Our family is busy, like yours, especially at this time of year! We’ve kicked it into high gear. The kids are wrapping up their final projects before the holiday break and there’s tons to do from scheduling, organizing and homework. Throw in my desperate need to get the holiday shopping done (and hopefully daddy is too) we’re all wanting stuff to happen quickly and efficiently.
Seriously, what did we do without all this technology? Back in my day…well, we know how the line goes. Yes, we picked up the phone, we trekked in the cold to the malls with our coats and boots, and we spent a lot of time getting from A to B. Okay, we still do a bit of that but today, with the help of useful tools like tablets and the internet, we can make better use of our time and energy.
I’ve been recently testing out the new Dell Venue 8 Tablet with the Intel and completely impressed with the speed and performance of this handy device! OMG! It’s fast and I like that. Yes, I’m finding that time is of the essence. Then I realized (aside from it’s sleek design) the real essence of this device is the Intel. As that saying goes, “it’s what’s inside that matters.”
But let’s back it up a bit….you may be asking, “What is Intel? ”
Intel revolutionized the personal computing age in just a short 4o year timeframe. It’s pretty amazing to see how far we’ve come in technology. Intel has inspired us all to create and do more in life. You can learn more about the company at their site at www.intel.ca
But what do I love about it?
Intel can keep up with my busy lifestyle. I’m a multi-tasker and always have a few things on the go…and on my mind. The ability to jump from one thing to another seamlessly is important to me.
It’s fast and it’s easy to navigate from the moment you turn it on. You can jump quickly between apps, emails, searching and taking photos. I particularly love the voice commands that have been very handy. I’ve been searching for new restaurants in New York to try for an upcoming trip and recipes for that big Christmas family dinner that I’ll be hosting. I didn’t need to type in anything in the search just by voice it was able to recognize and searches fast. And with it’s feature PocketCloud you can have access to your files from a PC or smartphone as well while you’re on the go!
The device is also compact. I’ve been carrying it around in my purse as it doesn’t take up very much space plus the battery life has been impressive. I’ve been using it for 3 days and still haven’t needed to recharge it.
While we decide on what devices to get we often forget that it’s what inside that counts. It’s clearly wonderful choice for families on the go and I’m even thinking it’s a perfect gift for teens and grandparents.
CONTEST GIVEAWAY and just in time for the holidays!
Our friends at Intel would like to offer one very lucky Urbanmoms reader a chance to own a brand new Dell Venue 8 tablet with Intel (retail value $179.99). This great lightweight Android tablet includes the incredibly powerful dual-core Intel Atom processor, and has an HD screen. It also has front and back cameras perfect for video chats and photos. Perfect gift to help you out with the holiday gift giving season, don’t you think? Or keep it for yourself 😉
TO ENTER: Simply tell us “Who, or what, has inspired you lately?” in the comment section below.
And make sure you follow Intel Canada on Twitter @intelcanada #intelhols this holiday season!
Contest Closes: December 15th, 2013 at noon EST. For contest rules link here at Rules & Regulations
I love this video that reminds us to #lookinside
Okay…then I saw this video that totally inspired me…
This post is not sponsored, nor was I compensated. All opinions are my own…as always. I was provided with a Dell Venue 8 with Intel Tablet for review purposes only.
My kids always inspire me to do better!
My mother has always inspired me!
I have 4 great kids that are so grateful and full of respect. they inspire me everyday. im so proud.
My mom inspires me till this day. She is extremely hard working.. always smiling and helping others. I love her helping and giving spirit.
My son inspiries me,.. At the age of 3 he is so smart and does things that I would never imagine a 3 year old doing
I am inspired by the generosity of all those who donate their time and money at this time of year.
My family. No matter the trails we seem to go through we stand together.
My son is the one that inspires me. He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 3 days before he turned 14 years old. A new found disease, being a teenager and starting high school soon after that one would think it would plummet him into a depression. He has surprised me and made me so very proud. He has taken the disease in stride and has adjusted better than most adults ever would. He never complains and does not let it get him down. He is my sunshine and my world, I am so very proud of my young man
I’ve been inspired by the blog of Phyllis and Michael Sommer, whose 8-year-old son died of leukemia early Saturday morning. Throughout Sammy’s 18-month journey, they blogged to keep their huge network of supporters up-to-date with both wonderful news and terrible news. They shared anger, humour, love, and gratitude right up to the end, when Phyllis had the astonishing grace to share a post about Sammy’s last hours and let everyone know he had died quietly, in the shelter of his parents’ love.
Inspired me lately, i dont know, but in general the holiday season makes me feel better and be better, i guess i have been programmed that way now.
My dad who works on a remote site so he can only come home every 3 months or so, its a tough life but he is doing it for us.
My Brother who just got married to his sweetheart, such a great time and such a motivation.
My sister who takes care of 3 toddlers on her own, i was overwhelmed when she stayed over for weeks.
The families I work with. They struggle with all kinds of challenges and do the best they can for their children.
My inspiration is my daughter. Together we donate lots of toys and other items at Christmas for various charities.
My inspiration comes from the joy of the season. It is heart warming to see that there is love and respect in everything we do. It comes from hard working moms and dads, dedicated students and extended family always willing to lend a helping hand.
My inspiration comes from my students! I really enjoying seeing them grow and change from the beginning of the year onward! The kids keep me young and I never forget what it was like to be a child! I try my best to keep the class motivated and constantly thinking about the world around them! Little do they know…that I often learn a lot about life by just listening the the kids and valuing their opinions and ideas! Merry Ho Ho!
Snowden ,we need more people like him
I was inspired by a story I saw on Ellen where a boy with disabilities was being teased about what he wore. He dressed up for school everyday. Another boy heard about it and got all of his friends to dress up on support of the first boy.
I’ve recently been inspired by the WestJet commercial. Very heartwarming.
My kids inspire me everyday to enjoy life one day at a time and to be grateful for everything we have!
My grandfather. He recently passed but he always had a smile and gave 100% at what ever he did.
My son has inspired me over the last few months. He joined the Army Cadets and has since started volunteering with them to help various organizations and has joined their biathlon team and has placed 2nd in his first tournament.
I’m always inspired by those who pursue their passions/hobbies and turn it into an income.
My sister
my 12 year old son’s commitment to his hockey team inspires me every time I watch him play.
My friend inspires me with her holiday spirit this time of year
Toronto teenager Olivia Wise inspired me and people around the world after a video of her singing Katy Perry’s “Roar” went viral.
Sadly Wise died, two years after being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. Her video and song (available on itunes) will continue to inspire and raise money for brain cancer research and support for children battling cancer.
I am inspired by the time given by everyone involved in care for the homeless.
My grandchildren inspire me, they are kind, compassionate, full of laughter and energy. They help me stay young at heart.
My sister is the most inspiring person to me right now. She is due to go for Gastric bypass surgery on Dec. 17. Not much of a Christmas for her as she will be recovering at home during the Holidays. Not only has she struggled with cancer and unexplained weight gain, but she has kept going no matter what. Now she is on an all liquid diet these past 3 weeks, until after the surgery. I know I would never been able to do what she is doing now and holding down a full time job! I would love to be able to give my little sister the world but I can’t, but this would make her holiday a little more enjoyable.
my daughter’s commitment to her family inspires me
I’m inspired by generous people, especially around this time of year when so many people are without basic necessities.
My daughter inspires me on a daily basis. She is so kind and is always thinking of other people, she is very considerate of people’s feelings and wants everybody to be happy. I learn from her how to be a better person 🙂
I saw a 90 yr old woman out and about, I want to be as active as her.
my mother’s positive take on life always inspires me
My mom inspires me! I have three sisters, and she has managed to keep us all under control throughout our childhood. Thanks for the contest!
My friend inspires me. The mother of five grown daughters, and grandmother to nine, her home is open to all at all times.
My children inspire me to never give up
My mom inspires me. I love her and wish I could be as good of a mother to my children as she was to me.xoxo
My boyfriend who is working so hard in school
My children inspire me..they are so giving and kind to others ..and always want to help others ..so proud of them
My new partner of 3 weeks has completely inspired me, what a great time to fall in love.
Merry Christmas to all.
Kevin Linkie
My Kids. They are so determined and fearless, they inspire me every day.
I recently saw a clip on tv about this company that makes bucket water filters for places that don’t have fresh water or disease free water and it cleans the water well enough to drink, It is in two parts and is moveable if they have to evacuate or just move to a new area they can move it easily it just sits on a counter over a sink as there is a spigot for the water to come out like a tap or it can be rested on a stool, but its only $50 and a family has clean water now I wanted to contribute to one but alas I am in poverty myself can’t afford to do these things, I hope those that can, will.
My cousin is one of those people who sets a goal and then actually takes steps to accomplish it. Earlier this year she decided to run a marathon on every continent. Besides North America, she’s also travelled to China and Greece this year. Me? I’ve had “run a half marathon” on my resolution list for seven years. Watching her accomplish a goal has made me start training for my first half in May of next year.
My Mom. She stood by her own mom as cancer slowly took her life and displayed incredible strength, compassion, and love.
I recently watched a episode of BT where there suprised people that give to others . They had there Christmas show 1 month early and suprised them all with gifts …it was a feel good show all the way around
These people inspired me http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/moments-that-restored-our-faith-in-humanity-this-y
I loved the WestJet video that has gone viral, the fact that they looked after the grownups too! I am inspired by those who give because they care!
The fact that people volunteer their time and effort to help others in need.
My daughter inspires me everyday!
My wife inspires me. She is so positive and nice day in and day out. I can and have learned a lot from her.
My mother in law inspires me. She will drop everything to help someone out. She volunteers her time, takes care of her mother, husband, grandkids, and grows food and cooks for everyone. She reminds me of what is important and inspires me to be a better person.
My son’s teacher inspire me by patiently explained how to use a computer software Not only to my son, She also call me to ensure I understand how to use it. Thank you so much Ms Squirrell. I hope teachers in Canada all being so helpful and professional. So Canada’s future will be all successful in the next generations……
My Mom inspires me. She lost her companion, my father, of more than 77 years. They grew up together and went to school together, fell in love and got married. Seeing what a truly strong and amazing woman she is in truly inspirational to me.
Watching the WestJet holiday presents giveaway has inspired me to give more. That was such a wonderful gesture to their customers.
My husband inspires me everyday – he puts 110% into everything and that kind of determination is truly inspiring.
My mom has inspired me. She had four children and now that I’m a mother of four, I can fully appreciate everything she did for us.
My son recently started college and he inspires me with his love of learning and his new found independence!
My 90 year old mother-in-law inspires to this day! With failing health, she still is optimistic, happy and grateful for every passing day! She cherishes her moments with her family and still insists on doing as much as she can on her own. She shares her memories and her wisdom is very much valued. I hope to have her strength, courage and charm if I get anywhere close to her age.
Sometimes, inspiration comes from a total stranger….a friend of a friend. That is who I have been inspired by lately…a friend of a friend that has been battling cancer. It makes me want to live life to the fullest.
My mother inspires me! She has persevered through so many hardships.
My Mom inspires me. She is a senior but you would never know it. She is out and about from early morning to the end of the day and then she stays up with the night owls until 2 a.m. She drives in any kind of weather without fear, our weather is currently heavy blowing snow, treacherous road conditions and cold temps. That doesn’t stop her from doing volunteer work at the auxiliary hospital, shopping for her 85 yr old sister in law, driving her grandchildren wherever they need to go, cooking family dinners and making hand-made quilts. When I think I’m too rushed or tired to do something, I look at my Mom and it spurs me into action. My Mom could definitely use this Dell Venue 8 Tablet.
What inspired me lately are my patients in the hospital. I work at two hospitals. ONe in an oncology palliative unit and one is the neurological unit/rehab. I am inspired to those people who knows who are dying but yet fights day by day to survive each day to be able to see their family. I am inspired that people who are touch or affected by illness, now realized how much precious our life is. We go day to day thinking we have to work to survive to pay off our bills our homes, pay for things we don’t need and pay for things that we really don’t need. Truthfully, I think what inspired me more the most is that we have to fight for the people around us because our health is more important, our family. The rest is just penny change. Little things should not matter. Family and health is what matters because without them, how do we survive. So as a nurse, I love my patients! They inspire me because they show me everyday how lucky I am to be able to provide my care to them and be looked up by them because I care.
I am inspired by my daughter, to follow my dreams and keep trying.
My 92 year old Grandma is beyond inspiring! She is always helping others out, always joining in with all of the activities in her complex and always out and about socializing. Every time I call she is either not home or on her way out to go play dominoes or cards (even learning new games!), doing senior aerobics, at her supper club with friends or out dancing. In fact, just recently she sprained a leg muscle while out dancing. If I can say that my biggest physical pain is a pulled muscle from DANCING at age 92, I think I’ll be doing something right!!
I am inspired by my mother
my Mother. despite all the negative things have been going on in her life, she always has a positive, cheerful attitude and I’m sure will endure! thanks
My friend Ruby – she has a bad knee and yet she walks my dogs and son to school every morning because I was overloaded with my husband away.
Who, or what, has inspired you lately? my friend Harm inspires me, he has been through so much and always has a positive attitude
My 5 yo inspires me daily with her speaking words. Each day is a happy surprise. #autism
JDRF has inspired me because I would love a cure for type 1 diabetes before anyone else has the unfortunate fate of acquiring this devistating life long chronic disease.
My kids inspire me. They are the joy of my life, always ready to accept new challenges in their own lives.
My friend Sara inspires me. She moved here from the States and gave up everything. But she is always so positive, and always thinks of others first. Constantly positive!
my friend Cindy, she has been through so much and always has a positive attitude
I am inspired by all the stories and fond memories expressed by people around the world for Nelson Mandela. he is a force that will not be forgotten on this earth for many years to come. A great hero to all men and women
My mother inspires me every day. She always puts others before herself. She has overcome so many obstacles and has taught me to persevere no matter what challenges come your way.
My daughter. She decided to spend her 16th birthday at a funeral home to show support for a recently deceased family member, saying being surrounded by family was the best way to celebrate the day. Amazingly unselfish and made me so proud 🙂
People that push thru no matter the circumstances.
My dad. My brother moved to mexico with his family for a teaching job this year and my dad misses his grandkids Zoe and Hunter. He wants to be able to skype with them via tablet which also helps my mom who isn’t as mobile as she used to be. This would be amazing for them. Thank you.
My children inspire me daily to keep learning and to try new things 😀
My daughter inspires me. She is a middle child and sometimes has to do with out yet she doesn’t complain and always has a smile ready .
I am inspired by people who selflessly give their time and efforts to make life better for others.
I am inspired by the Sandy Hook parents for their dignity and resilience.
My sister inspires me. She has terminal cancer and her outlook on continuing to live while dieing is a true inspiration. I feel truly blessed for the time I can spend with her.
I am inspired by the many single Moms who valiantly do whatever it takes to raise their children and instill in them values which strengthen the fabric of our society.
I would love to win this but after reading all of the stories below my inspiration doesn’t stand up to them. I wish them all good luck in winning this. Thank you.
The people who work at the Soup Kitchens and Shelters on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day inspire me so much! To be out, away from your cozy house, your family/friends, your ‘presents’ to go and serve food to those who have no where else to go, can’t afford to make/buy that dinner themselves, or maybe just need to be in a warm place with smiling, friendly faces just amazes me every year! The way that people can be so self-less and giving always restores my faith in mankind and makes me want to be a better person! After all, the meaning of Christmas, no matter what your belief system, isn’t how many things you get or what they are, but spending time with people that you love, giving/generosity, and being thankful for how truly blessed/lucky we all are to be alive! I really do believe that the best gift you can give anyone at any time of the year is a smile….and these people do this for those who probably don’t receive or give smiles very much at all!
I am always inspired by the dedicated doctors and technicians who work for Doctors without borders.
I’ve been inspired to have a stress-less holiday season by a dear friend of mine. She’s always got a smile on her face & just takes things as they come. Her house isn’t perfect but she’s always got a hot mug of coffee/tea waiting for me if I need to pop in & de-stress a bit too – bonus!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
My daughters inspire me everyday, both of my youngest daughters have been dealing with Mental Health issues daily for the last several years. They continue to struggle but still manage to have a smile and a hug for their mom. They face situations daily that no young person should have to and have been able to overcome many obstacles.
My friend Amanda she is going to school , raising 2 children and moving to a new house with her husband
At this time of year I am always inspired by how generously my friends donate to people in need, to help spread joy and fill cupboards during the holiday season. I am proud to know so many kind hearted and giving people.
My daughter inspires me every day. Diagnosed with an emotional disease, she has been able to finish school and become a competent teacher while learning how to deal with everyday stress.
My husband has inspired me. He has been working 14 hour days for the past 2 weeks, with no break. And when he finally gets home at night, he never complains, he asks me about my days, gets up with my daughter if she wakes and brings home so much love. He is such an amazing father and husband, I wish I could do more for him. Merry Christmas!
The Secret Santas inspire me. I love the idea of anonymously handing out cash to those in need or paying off holiday tabs! I aspire to be able to do this one day!
A friend who is winning what was supposed to be a terminal battle with cancer
my 95 year old Grandma is my inspiration. She is very healthy and still lives on her own. She looks and acts like she is 70! amazing woman!
My husband inspires me. He has a calm manner about him and when I get frustrated (which is often and especially at this time of the year) I come to realize how unimportant things are that upset me.
My sons inspire me with their positive attitudes.
A friend of mine just lost her baby brother and she has been so “together” in the face of this tragic loss I can’t help but be inspired by her.
My mother inspires me everyday. She is such a giving and caring woman that she always makes me want to be that way also.
A new man in my life has inspired me. Weve only known each other for a couple of weeks but he is awe inspiring for what he has done and where he has gotten himself.
A new friend of mine and I have been having these great conversations about life and parenting since September and I can’t tell you how different my perspective has become. I am more focussed, content and I feel like I am better equipped to parent my children in a positive and loving way.
One of the seniors in the nursing home I work in has inspired me to become a better person by not complaining despite the health issues she has.
My inspirational person is my very close friend, thru her battle with Cancer, she still found time to work with Special Olympics, help care for her grandson who is autistic, and spend time with friends. She is a true example of how to live life to the fullest
My daughter inspires me. She has a learning disability yet is always happy and smiling no matter what. She loves life so much and brings a happy face to anyone she meets. She’s empathetic and worries about others and even got an award at school for being that way. She always knows when someone just needs a hug and inspires me to make sure she is always happy and never loses her awesome spirit of fun and adventure.
My sweet beautiful baby girl inspires me.
My Dad inspires me to stop and appreciate everything and everyone around me. His health hasn’t been 100%, which has caused him to take early retirement.. which for him was so hard to do.. He’s always been a workaholic. I’ve noticed a huge change in him since doing so though. He seems to actually be enjoying life now, his family and most of all his grandchildren, whom he never spent much time with because he was always working. His grandchildren adore him and the bonds he’s formed with all of them are wonderful.
I have a friend that is dealing with cancer right now. she is so brave a real fighter….she inspires me!!
my mother inspires me with her generosity to others
Chris Hadfield and his passion for his work inspires me.
My mom has been a huge inspiration to me. She is the best caregiver to my dad who is fighting MS. She get’s about 9 hours a week to herself and she uses that time to make sure my kids and myself are doing well and to take them to any appointments I can’t make because of work. She is my hero and doesn’t get enough credit for all she does. Love you, momma.
I have been inspired by Nelson Mandela, he was a wonderful soul, and will be greatly missed
My daughter inspires me every day.
I’ve been inspired by all my blogger friends this season. Seeing all their lovely Christmas posts with treats had me in my kitchen baking cookies all last week. I think I found a new tradition, so thanks ladies!
I’ve been inspired by the life and words of Nelson Mandela
Oprah inspires me everyday. She is my idol.
inspired by my hubby – laid off from his job on a thursday and then has a new job by friday – awesome!
The legacy that Nelson Mandela left behind
I just watched a documentation about Nelson Mandela’s life and was totally inspired by him
I have been inspired by people is recently met in a hospital. They were facing their illnesses with bravery and humility.
My family inspires me daily, my husband going to work daily after a head on collision, others would have given up, he amazes me daily, I’m so blessed to have such a great person as my husband
Terry Fox:) Never give up!
My son inspires me because he is following his dreams.
I am inspired by my daughter who is graduating this year and has applied to a school in the city and has been accepted. She works and does dance 3 days a week and is just a little go getter. She inspires me everyday with her zest for life and her determination to go after her dreams
I am inspired by Arlene Dickinson because she is really honest and down to earth. She tells it like it is and you can learn so much from her.
My children inspire me with the learning and growing they do before my eyes and they teach me more than I realize from putting smiles on my face with the little things in life that sometimes as a busy adult we don’t always see or find.
My grandchildren inspire me.
I’m recently inspired by a cat that has adopted me – he is so grateful for a home.
My Friend Shawnda, who while battling cancer, had her father and her husband both diagnosed with cancer. She never gave up and is an inspiration to all that know her
With all the talk of Mandela, it has to be him!
My mom inspires me to be more patient.
Nelson Mandela
My son has inspired me by never giving up.
My friend Vicki has inspired me! She is dealing with breast cancer and is absolutely amazing with her attitude — she makes me realize that every day is a gift!
My children inspire me everyday, from the oldest struggling in university, to the youngest excelling in grade one.
My mom constantly inspires me! She has so many health issues, but never lets anything stop her from doing what she does on a regular basis. I gain strength from her. 🙂
My son inspires me to do things I have never tried.
My family is my greatest inspiration
Stories like this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/10/1915-letter-to-santa-photo_n_4416635.html?utm_hp_ref=good-news&ir=Good%20News inspire me
I work with Seniors, and Vets, and I have to say they inspire me everyday. When I feel old, tired or lost, they put it all in perspective for me.
my friend gabe. single mom, doin’ it on her own…just had to give up an internal organ and still has a sense of humour.
The salvation army kettle fund volunteers
The RE*Generation movement to help homeless kids off the streets.
What inspires me.. Nelson Mandela and how he even in his death has brought more people together than ever before. everyone can achieve greatness if given a chance to . Nobody should ever be denied the chance to succeed
I’ve just been inspired to take up felting, after coming across a gorgeous blog with felt making tutorials.
My mother.. with 3 kids of my own,.. I don’t know how she stayed so organized and kept us all so happy. 🙂
I was just inspired by a Westjet promotion on YouTube today–Santa Claus made wishes come true!
My family does
My mom- She helped my dad through a tough time after an accident and she has been there for him for 46 years.
My best friend inspires me most! She has fibromyalgia and I can tell she’s in pain on a daily basis, however she does not let that stop her. She works with seniors and is a bright light in their days, she’s always there for all of us, no matter what, she is always positive and a joy to be around. She’s the sister I never had and I can’t imagine life without her!
My husband inspires me daily. He has MS and works hard to maintain his mobility by exercising regularly. As a result, after 30 years of having this disease, we still travel and he volunteers 3 days a week
My mother is my greatest inspiration. I love her smile, her enthusiasm and her zest for life is so infectious! She makes the most out of every situation. My mother never gives up. I learned to persevere no matter what the end result from my mother. She is always there for me, with an open ear, a helping hand, and a heart of gold. My mother has always inspired me to be proud of who I am and to live life to the fullest and always dream big because with hard work and determination my dreams can and will come true!(Jan Dempsey)
My inspiration comes from my father lately. He is 80 years old, has battled stomach cancer for the past two years and is now in remission. He started back at the gym and pool very slowing but is on his way. Last weekend he actually decided he was driving to Florida for a couple of months! He is definitely a pillar of strength for the family and we all there for him!
My Dad has definitely inspired me. At 77 he found out he had cancer. He resolved to beat it – and he did. He got the all clear last week. What could be more inspiring than that!!!!
My 70-year old parents have inspired me with their interest in yoga. They recently started their own plank challenge and can hold a plank for over 2 and a half minutes!
My family has inspired me lately with all all their help and support in our renovating decisions.
Inspired by my family and friends who have walked by our side this year as we battled cancer. Their support never wavered.
The Voice – the show does a great job of portraying the musicians’ enthusiasm, talent, and passion for music and reminds us that there are tons of good people out in Hollywood
my son who goes camping in mid winter (in a tent)
Reading numerous articles, and quotes, from Nelson Mandela is a reminder that we all are capable of greatness…and utilizing our skills to leave the world a little better because of it.
Still inspired by music and friends
Sadly the passing of Nelson Mandela has been a reminder about what one can accomplish when you fight for what you believe in at any cost.
My fiance inspires me. I have never met someone with such drive and determination in working, to insure we have the future we desire. For the past year, we have sacrificed, dinners out, going to the movies (actually any form of entertainment lol), gifts for each other etc. Sometimes it’s hard to not live in the “now”… But the end results shall be fantastic!
Remembering the life and example of Mandela has inspired me.
We attended a Parenting Power session a few weeks ago and I felt a lot better about how we are parenting our kids. The session and the speaker were both inspiring.
My son is trying to live very simply and not accumulate a lot of “stuff”. I hope to follow his example.
My kids inspire me lots lately!!
My grandchildren inspire me every day. They are fearless in trying new things and not being afraid to fail.
This may sound lame, but I get so much inspiration from my friends on Facebook/Pinterest/Instagram. So many people in my circle of friends are doing great things from motivation to workout, cook delicious meals, DIY projects around the house, favourite outfits and amazing travel destinations. I have so many hobbies and interests that these are all great places to inspire all the departments in my lifestyle 🙂
Putting myself into other people’s shoes. Seeing things from a different perspective can inspire me to do things differently and you never know where that could lead.
My son, who is 17 and lives with ASD inspires me everyday. He encounters so many challenges and meets each one with vigor and gusto. He is amazing. If I was lucky enough to win, he would be the recipient.