It’s been nearly a week now since my big adventure: the night I called 911 and was taken to hospital in an ambulance.
s out that I have what is called a right bundle branch block: a completely benign electrical glitch that I was most likely just born with (a later conversation with my Dad confirmed this. When I said, “I have this weird electrical thing with my heart,” he glibly said, “yeah…we always knew that” – crap! I wish I had always known that!)

In the end, after some blood tests, an X-Ray and an ultrasound, the doctor informed me that although I had not suffered a heart attack, I had been the victim of another nasty and painful attack…the gallbladder attack. And then all the pieces fell into place. When my mom was about my age (early 40s), she was rushed to the hospital with what she thought was a heart attack, but turned out to be a gallbladder attack. That moment in the car, when I asked myself if I was having a heart attack, was remarkably similar to my own mother’s experience. Also: it turns out that gallstones and the attacks that often accompany them are indeed hereditary.

Scary stuff! I hope that you get the urgery before another attack strikes. Stay away from those donuts!
Heaven’s knows it’s bad. I had one after eating two big servigs of my mom’s eggplant parmiggiano.
I have had vicious food poisoning, an emergency appendectomy, two labours drugless till 8 cm, none of those things hurt as badly for me than this attack. (well, maybe the first pregnancy labour pains walking the halls of Women’s college pausing every 3 minutes for 4 hours).
The gall bladder attack caught me around the same time of night as you, the pain was so bad I vomited (and I have a pretty decent threshold for pain), that had never happened to me before. I thought I was going to die right there on the bathroom floor.
My GP told me to fast on clear liquid for 2 days (I thought she was insane, I had rarely ever skipped a meal being Italian it’s practically a sin) but after the first 24 hours I felt much better and I had lots of time to think about a lifestyle change.
I have kept a pretty clean diet ever since. So far so good fingers crossed.
Wishing you feel well soon!
How terrifying, Kath, but I’m so proud of you that you seem to have dealt with this in such calm and collected manner. I think I’d have been curled up in the fetal position crying very early on in your story. My mom had gallbladder surgery when she was around the same age I am now, and I remember her telling me that the attacks were worse than labour.
Take care of yourself and best wishes for a speedy surgery consult and recovery.