I was a young adult when the story of Karla Homolka and her ex-husband Paul Bernardo hit the news. Though I was roughly the same age as her, the details of their grisly crimes were too much for me to handle at the time. But I knew that they were Canadians involved in the rape and murders of young women, which made it chilling and real. Reading more details about the case in 2017, things once again feel close to home, now that I am a mother to two daughters who are the same age as some of their victims. The recent media firestorm around Karla Homolka, who is now a mother of three, concerns her acting as a volunteer at her children’s school. Many parents at the school, as well as the media and the public, are outraged that she has been interacting with other children, given her sordid criminal past.
To understand the gravity of the crimes and the aftermath, one must go back 30 years to the beginning of the story, starting with a series of assaults by the “Scarborough Rapist”. There were at least 24 unsolved assaults that took place from 1987-1991 before the lives of two victims, Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French in 1991 and 92, were ended at the hands of Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo. Later it became known that Homolka’s younger sister, Tammy Lyn, died after being drugged and raped by the couple when her death had previously been concluded as the result of choking due to over consumption of alcohol. There was finally an admission by Karla Homolka, and Bernardo’s DNA that connected them to the Scarborough Rapist. Homolka confessed to their involvement in the other crimes and made a plea deal with the police.
Karla Homolka: A Timeline Of Events
The most brutal and heartbreaking piece of the story is the sexual deviance of both Homolka and Bernardo, who brutally raped and tortured their victims and videotaped the assaults. While Homolka tried to describe herself as a battered wife who was forced to take part in the crimes, the video evidence and tapes which were found later in their home, proved her to be a consenting accomplice. While I remember reading a little about this in the 1990s, I was unaware of the details of how these rapes and tortures were conducted in such a long and drawn out way—by both husband AND wife. As the mother of teenage girls, I can only imagine the pain that the Mahaffy, French (and Homolka’s own) family must feel every single day, knowing how much their daughter’s suffered. As parents, we continuously struggle with loosening the boundaries for our teens, and a little piece of my heart dies every single time they walk out the door. To have your daughter die in such an inhumane way—well, simply put, it would be a never-ending nightmare.

(Image via: Toronto Star) Karla Homolka hit the news again in 2017, for volunteering with children at her kids’ school
The trial and sentencing put Bernardo behind bars for life, but Homolka served her 12-year sentence and was released from prison in 2005. After living in the Caribbean with her husband and children for several years, she returned to Quebec in 2012. Most recently, the media captured images of Homolka dropping her children off at their private school as it was widely reported that she supervised in her child’s classroom, much to the outrage of the general public.
How could this happen? Her 2005 release came with the imposed conditions of a ban on contact with children under the age of 16, but somehow several months later, a second judge overturned the conditions. This allowed Homolka the freedom to appear at her children’s school. Justifiably, parents of children who attend that school are concerned. Why do we even have criminal background checks for parent volunteers if someone like Karla Homolka can so easily slip through the net? It appears that the law has protected Homolka and her right to have children and parent them before it protects others around them. Every school has overzealous parents that complain and squawk about every little thing—but if Homolka was a parent at my own kid’s school, you can bet that I would be one of them.
And it’s not simply “a question of forgiveness”, as NDP Leader Tom Mulcair suggested. The calculated way with which Homolka supplied the drugs, participated fully in the murders, turned on her husband, and manipulated the system to secure a deal before police found video evidence, is proof that there is a much bigger debt that the serial killer hasn’t come close to paying off.
As victim Kristen French’s dad, Doug, said last week, “People can say things like that because they haven’t lived in our shoes. People make statements but they don’t really know what the hell they are talking about it.”
Every parent wants to protect their children, and we all expect our schools to be a safe place. Given the nature of the crimes that Homolka and Bernardo committed, I wouldn’t hesitate to remove my own children from the school if I became aware that she was even near my children, let alone in their classroom. The violent and deviant nature of the crimes committed by this woman are consistent with psychopathic behavior—and we should never discredit the fact that the tendencies of a psychopath can be triggered again at any time.
While Homolka continues to receive breaks by the judicial system and has continued on with her life, Bernardo will be facing a parole hearing in the coming months, much to the dismay of the victim’s families. And after initially defending their decision, the school in question has now banned Homolka from volunteering.
24 years after the trial, this controversial case lives on.
those that say ‘ Stop bulling kh’ im wondering how you would think if it was your children being raped sodimized beaten made to eat shit from from both him and her as they being tortued by both sadistic paedophiles who filmed these appalling assaults by both of them? Had they not been caught this horror would have continued. So get real kh supporters she was totally involved and so she deserves all the real comments on this site, anyone who supports this sadistic paedophile sodimizer rapist murderer needs to see a therapist who can try to change their obvious toxic thinking.
She’s probably molested her own children. A leopard doesn’t change their spots. Neither does a raging psychopath. She has her own sister raped for God’s sake. Her parents are sick too if they even talk to her.
Where did you see the videos? Been wanting to see the Documentary. Cant find it anywhere
Stephanie Harlowe does an excellent podcast on YouTube for this.What i dont understand is shouldn’t she be classed as a paedophile and not allowed near children?
You would think that but what really pisses me off is the fact that that woman was legally aloud to change her name.
No, because unfortunately Bernardo’s original attorney withheld the tapes which is why he was fired by the courts and replaced. Withholding evidence is against the law not only in Canada but also in the US. It’s actually because of his choosing to do so that Karla got a sweetheart deal as a willing participant in the crimes. The courts truly believed her battered woman story since she showed up at the police department with swollen black eyes. Plus, they were not even close to catching him or solving any of the crimes. They couldn’t find the tapes that were hidden in the house and because Bernardo’’s attorney kept them from the courts like a moron, there was no evidence other than her word he committed any crimes. Because of this and her willingness to admit she was present during the commission of the crimes they believed she was in fact a victim of his as well (had nothing to prove otherwise). Karla is actually a highly intelligent woman and knew what to say in order to get investigators/courts to believe she was forced into participating in the sexual abuse as well as the murders. This is why she was only charged with manslaughter (she had to be charged with something). Had she been charged with the sex crimes, she’d then be treated as a pedophile upon her release. Although, it’s highly doubtful she would’ve ever been released if the truth had been known prior to a deal already being made. It’s because of her not being charged with sex crimes against minors the judge overturned the ban on contact with children under the age of 16. He made the correct decision by overturning the ban. Legally, they couldn’t impose it in the first place. It’s sad that evil women is freely walking amongst everyone after what she did. Unfortunately, Bernardo’s attorney got greedy and withheld the tapes planning on showing them during trial to prove Karla’s word was bs in order to gain a better sentence for his client. I feel so sorry for her kids and anyone else that has to be around that waste of oxygen.
Because she is a sociopath and is completely unable, no actually, she doesn’t have any human emotion, save for putting her wants and needs before everyone and everything’s else.
Why do people like picking on karla homolka.yet there pointing the finger at her but there going after her and they think it’s okay to bug and bully but if someone else does something they say that person’s bad but all these people like to bug her what hypocrites.
Your comment is a mess.
People pick on her because she is a disgusting child molester and killer.
She deserves to never have peace.
Her poor children have to grow up knowing their mother is a monster.
CNN the barbie and Ken murders
“Human Monsters” podcast on spotify does a very detailed and graphic coverage of this. He also has one on YouTube “leader One Studios “. Most disturbing crime and so tragic for the families of the poor girls murdered.
It’s on Very Scary People on YouTube TV hosted by Donny Wahlberg
this ‘thing’ is a TOL [Turd On Legs] and as a TOL it pretends to be human, these purtrid things do these acts cause they can, once a TOL always a TOL pity it wasnt flushed away to join the other turds in the sewer.
Everyone is focused on the fact that she never apologized to the families of the victims. Yet her own family part of those families. She’s sick. I have a little sister and would never EVER consider even a thought of doing the things she did for ANYONE. she’s a piece of shit. And the school board. And the judicial system failed to get her off the streets. Disgusted.
How can you talk about someone like that when your saying disturbing things.the problem is because you don’t think nicely you like to look down on other people that aren’t popular because it makes you feel better about yourself.
Are you crazy? You must be a sociopath
I am super popular but Karla is a frikin crazy bitch wtf the justice system is so f**ked people get life sentences for weed but you can participate in rapes and murders and get 12 years?!?!?!?!?! Really?!?!?!
OMG, Get educated on the case before you open your thoughts and put them down on paper. These perpetrators are not regular people. They would feast on you and your family torturing for their delight , rape you then slowly kill later to dismember you.
want to weigh in again on why others are so outraged. Your empathy is misplaced.
I was living in my home town of Brantford at the time when the incident were we thought Paul B was in town. We went through hell. When it was learned he didn’t even own a Camaro we all were sickened by it. I also have family in St. Catherine’s and that made it worse for me.
When I first started learning how to drive transport my trainer turns out saw the remains of one of their victims being brought out which later turned out to be Lisle.
After she was first confirmed in the Montreal area I was on a run up there. I had a cop swoop in on me, when I said I was from Brantford originally and had family in St. Catherine’s.
Then when I was in St. Catherine’s on both business and pleasure I had a cop try to threaten to taze me in the head. It turned out to be a bluff, but it back fired on him big time when I didn’t fall for it, and I spoke with his commanding officer. His commanding officer didn’t take it too well when I told them about my experiences in Brantford and in Montreal because of this bitch and now them.
Even though I wasn’t involved, this case has had an effect on my life. Someone who studied her and how she manipulated the system playing the poor me I’m a woman bit was very interested in my story concerning her. FTR: This is a summary… I didn’t put in all the details.
I have never seen this woman shed a tear for the victims not even her own sister, COLD BLOODED PERSON Scary
You should know the so called victims family wishes bad things on children I heard it write from Kristen frenches crazy fathers mouth that he hopes bad things on kids I wonder why Noone goes on about that do bullies always like to play victim.he never says sorry and all the media thinks it’s okay for him to talk like that.
It’s okay for Kristen frenches father to say alot of crazy things about kids but anyone else no it seems.why such an obsession with kqrla homolka and not other bullies
Don’t you just love how any man in this country has an uphill battle to see his kids in a custody battle following a divorce, but as long as you’re a psychopathic woman who incestually rapes and then murders her own little sister – along with with raping and murdering two other young girls – all is well for you to have three kids that aren’t taken away from you and you’re welcome to volunteer in a school in the vulnerable sector. Well done! That’s the Karla Homolka justice system, or as one user above said, “the joke system”. Couldn’t agree more. This country is ridiculous. Also, do you know how many people I have mentioned this to that haven’t even heard about it, or have even argued that no one in their right mind would allow Karla Homolka anywhere around school children, because it’s too ludacrous to be allowed to happen? Like, this isn’t a big deal or what?
It’s okay for Kristen frenches father to say alot of crazy things about kids but anyone else no it seems.why such an obsession with kqrla homolka and not other bullies
Cynthia you’re as crazy and delusional as Karla imagine that was you’re family member oh wait it was Karla’s own sister!!! So If that is all Mr French said so the fuck what you best believe I am a mom of two kids just saying I would have fuckin killed Karla and Paul had this happened to my family member you are shaming the victim’s father sham on you. You crazy Karen you have too be a Karen to say the shit that comes out of your mouth
just a TOL is karla [Turd On Legs] pretending to be human, should have been locked up for ever!!
Well said! I cannot believe this piece of shit has 3 kids, with the brother of her defense attorney! My God, can you imagine the DNA of these 2 people’s spawn? I hope someone is keeping a close eye on the 3 kids. We all know now that nature triumphs over nurture. I’m sorry if that’s not a PC remark, but the truth is the truth. Homolka should have been sterilized so her crappy genes would not propagate.
Boy you can say things about these kids and you think your so superior how would you like it if someone said that about your family genetics I wouldn’t want to see your future relatives to have your bad comment genes
I was following this case after I saw the documentary film “Karla”
I just don’t understand how she didn’t get a life sentence. She is now leading a completely normal life on the surface on the earth while not only her own sister but also the innocent teens’s life were taken away. They are not experiencing anything this evil is now enjoying such as marriage and motherhood.
There is no justice or common sense in our legal system, that’s the only conclusion I came up with after following this case.
She did a plea deal, that’s why she didn’t get a life sentence. The purpose was to put Paul Barnardo behind bars for life. She made a deal to sell him out and by telling everything she knew, the prosecutors gave her a lighter sentence. If they hadn’t done this, Paul Barnardo might be able to get out of prison someday.. Karla played a role in the crimes herself. She is unlikely to re-offend though and people should just leave her alone.
So you say, until she rapes and murders one of YOUR loved ones, then you will change your mind. People like you are always super compassionate to people who hurt OTHER people. Once someone hurts YOU or one of your loved ones, well, that will be a whole different story. Shame on you for caring so little about the families of Leslie Mahaffey and Kristen French, and the memory of Tammi Homolka. But forget about you: to the families of the victims, if you are reading any of this, please know that many of us still deeply care about you, and we are not letting Homolka off the hook the way “Misselle” is.
The only problem with your argument is that Karla is a flat-out psychopath. She may have scored low on the checklist but that’s because she probably wasn’t honest when she did the questionnaire. She has never shown any remorse, did more than just “participate” (I honestly think she did more than Bernardo to kill those girls), and has no morality to speak of. Psychopaths will always re-offend. They simply wait for the chance to do it. Right now, Karla Homolka is under a magnifying glass so she won’t re-offend. But once that magnifying glass is lifted, you can bet she will do it again. The families of the victims suffer on a daily basis. Karla Homolka’s mother has breakdowns every year between Thanksgiving and Christmas because she can’t handle that her child killed and raped her other child. Paul Bernardo wasn’t the only one to do these things to the victims. Homolka literally served these girls up like Christmas presents to her husband and then went to family dinner as if nothing had happened. Only psychopaths are able to put up a mask so thoroughly. Psychopaths are rare amongst women but they do happen. You can’t leave someone like her alone or she will do it again. As far as I’m concerned, that woman should be watched for the rest of her life.
Omg it that you Karla? You should die a painful, miserable death! NO FUCKING QUESTION. Rot in your own body, you ugly bitch! Misselle, you must be a libtard to make such a statement.
Boy are you people strusken with such hatred and jealousy you all play how innocent you all are but none of these people aren’t you all bad mouth her and her kids and Kristen frenches father says crazy things about kids and you wonder why she is having a life.why can you guys carry on and bug.im glad all your true evil is showing.
I don’t agree that Karla Homolka is a danger to society. She was tested for psychopathy and she scored very low on the scale.
I know she participated in horrendous crimes and even had the chance to save the two girls but we have to remember that Paul Bernardo, a true sexual sadist who suffers from anti/social personality disorder + psychopathy had complete control over her and he threatened to kill her and her family. And, he almost did kill her. You have to understand the five steps that these psychopaths use to get their partners to comply: they identify them first, like a lion seeking out the weak and vulnerable, then they seduce them, showering them with gifts and attention . Karla was only 17 years old when she met Paul Bernardo. Then comes the slow introduction to kinky and weird sexual fantasies and fetishes until she actually believes they are normal, then comes the isolation – he controls every aspect of her life right down to her appearance so she doesn’t know who she is anymore. Her identity begins to slip away. The final step is methodical brainwashing and eradification of her self-esteem so that she gets deeper and deeper into the crimes and sick life of murder until she feels there is just no way out. The physical and emotional abuse gets worse until he has her believing that she is worthless and unloveable and is nothing without him.
She became a zombie and de-sensitized to the brutality of Psul Bernardo. I’m not excusing her for what she did and I certainly don’t think she should have been volunteering at a children’s school either and perhaps she should have done more time in jail too.
I don’t believe that she is a dangerous psychopath and I also believe she deserves a second chance. It’s Paul Bernardo who deserves to rot in hell which he is doing – he should never be allowed to roam the streets ever again.
Hi Denise.
Have you actually considered the victims families?
Would you dare to say this murder deserves the second chance if you were actually a victim’s family?
How did you determine that she is not a danger to the society? Please back up with the data and logic.
Jaye, I guarantee you that Denise has NOT considered the victims’ families, or else she wouldn’t so vigorously defend Homolka. Has Denise READ THE TRIAL TRANSCRIPTS? My God, Homolka was the farthest thing from an abuse victim. My sister WAS an actual abuse victim, and I find it so offensive that true victims like my sis have their experiences debased by fake-victims like Homolka (and their defenders like Denise and others like her).. Have you seen the videos? Homolka is 100% into it! It’s nauseating what this woman did and said while those girls were being tortured and pleading for their lives.
Denise, like so many commenters, could not care less about victims (who can no longer defend themselves, as they are dead) or their families, they only care about the rights of criminals. How they sleep at night is beyond me. It’s up to the rest of us to keep their memories alive. RIP Kristen, Leslie, and Tammi.
Another clueless idiot! She could’ve stopped him at any moment… how about coming up behind him and smashing his head as those poor girls begged for their lives? People who think Karla is just great should ALSO be shot. I’m so sick of ignorance and violence. I can only hope for a giant meteor in 2020. Fucking sad!
She scored low on her psychopathology you mean. And actually what bullshit are you pulling out of your ass? No she did not. She actually is more psychopathic then Paul Bernardo. Those girls only ended up dead when they were around her and the videos actually prove that she was the one committing the crime’s. She was the one drugging people, And just for your information she was involved with a convicted murderer in prison, and many of her letters were taken that she was writing to him,. She actually was writing very vulgar disgusting sexual explicit letters and was involved in same-sex relationships. You have no idea, and are clueless to the real Carla. There wasn’t even an incident where she was in a yard naked fondling him and she may not commit crimes again but that does not give her the right to go on into the sunset as if nothing ever happened. Her children will have to pay for everything this bitch has Done. It is obvious you know nothing about Miss Carla. I suggest you find out and do your research before judging someone who who is extremely psychopathic To the point where her own father will not speak with her nor will her mother. Just because she serve 12 years does not mean she paid for her crimes. I suggest you try looking up the pictures she took in prison. She is dependent on men sexually, and especuliarly Violent man. That is what makes her dangerous. She had a job only for three weeks, and made a comment about how she is never going to change to her boss. She lost her job after she initiated sex with him. There’s a lot you don’t know about Miss Hamolka. I suggest you do your research, before making such a stupid comment.
She deficated in mahaffy’s mouth, I read somewhere on youtube by someone that was on the jury
There are holes in your theory, Denise. First of all, psychopaths fake emotion. Why did Karla Homolka score low on the checklist? Because she knew what the right answers were. Her psychiatrists describe her as having a moral vacuity which means that she has no morals at all. She couldn’t care less about the victims, their families, other people, etc. She was in jail for 12 years and during that time she was in questionable sexual relationships with both a lesbian and a convicted murderer. The person she married? The brother of her lawyer. Only psychopathy explains the way that she is. Second, she was not a victim. She was not a battered wife. The tapes showed her participating in the rapes and ENJOYING it. Third, the drugs that she used to incapacitate and kill the victims. Drugs are the preferred method for women in murder. That’s why Bernardo strangled his victim but she killed her victim with drugs. A woman who has been abused apologizes profusely. They are so submissive that they constantly ask permission and apologize for the littlest thing. Karla Homolka has NEVER apologized to the families of her victims, not even her own mother. Her mother has a breakdown every year and still Karla never calls and says “I’m sorry, mom.” These are all traits of a psychopath. And yes, it is easy for psychopaths to fake a test. According to Karla they had sex on the day they met. In front of friends. That takes a special kind of moral vacuity to do. And it’s typical of psychopaths because they don’t understand why people get upset. Karla Homolka was not a battered wife. She was a willing participant and psychopath who engineered a deal before they got the evidence that would have put her behind bars for life like her husband. Both of them should not be walking the streets.
I saw what you wrote and I agree with you I do feel awful for the families that they hurt and that suffered the loss but in the end God is the one who will judge he is the one who has the final judgement.
I always swerved away from people like that even as a kid. This process you’re talking about can’t work for the majority of people, I don’t think.
The video tapes that Paul’s first attorney ILLEGALLY kept from the police for almost 2 years are is the reason she got a plea deal. Until they saw those tapes they thought she was a battered woman but those tapes proved that not only did she fully particpate in the sexual assaults and murderess of this girls, including her sister. She actually admitted on tape that she encouraged her husband to kill them. She served up her own sister! Had the police had the tapes they would not have to had made the deal with her to get Paul. The responsibility of her minor sentence rests solely on the shoulders of Paul’s first attorney who was removed from the case. A new attorney for Paul was appointed and that attorney abided by the law and promptly turned over the tapes as evidence. But by then the deal for Karla had long been made and she was already in prison serving her time. It was proven she is a sociopath and highly intelligent to boot. Like the top 2%. I hope karma comes looking for her and she gets as good as she gave to those children. She is a paedophile and a serial killer. Pray for her children, they are just more innocent victims of her psychopathy. They both should have been put to death. You can’t fix that kind of fucked up. I would happily flip the switch, push the drugs or simply shoot them myself if asked by the courts to do so. I hope they both spend eternity having the things they did to those girls done to them over and over and over again.
You have so much logic and think your so superior and yet you like to torment someone you have no logic and are obsessed with picking on someone why do you like that what is wrong with you going after someone you are very disturbed and probably don’t like yourself so you like bugging karla homolka
She is guilty beyond belief. I can not believe she walks free. Has children and the school put other children at risk. It sickens me. I grew up in Scarborough. My brother just started on the police force when they started investigating. He said to me. You have no idea.
I’m sick that she is out there free.
I don’t have children but what is wrong with our justice system to know .. to actually know what this woman is capable of.. and let her live a nice life?… kids?.. family?..
I bet her sister would have liked to have had a life? A family?
What is going on?
It completely blows me away that she is able to integrate into society as she has and not only that, volunteering at elementary school!!
Why are you jealous what blows me away is you have a mean spirit in you and you point the finger at other people boy how would you like someone describing how you are.
The whole thing makes me feel sick to my stomach!
Well said, Scarlett!
You probably make yourself feel sick to your stomach the way you go on judging and saying other people are bad when your the bad one
It makes me wonder why the school didn’t ask themselves if they thought it would be a good idea to let a former sex offender, a very publicly known one at that, be a volunteer. Not a smart move!
The sad part is she was not charged with sexual assault only manslaughter for 2 of the girls and for which she got 5 years each with an added 2 years for her sister whom SHE drugged with drugs taken from her work at a vet clinic. She is not a registered sex offender!!!!! She should be but they didn’t know she was until it was too late and the deal had been made. Crazy huh?
You think your so superior but all the things your saying about her is truly the person you are.
It literally sickens me that people like this are allowed to walk God’s green earth after committing such despicable, unthinkable acts. They deserve to rot. The justice system really is a joke.
I agree :(. It’s just sad. You start to question everything.
How is this allowed to happen.
My brother can’t talk about his cases. He’s a police officer. Just got on the force when this stuff happened. Of course.. he wouldn’t talk about it because he couldn’t but.
This woman should be shot.
It sickens me that little hypocrites like you say things like that about other people but you are what you say about them.
I think they should rename the justice system to the joke system. Just because she was smart enough to be a snitch and turn the man she claimed she was in love with so that she could get a lighter sentence should not have given her the right to be free. She was just as guilty if not more. At least bernardo did not kill his own sister, carla did. I agree with sthomson 100%. Carla should have gotten the death penalty if you ask me.No more bargain sentences.Her present hubby better sleep lightly, i would not trust her.
Seriously, and I don’t buy into that bs movie claiming she was beaten, raped and tortured either. Most accomplishes love each other for their acts. My step-father, although sexually abusive and physically/mentally abusive never touched my mother, yet she played the victim very well. They all go on to live wonderful lives, as I struggle each and every day with what happened to me for 13 years and no arrests were made, no one talked about it then. I’m in America though, but still, it breaks my heart that accomplices go on to have great lives, and other’s are dead and people are hurting forever because of them!
Your pretty morbid with wanting the death penalty yet your such a mouth going on and on.you are just an evil person.
why cant someone kill her
My dad was murdered by 2 aboriginals in Wpg. Why doesn’t anyone look at what happens here? And you think Karla is a problem.
um yes. Karla is a problem. That may be a completely different problem for a completely different article, but here we are talking about Karla. problem.
She’s got a good point and I’m wondering why all you bullies like picking on karla what’s a matter with you what makes you that way its quite interesting studying your bully minds
I know I’m glad finally someone pointed that out I was treated horribly my whole life I’ve had to forgive and Noone else had to get introuble but when a spoiled girl has something done they ramble on and on
I’ve asked myself this same question:(
I agree with the person who said she is a vile disgusting person and a waste of space. She shouldn’t have any rights at all!!
Why should you have any rights
Definitely a failure of the judicial system at the very least she should have been removed the right to have children. I don’t understand what kind of man marries a women of this kind and bears 3 children with her. It defies my mind how she won on all fronts and the victims, victimized for the rest of their lives. It’s completely sick and twisted.
Totally!!!! I’ve wondered this too and can’t wrap my head around it!
I agree. I just don’t understand. It’s so upsetting.
I’m sorry… but the evidence against her was so strong. Clear evidence. It’s sick that she can have a normal life after stripping these girls of theirs.
I don’t know what kind of aperson would want to marry you
The legal system is great until you want justice. It serves the lawyers & criminals. Where is the common sense and true essence of the law. It’s about technicalities.
Where is the lawyer who STOLE the tapes after Karla told him where to find them as they were tearing the house apart?! He is also free as a bird. He took an oath & “professionals” were meant to be trusted as they held themselves to the highest standard WITHOUT anyone looking.
I attended Holy Cross at the time Kristen went “missing”. It changed a city, community & country. We now as parents need to start expecting more discipline in our systems that goes with the basics and isn’t confused by so many rules that are now twisted so often in court that most victims never see justice and most criminals walk. The lawyers & judges should be held way more accountable instead of making so many parents worry 30 years later just because of ONE couple. Choose love over fear but ask for reasonable safety for your children at school. Don’t let a bully attend because they have the right when all others rights are ignored and they are scared and their feelings & safety rights are violated.
I agree with you completely. Thank you for giving us insight
Your a bully and so was probably your friend and her father says crazy things about children and he’s not held accountable ever wonder with how hypocritical you all are and what bullies you all are why God has allowed this he knew before this even happened how you’d all ramble with obsessive hatred years later.your the bully.
I attended UofT Scarborough campus during this time. In fact I was told much later that Paul Bernardo had been in one of my classes. I lived in the student residence on campus. While the walk between the campus and the residence was quite short, it was recommended that we always had security or guys present with us when walking to and from. I remember looking out my window in residence a couple of times and seeing a “flasher”. We never paused long enough to get a good look at the guy that “flashed us” as we usually went screaming out of our townhouse to the guys next door and got busy calling campus security. The flasher never got caught. We often wondered if it might have been him. Studies indicate this often is the first steps to becoming a rapist and onwards. Despite that going on…we were fearless…in that young adult kind of way where you think you are Teflon…nothing will happen to you. Were we being stalked? Was it him? Were we potential next victims? Who knows. We carried on with reckless abandon…we partied…all the kind of things you do when you are young and in university. To know that this couple took advantage of young naïve women and did what they did and are now looking at freedoms they don’t have the right to consider, baffles me. Women shouldn’t have to live in fear…those who create that fear should be thrown in jail. Parole is an option for those who learn from their mistakes and offered the privilege to try again. How is what they did a mistake…what they did was down right evil. Our justice system is confused between what are mistakes and what is evil. Evil has no rights.
Wow, that is so scary. It is actually so sobering to read comments from people that had some personal connection to the victims or Homolka or Bernardo. Thanks so much for sharing
You think your so superior and other people should have no rights.your the evil one and you should have no rights and you kind are usually bullies and how sickening you love to play victim.id come home late while the Scarborough rapist problem was going on qnd I was covered from head to foot in long clothes and I didn’t get attacked.and I didn’t party and I always prayed so I didn’t set the treatment the evil people got
She should have had additional sentences for the hell the parents and family members went through they are STILL SUFFERING. I can even imagine the horror of ur child not returning home EVET. My god thats a nightmare in itself and sadly that was just the beginning for these families. Im so sock of people and this demon karla asking for peace for her. ONLY when the French amd Mahaffy families and her other rape victims can say tjey have peace then and only then will she deserve it.
And lets tell it like it is she wasnt just a “participant” in the murders of these children. Its a proven fact that karla KIDNAPPED, RAPED AND TOTURED these children. Then DISFIGURED and MUTILATED their bodies before dumping them. Disgusting that she is walking around. She LIED about what she did. But it was proven when the tapes were found. our justice system failed society so now we neef to look out for each other to protect one another our families and children
YES we need to know where she is and YES we have a say in what she is doing especially children
It’s really difficult to read your post. Simple grammar would help!
You think your so superior but you are so sickening how you go on about her everything you say about her is what you are.you need to get some counseling to be less mean
I was in high school and lived an hour away from Toronto at the time. I still remember the reenactment show for clues on tv and anybody that owned a Camaro had to have their vehicle searched, including the kids I went to high school with. It was upsetting.
I am a parent now to a young teenager and from going through that experience, it terrifies me even more.
To this day, my heart aches for these families. They can NEVER get those horrible images out of their heads and knowing the suffering that those poor girls went through.
I feel bad for KH’s kids, they never asked for this, but are paying the price. It doesn’t seem fair that KH is able to have a life and kids because the Mahaffey’s and the French’s NEVER got to see their beautiful girls grow up and have a family of their own.
I was in high school and lived an hour away from Toronto at the time. I still remember the reenactment show for clues on tv and anybody that owned a Camaro had to have their vehicle searched, including the kids I went to high school with. It was upsetting.
I am a parent now to a young teenager and from going through that experience, it terrifies me even more.
To this day, my heart aches for these families. They can NEVER get those horrible images out of their heads and knowing the suffering that those poor girls went through.
I feel bad for KH’s kids, they never asked for this, but are paying the price. It doesn’t seem fair that KH is able to have a life and kids because the Mahaffey’s and the French’s NEVER got to see their beautiful girls grow up and have a family of their own.
She is a vile, disgusting waste of space.
Your a vile disgusting waist of space
This women does not deserve the right to live let alone any other rights!
The fact that this woman reproduced and created 3 additional human beings with her DNA is hard to digest
You are the one that doesn’t deserve anything you are a very rotten person
I fear for her own children as well. Though she may not prey upon them, they are being raised by a sociopathic violent sex offender./ killer On what planet does that work out well? They may be physically safe but the dysfunction that must run through that household is terrifying.
Hats off to the parents who brought this story out. I’ve read they have suffered punitive responses from the school. How backwards is that ?
Feels like another crime has been committed that this monster walks amongst us.
You are a monster and your committing crimes.
What I cannot understand is why Homolka took the risk of volunteering with the associated risks it had to expose her children to the ensuing media frenzy?
Why was she taking her dog into the school, into the schoolyard, and allowing children to pet the dog? Was she simply trying to make a good impression or were her motives more nefarious?
Her motives were narcissistic as that is the way her mind works. Best case scenerio she was there because she feels entitled. Worst she is acting on predatory instincts.
Absolutey correct. She feels entitled as she still doesnt feel responsible . shes a nut case
You are all the things you say about her.
Because she is a sociopath and is completely unable, no actually, she doesn’t have any human emotion, safe for putting her wants and needs before everyone and everything’s else.
You have no human emotion and are hypocritical and you like to go after other people because you are a little troublemaker
These girls were my teenagers, the parents were us. The horror of what they lived thorugh became a part of our cenversations, if they were my children there would be no end to the hell I would visit on this monster, she was then and is now beyond redemption. The judicial system failed Canadians – they allowed her to walk after 12 years based on a flawed agreement. They chose to turn a blind eye to the videos that made her not only a participant but an instigator.
Well said. So true
I dont know why some other nut job hasnt done her in by now.. Im waiting for that. Theres lots of psychos out their committing violent crimes . i wish tjey could focus in other scum instead of ruining the lives of innocent and hard working people. It just goes to show you we are all so much better than that low life scum Karla
You are such a low life and she is far better then you and the way you wish violence on other people.your the trash and dangerous person
You think you sound so superior but you are everything you say about her.you probably just don’t like yourself I don’t like you either
How are you related to Karla, Cinthia? Are you her daughter? Is that why you’re defending her? Before you start bashing others, you need to learn to spell and use correct grammar.