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I find it a little bit strange to be at the end of another year. I mean, already.
Me: Wow, Time… you sure do march along in a hurry…
Time: *coolly* Whut?
Me: Time! I’m speaking to you!! Weren’t we just here a minute ago? New Years’ Eve? Like, last year?
Time: And the year before… and before… *rolls eyes*
Me: *incredulously* Did you just roll your eyes at me? *clutches pearls* HOW DARE!!
Time: *yawns*
Me: So… are we in the same place as we were before? The same place we’ve always been?
Time: I dunno… are you?
Me: I dunno… am I?
I’ve been pondering this in the recesses of my own mind for quite some time. For months, actually. It’s a place the mind naturally drifts back to when one feels… a bit stuck, perhaps.
I like this place – this soft space called UrbanMoms, where I’ve been quite happy to be for the last few years. Where I’ve felt well-loved and embraced by an excellent community of people – other mothers, women (and men) – all dear to my heart… it’s been a wonderful experience being here in this glorious forest with all these tall and wonderful trees…
Me: Must I really pull up all these roots?
Time: They only grow deeper, the longer you stay… everyone knows that.
Indeed, everyone knows that.
And so, it’s with a very heavy heart that I bid you all adieu – and it’s not a decision I make lightly at all. I really have loved being here, but it’s just time for me to move onto other things… even if I have no idea what those things are just yet.
Me: Time? Can you please slow down a little?
Time: *shakes head* That’s not how this works, sister. What exactly are you waiting for?
Me: Well, I… um… I…
Time: *taps imaginary watch with index finger* Tick… tick… tick…
Me: Well, can you at least stop marching across my face? I’m not getting any younger, you know…
Time: *smirks* Pfft… that’s what they all say.
Me: You know something? I don’t like your tone. *squints* You remind me of a Segway I once had the displeasure of riding…
It’s good to try new things – even things that feel scary. Especially as we flip over to a New Year, I reckon. 2014 is about to be brand new, with no mistakes or bad words or tread marks in it. (I’ll do my best about those bad words, but you know I can make no promises, for this potty-mouth of mine has a mind of it’s own, and I declare, sometimes I just can’t help myself.)
So, my darling muthers, make your next year count for something. Don’t allow Time to catch up with you. (Nobody likes that guy much anyway.) Be brave and be bold, and do something new… wear something that makes you feel all HUZZAH when you step outside, but don’t forget to wear your smile, and your empathy, so you can touch people as you go by. These are both tres important things, and they count for more than you think. Exercise a little, even if you hate it as hard as I do. (C’mon now – you know it’s the right way to be.) Have more sex. Or at least watch some on television. Clean out your closets and get rid of the crap you don’t need. Do it today. Live your life. Live it well. Dance to all the tunes that make you happy! And if you don’t dance, then at least whistle. You know how I love a song that starts off with a good whistle, right?
You’ll see me around the internets, my Internets – and everyone knows how to find Grumble Girl…
Indeed, everyone knows that.
Thank you for reading me. Thanks for getting me. It’s been a swell time, all – thank you very, very much for having me.
Thanks for loving me.
With all my gratitude, and with a full heart, I wish each and every one of you only good things for 2014!
Grumble Girl xox
PS – Hairy vests = coolness… GO GET SOME!
*takes a deep bow and moonwalks out, stage left*
Tracey? I can’t even…
Bu-bye, my lovely. I will miss you more.
You all rock the hard jam… thank you, and thank you some more. xoxoxox
*big pout* ok, rock the next scene darling. It won’t be as snappy without you.
thank heavens for your posts thus far. We’re grateful.
You will be sorely missed.
can’t …..
Wha?? No! I will miss you SO hard, Tracey. Meeting you was so darn wonderful this summer. Happy New Years…may this fresh start be everything you’re dreaming of!
Oh Tracey, I’ll miss you here. But, yes, I know where to find you. All the best for 2014 and live it fully. Much love
sad face!!!! 🙁 but i shall lovingly stalk you on grumble girl if that’s okay. happy new year!!!
I will miss you so much! But I know where to find you…