I’ve been sorting and purging and re-storing our things over the last few weeks, but I really like this process. It lends opportunity to taking a close look at your things for the coming season or two – it’s more obvious for children, who outgrow things like jackets, pants, and shoes, but my own items often need more careful consideration. As I’ve mentioned before, closet space is at a premium in our house, and I’m no hoarder, so I need to be judicious and ruthless about what I keep!
I always try to trick out the insides of my closets so they look attractive, and I get to fall in love with my stuff again. Like those black and white spectator pumps on the shelf? I don’t wear them every day of course, but every time I open my closet door (which is several times a day) I half-smile and swoon a little to myself, and purr, “oh haaaaai, shooooooes…” That’s pretty rad, considering I’ve had those shoes for a hundred years or more.
And out come the straw purses, and away go the suede ones. Howdy flip-flops and fedoras… fare-thee-well furs and toques. I did keep the stretch mini gloves on hand for now, since Mother Nature is clearly drunk and needs to go home. Fickle weather, yo – gotta be prepared.
Another great thing about this practice is really noting what is still in good repair and what isn’t so one can shop accordingly and not over-consume. Get rid of what doesn’t suit, but make use of what still does. If you’re a sewer, try repurposing items if you can. You don’t really need the same sandal in fifteen colours. If you’re not wearing that thing, donate it to someone who can use it. Get it out of your life… just don’t be all “disposable” about what you purchase in the first place.
I like to be savvy with my dollar whenever I can, but Bangladesh and the business of retail is still weighing heavily in my heart and on my mind. I’m glad to note that I still have many of my inexpensive purchases in rotation years later. Outside of the shoes and bags, I’m not prone to hang onto many garments for five years or longer, nor do I have racks and racks of clothes. I wear what I own… and when it’s over, it’s over. *shrugs* I’m also not terribly sentimental about most “things” which is good for me.
Have you you done your spring fling yet? How are your closets shaping up this season?!
The Closet Shrink: Spring Fling(ing)

I have a good sized walk-in and it is a disgraceful, unorganized mess.
I need to buy a stack of wooden hangers, purge and then pretty it up, like yours.
i just flung some more hobo undies and got some new ones…baby steps…
Oh, ME TOO!! Go get a bunch of those maxi-dresses when you find some, Lliz – I know theyll look EXCELLENT on you. Throw a skinny belt on and sling it low-style, or a chunky one worn higher than you think you should… and if the dress is two long, knot it at the bottom off to the side, like you would a t-shirt (but in that case, no belt.) Oh, and get a straw fedora, too. And bangles. DO IT.
ooo I love a good purge! need to make room for a black maxi dress bc I super super want one!