You know, when you have a renovation on your horizon, no matter how massive you anticipate the project to be, somehow it’s still just bigger than you’d imagined.
*quietly sips wine*
Don’t bother looking at your watch – it’s wine o’clock all the time right now.
(And don’t look at me like that, either.)
There’s plastic on all kinds of stuff around here. Some rooms are too hot to be in… others are just dusty. But ’tis a necessary evil, since we don’t want the roof to cave in while they take old bricks off the house and put new ones back on.
I mean, I guess.
If I look on the bright side, I can still open my fridge, my stove, and my dishwasher. So I can still do all the cooking and things. That’s my favourite part.
All things being relative, it could be so much worse than this. Right?
Grumble, grumble…
your a$$ is definitely under 🙂 just get one of those beer hats for your wine. it will be more convenient to have your hands free while this is all going on!
Yes, but I reckon this way my a$$ will stay fresher under all this plastic wrap. Please pass the wine…