Who needs to watch the Twilight saga when Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have one of their own?
People Magazine is reporting today that Pattinson, 26 has moved out of the L.A. home he shares with Stewart – his girlfriend of three years and Twilight co-star.
His action follows the cheating scandal that first broke a couple of days ago.
As we have all probably heard by now, Kristen Stewart, 22 was photographed cheating with Rupert Sanders, the director of her film Snow White and The Huntsman. Sanders is 42, married to model and actress Liberty Ross, 33 and has two young children. He and Kristen were caught making out in a car and the photos released by US Weekly.
Yesterday, both Stewart and Sanders issued public apologies to their significant others. Today there are also reports that Stewart is planning to write an apology letter to Ross.
For her part, Liberty Ross simply tweeted “Wow” shortly after news of the cheating first broke and then deleted her account. Robert Pattinson did not issue any statement but if the reports are true and he’s left home, actions speak louder than words.
Pattinson did give some insight into his views on fidelity when interviewed by Italian Vanity Fair earlier this year:
“But there’s a thing I’ve never got. That is, why do people cheat? I can understand the impulse, but how can you keep two relationships going at the same time for long”
Pattinson and Stewart will be seeing each other in the not-too-distant future as they promote the new Twilight movie this fall. That media tour should be very very interesting indeed…
Poor Robert Pattison – all those adoring women to choose from and he chooses possibly the one girl in the world who isn’t obsessed by him to play house with. Doh! 🙂