Whether your weekend getaway is a lakefront cottage or your very own backyard oasis, this Belly Bootcamp workout will whip your full body—legs, core, upper body, and cardiovascular system—into shape in just twenty minutes so you can save tons of time for relaxing in the summer sun. All you need? A tree, fence or wall.
This workout is so quick and easy, it can even be your go-to after-work routine for those cooler summer evenings. Warm up with a quick jog around your cottage lawn or backyard, some jumping jacks, squats, and dynamic arm and leg swings… whatever you’ve got room for.
Warm up for two to three minutes until you feel your heart rate is elevated and you’ve broken a sweat. Try to move as many muscles as possible in your warmup.
Complete forty seconds of each exercise, resting twenty seconds after each before moving onto the next. If you can’t do forty seconds straight of an exercise, rest for a quick two seconds when needed and jump right back in to finish the forty seconds strong; you’ll build up your endurance the more you do this!
Rest sixty seconds and drink some water at the end of all five exercises, then complete a second set. Got more time? Go for a third set to really give it your all. Remember to follow it up with a stretch!
Begin with your back against the tree, and walk feet out as you slide down into a squat. Aim to get thighs parallel to ground. Contract your core so you feel your back against the tree, keeping shoulders back. Hold forty seconds; rest twenty seconds.
Tree Bridge (Butt, Core, Legs)
Begin laying on your back, bum close to the tree. Walk feet up tree and press into heels as you squeeze your bum and lift off of the ground. Keep upper back on ground and try not to arch your low back excessively; focus on your bum and legs. Lower and repeat for forty seconds in a controlled fashion; rest twenty seconds.
Crab Triceps Dip (Upper Body, Core)
Begin on hands and feet, inverted with chest up, fingers pointing to feet. Pull your shoulderblades toward your spine and keep your chest lifted. Bend your elbows to lower your bum toward the ground, then press up and back so shoulders align over wrists, squeezing the triceps (back of the arm). Lower again and repeat for forty seconds; rest twenty seconds.
High Knees On Tree (Cardio, Legs, Core)
Begin with hands on tree, about shoulder-height. Lean slightly forward and contract your core as you begin running knees up toward chest as quickly as possible. Press hands into tree & keep eyes lifted. Continue for forty seconds; rest twenty seconds.
Side Plank & Shoulder Pulse (Upper Body, Core)
Begin lying on one side, with elbow drawn in close to you. Press up into a side plank from elbow to feet (or from elbow to knees for a beginner option), keeping bottom hip lifted and chest and eyes up. Extend top arm upward & pulse back, squeezing shoulderblades toward spine. Continue pulsing for twenty seconds, then switch sides and repeat; rest twenty seconds.
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