As the winter was ending, a neighbour-lady of mine gave me a bag with a few things for Madame, as her own daughter had outgrown the stuff. She often saves me some excellent duds, like these pants. LOVE, I tell you.
So when I opened the bag, I confess, at first I thought this lined raincoat was a bit busy, and I really wasn’t sure what to think about it… until the child slipped it on, and I saw how it was made of Adorable. Plus, she loved it. Win!
Boots were the challenge, since I everywhere I looked had nothing in her size. Enter: Beyond The Rack which is subscription site that sends me emails about all kinds of goods… they had a bunch of rainboots for little kids, only I couldn’t find anything in pink or yellow I could abide by. (Nor in orange, which could have been smashing.) So I opted for this plaid pair (dark green, burgundy, and lilac plaid – holy wow) with cute little buckles on the sides, that appeared to be in the same brown-y/beige tone as the jacket. (Same-same!) And I hoped the modern floral and the plaid would work well together.
They totally do. The boots also look great with that faux-leather jacket, for wearing on soggy soccer fields long after a raincoat is really needed. Win-win!
I didn’t find the twenty-four dollar price tag so egregious, but the down side was the $11 shipping cost… BOO!! But, my lovely and completely wonderful mother sent money for the boots as a gift, and I spent nothing for the jacket… sometimes you just gotta roll with things. But still. Suck. I suppose into every life, a little rain must fall…
[Or a tornado… Oh, Oklahoma – we are all so crushed by your losses.]
Ava Scarlett wears:
modern floral swing raincoat – Elle, (hand-me-down)
plaid rainboots – Henry Ferrera, $24 + $11 rape shipping (Thanks, mum!!)
Urban Kid Closet – May 23rd, 2013

i like BTR and ill even eat the $11 shipping…its the $9 you have to pay to return stuff! ive learned my lesson and only buy things i know will fit. im getting some sparkly shoes from them…next week! squee!
love the jacket. i find busy prints look best on wee people.