On Thursday Ava Scarlett casually dropped into conversation that she’d kissed her “boyfriend” the previous day during their playdate at his house.
On Friday afternoon she had a big nap while she fought a fever.
On Saturday, she complained that her throat hurt when she swallowed, and her fever raged on and off all day. By evening, she’d cry from the pain of it.
On Sunday, as the children’s Advil wore off every six hours (sharp!) and she cried and cried from the throat pain, I had an inkling about her malaise, but it was too late in the day to be seen at the clinic… so we went first thing this morning.
Strep Throat.
And I’m hoping it’s all in my head, but my throat is feeling a bit raw, and I am tired today.
Thanks for sharing, darling girl. Oy.
Fortunately, it passed me by this time! Sadly, Oliver has tonsillitis. What are the odds?! ACK!!
ouch – throat like razors. poor baby, poor mamma. Feel better
Gargle with warm salt water -I swear by it
Oh, it’s the cutest boy ever – they’ve known each other since birth. I’m so sure it won’t be the last time. (Heh.)
It’s scandalous, really… 😉
oh no! she is too gorgeous to EVER GET SICK! what an angel. who’s the boy? what was her dad’s reaction to the KISS?
girl takes after her mother, kissing boys… 😉
Don’t I know it, lady! I had it in November… I hoped NEVER to have it again, but ack… I think my throat is closing… pray for me…
boys=cooties 🙂
strep sux. she should start feeling better soon!