You may or may not be rushing to download this app onto your child’s phone by the time you finish this article…
That flashy smartphone your child’s been rocking — we know you didn’t just buy it so they could Snapchat their lives away or BBM their besties from biology class. No, you got it so you could maintain an open channel of communication between one another when you’re not together. It’s their lifeline to you… until they decide to ignore you, of course.
Do you have a child who constantly ignores or forgets to return your missed calls or texts? There’s an app for that!
Texas mom Sharon Standifir created Ignore No More, an android app that gives parents the power to completely disable their child’s phone until they return your missed call or text.
“When you lock your child’s phone with Ignore No More your child has only two options — he or she can call you back, or call for an emergency responder,” says the app’s website. “No calls to friends, no text, no games, notta’ until they call you back.”
When they do decide to call back, it’s the parent’s decision whether or not they want to forward a password that will unlock their phone again. So if you want to teach your child a lesson, you can keep their phone completely disabled for as long as you want.
Standifir says the idea for the app came after her own teenagers weren’t returning her missed calls, which prompted her to take matters into her own hands. After conducting some of her own research, Standifir started working alongside developers to create an app that would force children to respond back their parent’s phone calls.
In order for the app to work, all parties must have Ignore No More downloaded onto their phone. So for some parents, that might mean sneakily downloading it onto their kid’s phone when they’re not looking. But once it’s downloaded, you’re good to go. According to the app’s website, the app is almost impossible for it’s young users to deactivate or remove. Even if they try tampering it, the app will send a message to parents letting them know.
The app is currently only available on android for $1.99, however Standifer says they’re actively working on a version for iPhone.
I must say, the app is equal parts brilliant and just slightly evil. But forget parental control, something tells me some of it’s users will use the app on their spouses. Hey, I could be wrong…
i don’t know. i guess i’m old school. what about it’s completely rude to ignore a request from a parent? i’m pretty are that if we had cell phones back in the “olden days” of my youth and i didn’t return a call in a reasonable time i wouldn’t be having my phone for a very long time.