You know how I like to arrange stuff by colour sometimes, right? I do it with my own closets, and when I was in Toronto back in October, I did my sister’s closet, too. Since most of my clothes are black, this is fairly easy to accomplish. There’s hardly any fun in it at all. *presses back of hand to forehead and sighs heavily*
But it does please me so when things get artfully arranged… I’m all nerdy like that.
Remember last year when I was looking for a storage solution for my glorious balls? Well I got three of the boxes I wanted, and now I stash them like this:
*skips and claps doing happy dance*
Sadly, I forced myself to take the tree down over the past weekend. It’s such a glorious thing to have in my room at night… I swear, we’re going to put the lights on a timer next year, so we can fall asleep to the gorgeous lights all aglow. (No one wants to wake up to a fire in the middle of the night, right?)
It’s the only way I play with colour, really. And arranging and organising the hell out of things makes me swoon. Don’t judge my nerdiness – anything that makes a person happy is a good thing. (At least, in most cases.) It’s the little things, yo. Totally.
Do you ever arrange stuff in your life by colour?
Oh lady – I’m almost never there… but we can do stuff remotely, if you want to. Hit me up if you’re keen!
I live 1/2hr north of Toronto. Next time you’re here let me know
I can do anything… get in touch!
Ae you for hire? My entire house needs organizing.
Wow. It’s a good thing I don’t eat Smarties, I guess. 😉
Just kidding! I chose to believe I must be in excellent company as well – no doubt she was an amazing woman, Kath… it’s kind of amazing to me how many people love to separate their candy-covered chocolates like that – there IS something fun about it, I guess.
Of course, there was that time I hit my head on the ice while skating which might have made me brain-injured, though I think that just explains my loathing of all things winter even more. *snort*
Now don’t take this the wrong way, cuz you know I love you dearly. But.
After my Grandma had her stroke, we would go have lunch and visit with her on weekends (and I would often go over during the week as I worked summers in the same hospital). She loved Smarties, so I’d bring her a box most days. She would sit there with the whole box dumped out on her tray, and arrange them all in little columns: first by colour and then by number (so, for example: five greens on the left, then four blues, four reds, two browns, one yellow).
And lately, every time I get my hands on a box of Smarties, I do exactly the same thing. Then I eat the odd ones out until I have columns of even numbers. Then I eat them in pairs (you know, to keep it even).
So…you’re either in excellent company (for the record Grandma was one of the most incredible women I’ve ever had the privilege to know) or you’re brain-injured. I vote for the former.