I find Old Navy to be rather hit-or-miss from season to season… I haven’t bought much for my son from there in a few years, but it’s been my huckleberry for this girl so far.
And thanks to all those terrific online-shopping rebates and such, I’ve been able to pick up a clutch of sundresses for Madame, who practically cries whenever I wave a pair of pants in front of her eyes. Alrighty then… bring on the dresses, spring er, summer!!
I know some might think I’m crazy to put her in a white dress (or white anything) but it’s not as if I encourage her to go rolling around on her belly in the dirt while she’s wearing it, and anyway, soaking your whites in a basin of cold water with a drop of two of bleach is hardly what I call high maintenance. It’s just cotton… it’s just laundry. And lookit how fresh this little daisy looks, will you please?!
Just about any kind of footware will do… even the bare variety. All good!!
Ava Scarlett wears:
ruffled dobby sundress in calla lilly – Old Navy, $22.94 $16 sale
Urban Kid Closet – May 8th, 2013

Yes indeed! Thats an excellent tip – you dont have to hang things OUTSIDE to get the bleaching effect – so easy!! Youre such a smartypants, Anny… xox
She was singing. And then she broke into a seated version of “Gangnam Style”… and then she laughed her ASS off. Hilarious, she is – holy balls. 🙂
If you have a sunny window, try hanging anything needing to be whitened in in for the afternoon. You will be amazed how well this works!! Spaghetti stains? No problem. Kids school has white only tops? Please! And cloth diapers with those yellow baby poo stains and worse as they age? You got it! An afternoon in the sun and they miraculously disappear before your very eyes!
I know this, and that is why my 3 year old has white capris 🙂
Love the pic of her sitting at the window. It is like she is telling a story, caught in a moment. Adorable.
Its her most favourite thing in the world… 🙂
Oh I miss the dresses that twirl stage…
Thats what I say too… and its not like I leave her in a cage when shes wearing white, but Im not going to let her play in the mud (that day) either. *shrugs* Heres to BLEACH!! 🙂
i love white with kids. so easy to keep clean…bleach it, baby!