember?
(Indeed she did. Exactly one time. Three months ago.)
Me: I’ll show you again. We’ll practice.
She: ‘Fanks, mummy. It’s necessary, because I’m not an expert at shoe-tying yet. *shakes head wistfully*
I reckon I can teach her by Wednesday…
DKNY black sneakers with satin ties – Winners, $24.99
OOOH!!! I think I want!
Oh, they are EXCELLENT.