As I headed out for drinks with a friend one evening last week, I grabbed a coat I’d not worn for some time… it was pouring with rain, and it was suddenly chilly, even for September.
I threw it over my shoulders as I ran down the stairs (late, late…) and searched for the sash to tie it up. My pockets felt full, and I slipped my hand inside the right one:

In the other pocket? Something else I was certain was long lost…
Oh, hai cell phone!
I lost track of this thing sometime in June, I think. What drove me craziest about it was not knowing what happened to it! I like to know I dropped something down a sewer, or left it on a bus bound for Saskatchewan. Or whatever.
And as much as I spent my summer daydreaming about replacing this relic with a new, glossy, super-sexy smart phone, the reality is I don’t use my phone much at all.
I kind of loathe talking on the phone.
I have it in case of emergencies, like when school needs to reach me. (Though, I’m pretty sure I’ve never been called…) I tell you, my cell phone so seldom rings, whenever it does, I gasp and do a spazzy little dance, tossing it from one hand to the other like a hot potato, completely surprised that the thing is ringing at all.
Up until last year, I had the phone number taped on the outside of it, just so I could recall it, if asked. I don’t even text. Or sext. Or whatever that thing is when you send naked pictures of yourself with lude comments to other people electronically. Not that I’m against it or anything… I’m just not that kind of girl. (Call me old-fashioned, I guess.)
I will admit, I’m also not into carrying around forty quarters in order to use a pay phone, like when I arrived in Toronto this summer without it, and had to actually locate a pay phone (imagine!!) and insert not one, but TWO quarters in order to make a call. It’s the most archaic thing I’ve done, like, ever. Next time, I’ll just find a weak-looking kid to push down, and use his. (Just kidding! Kinda.)
I would, however, love to be on le Twitter while in line at the grocery store, or change my Facebook status to reflect my state of mind, since it’s all so very, VERY important, but the truth is, I spend a large portion of my time in my house… not talking on the phone. And anyway, I don’t need another internet-y bill. (This is what I tell myself in order to feel better about not having a fancy phone.)
Besides, I think I’d rather save up for things I would really enjoy. Like diamonds. Or maybe a pony.
How much do you love your phone? Can you live without it?
“I love you, Mom.” Worth the phone, right there.
When your children are teens, you will not be able to live without your phones. Because it will be your lifeline to them. Better learn to text … “Leaving school, going to Anna’s” “It’s pouring, can you come pick me up?” “I hate this course, going to guidance to switch.” “MOM! THERE’S A GREECE TRIP THIS YEAR!” “Choir after school today, home later.” And every once in a while, “I
I’m actually ending mine on October 12…I really don’t use it much anyway, so we’ll see how this goes! π
I have recently upgraded to an android phone and I am in love!! Not only does it have all of the wonderful apps and games as the iPhone, but most of them are free!! The best app is called “Where is my droid”? If I loose my phone, I just text a predetermined phrase from someone else’s phone to my phone and my phone starts ringing at it’s loudest level…even if it is set to vibrate! The odd chance that doesn’t work, I just text another predetermined phrase and I get a text back with the GPS location of my phone!
I love it! Can’t live without it!!
I have to have a cell not so much for its phone properties(mine gave up working 6 months ago) although I used to do the happy dance whenever my daughter called me. I need it more for its pda properties. I had measles at 4 months old so nothing exists until my phone beeps and tells me what to do whether to go to an appointment or go eat or go pick up a birthday card.
I hate talking on the phone. Hate it. I avoid it like the living plague, unless it’s one of those calls from someone I love much but see rarely. Then we talk forever. π I got a cell phone because I look after kids, and kids tend to schedule their emergencies for when their grownups are least prepared to deal with them. I had the same ancient flip phone for 9 years. Texted once, in that time. Used 9 minutes of air time each month. Seriously!
And then my husband got me a BlackBerry…. And I became one of those people who tweets from the Disney store (*hanging head in shame*). Sigh.
addicted. I’m a crackberry addict. I fought it for so long and now I can’t. I covet the iPhone – like I worship at the altar of the iPhone….
I had your exact same phone, which I also never used except for calling my husband while I was out picking something up. Then my husband came home a couple of weeks ago with an brand new IPhone for me and WOW! Can I tell you how much I love that phone. I can look up anything anywhere and it makes the time go by so much faster waiting for kids to get out of school. If you can swing it, I would tell you to run and get one. I don’t know how I lived this long without one π
It’s a LustreGlass called “Beaux” which is pretty much all I wear on my lips (unless I add the super-shiny clear LipGlass on top – POW!!) I always have (had) my phone with me too, but it just never rings. I like it like that. π
My phone is always with me. Always. I like to feel connected.
That said – the battery died before pick up the other day so I sat in the van listening to NOT Radio Disney. It was kinda nice. I probably would have tweeted about it π
Hurrah to finding the LipGlass! Is it Viva Glam?
I never seem to find money in my pockets… prolly because I don’t have any money. Heh.
You do know me well, lady… hee!! And yes – not a phone lover. Never have been. I like to see people’s faces instead!
i’m very much like you with the phone. i only use it for “emergencies” such as…honey, i’m in the store…do we need bran buds? who would wanna talk to little ol’ me anyway? i prefer it when i find my coat pockets stuffed with money π
I could have said this was from your pocket solely from the combination cheeseburger wrapper and MAC gloss. The phone thing actually surprised me, but if you are at home a lot, why bother.