I read somewhere recently that experts say sugar doesn’t make kids hyper. In fact the article said that it’s basically “in the parents head” and that we imagine our kids being extra hyper after we know they ate a pile of candy. Well, these experts should swing by my house (I’m sure yours may be the same too). The only thing in this parent’s head is a headache. My kids were literally bouncing off the walls last night; they just ran down the hall, and when they ran out of real-estate, they jumped and flung themselves against the wall. The other point in this article about the relationship between kids and sugar is that the reason they’re so hyper isn’t so much because of the candy, but typically it’s the atmosphere where they get candy, such as Halloween or birthday parties. I would like to dispute that claim because whether my kids are playing pin the tail on the donkey with friends or if it’s quiet time, if you give them 3 mini chocolate bars, it’s go time. I swear, one handful of sweets and my kids turn into Gary Busey.
So with that being said, I think it’s my duty as a parent to look out for their health by helping them consume some of their candy. They may not appreciate it now, but in the long term they’ll see I only had their best interest in mind. How can I just sit back and watch my children eat a delicious, sweet yet salty peanut butter cup? That beautiful little cup with its perfect chocolate to peanut butter ratio, it’s simply not safe. Don’t even get me started on the highly addictive yet equally amazing mini bags of chips; Daddy should probably eat about 10-15 bags of them as well. In fact kids, if you’re reading this, maybe leave the rest of your candy till Daddy gets home from work and I’ll eat it for you. Once again kids, Daddy loves you and I’m just looking out for your health. Not to worry though, I’ll leave some of your Halloween treats for you to enjoy, by all means the raisins are all yours.
I better finish off this blog real quick and go home to eat my kids candy…ahem…I mean look after their health needs. So I’ll finish up with a list.
Top 5 things my kids did in a fit of hyperactivity after eating too much Halloween candy
5) Put winter tires on my car
4) Learned to speak Polish
3) Ran a half marathon
2) Found Jimmy Hoffa
1) Read War and Peace
Halloween Aftermath

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