Have I ever mentioned that I don’t have much hair?
Yes, well… hence: ACCESSORIES.
They’re for accessorizing. Do not underestimate this. It’s the fastest (and often lest expensive) way to change up your look, be it with hats, belts, or bling. Or glasses.
Like these semi-silly hipster readers. They’re just glass – not prescription. I picked them up over a year ago, but I break them out once in a while. We’re currently in an ON phase.
Glasses change EVERYTHING about your face, obviously. Just think about what a pair of these does for Superman! Suddenly, that badass is in disguise, and no one has any idea of who he is… it’s amazing. And it’s such an easy thing to do. It’s like wearing your hair up, when you normally wear it down. Or switching up your earrings and things.
I sometimes use them as my writing glasses, since I feel different when I wear them – this sometimes helps me focus when I feel distracted, or unmotivated by being in the same chair, trying to get through the same stuff every day.
Okay… they’re really for sex. You know, for fun. Plus, they really help amp up that dirty teacher/librarian game… C’mon. It’s back-to-school time and there’s no shortage of rulers and red apples around here, man.
(Whut? Don’t look at me like that.)
Anyway, with these on, I feel a Serious Person.
I mean, don’t I look serious?
Autumn is upon us… break out your accessories and play. It’s fun!
tortoise shell readers – Forever 21, $6
Hipster. (I say, accusingly, but teasing because I love) I am on the edge of needing real ones, and grew up in them, so they aren’t my play accessory of choice, but you wear them well!
(And me, I have some shoes that are, ahem, for indoors only, let’s say, so I get that entirely.)
Dude, I have a hipster bar story for you… another day. I am NO hipster, that’s for damned sure. #tooold
And I’ll bet those shoes are the bomb, Bombshell Vixen Alice Library Lady… *snort*
Ha! They are super tacky, and leg-breaking tall.
And I so need to hear that story some day. When are you coming back next?
i like them on you but…sigh…and forgive me…but i dislike it when people who don’t have to wear glasses wear glasses because i have worn them since i was 10 and have to wearthemcuzicanbloodywellseewhilei’mswimmingorintherainorthroughthefingerprintsorworryaboutthembreakingmomtheresaspiderinthetentkillitnowbuticantseeanythingorreplacethemcuzmyprescriptionhaschanedandidonthave400dollarsfornewonesblahblahblahblah…..
breathe…sorry. well, on a positive note i do see more kids wearing them so i don’t see as much of the “four-eyes” in the school yards anymore. kids are a little less harsh when one of their classmates comes in all glassed up.
i think i’m just jealous cuz i can’t just pop on the red pair of cateyes to look awesome or the black nerd ones to match my shooz cuz then i’ll have to put my contacts in but there’s lint on itandidon’thaveanysalinesoi’lljustblinkitoutandcrybutnowitsinthesinkandicanonlyseeoutfoneeyedontusethesinknowmylensisintheredarnnitnowihavetogetanewoneificanfindthembutnowmyeyeisswollenandredfromthebloodylintonthe#@$%&lens……
Aw, Julie… I hear you. But don’t hate the play-ah… hate da game!! (I was that sicko who wished for braces when I was younger, too…) But really, I think of them as an accessory like any other. And true – I won’t likely LOVE them when I’m forced to wear the prescription variety, but for now, I’m loving them. They’re kinda hawt… 😉
oh, i’m quite irritated with the game…NEVER with the player 🙂 i just have issues, apparently!
The player says, PHEW!! Don’t worry – I’ll get you a magazine rack for all your issues, Julie – everything’s gonna be awesome, I swear. *fistbump*
I need readers…. not to look hip but to read my kids book at night…I’ in!
Okay, all the better, since they’ll be totally legit. DO IT!!
Thanks! I like ’em!!