The other day someone I hardly know said “I hope I am not being too forward but I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine”
It made me think about how that is one of my favourite phrases in the English Language. Don’t you love when someone you don’t know says “I hope I am not being too forward”
Don’t you love forward? Doesn’t it beat restrained, underwhelming or even worse its opposite backwards?
The very same week I went out for coffee with another friend I rarely see and out of her large purse she pulled out an 8×10 framed colour photograph of a friend of her husband. She said “I want you two to meet.” She was being hilariously and extremely forward.
And I love that in a person.
Sometimes manners and distance are overrated. Sometimes barging in and saying what you think about the other person is so wonderful. Sometimes showing up uninvited is the very best thing. Sometimes connecting people you like is extraordinary.
I was trying on a jacket one day and a tall dark and handsome man came into the store. He was overly gregarious and chatty and said ‘ Pardon me for being forward but that jacket looks great on you. You should buy it.”
(yes I bought it)
I love forward, it beats reverse and neutral hands down. Don’t get me started on drive.
it’s a really nice phrase, isn’t it? and whenever i have heard it they’re usually not being forward at all! i should use it more, though!