On Friday, when a video from 2005 surfaced showing Presidential candidate Donald Trump using the phrase “grab her by the pussy” in reference to his sexual advances, one woman sent out a tweet sharing the first time she was sexually assaulted.
Her tweet read as follows:
Before long, thousands of women were tweeting their tales of sexual assault, and Kelly Oxford—the woman behind the tweet—reported that she was currently receiving two sex assault stories per second. With the hashtag #notokay, Kelly refuted claims that rape culture did not exist. Want proof? Just look at my timeline, she said.
Within days she had received 27 million views and replies from women all over the world.
So who is Kelly Oxford?
She’s a Canadian author, screenwriter, social media blogger, and microblogger.
She was born in Edmonton, Alberta. Oxford attended Mount Royal University in Calgary for only one semester, before dropping out. She began tweeting as a means of self-publishing, alongside working as a waitress and in a shoe store.
Is she an Urban Mom?
She sure is. In 2001 Kelly Oxford became a full-time stay-at-home mother, where she began scriptwriting. In 2002 she started an online blog and gained a large following on Twitter. Among her followers are Roger Ebert and fellow Canadian, Seth Rogen. She was named one of TIME magazine’s top 140 Twitter feeds of 2011 and 2012. She sold two TV scripts to CBC and NBC, but neither were ever produced.
In 2013 Oxford wrote a semi-autobiographical book titled “Everything Is Perfect When You’re a Liar”. It became a New York Times Bestseller.
Is she still based in Canada?
Nope. The family sold their home in Calgary years ago. Kelly Oxford relocated to Los Angeles in 2012 with her three children, Salinger, Henry, and Beatrix, and her partner James.
(Image via Twitter)
Have been sharing your name and site with all the women that have been coming out, on various posts because of drumpf, and his many victims coming out and hopefully healing themselves, after finding out they are NOT the only one! I have been amazed in my 78 yrs. how many woman I personally have know, were abused to varying degrees and in their 30, 40 50’s had never spoken up to anyone. They were/are all intelligent, working wives/mothers, when I questioned them why? most had felt guilty, ashamed or thought they wouldn’t be believed, especially, if the abuser was family or friends of the family. I realize am one of the fortunate, am an only child raised, by a single Mom, believe she was sexually abused as a youngster, instructed me at 4 yrs. about nasty men, was to tell her if anything naughty happened to me, by touch or exposure. Had many situations of fondling, touching by uncles, neighbours, dads I babysat for, on the drives home! Always told Mom, she let them know and condemned them or made sure it never happened again. Never was reported with me because the victims were usually tortured further, by the system, believe it should be getting better as more females enter the legal system as lawyers, judges and politicians. Maybe the devil’s advocate, ‘D.Trump’, has awakened an ‘International Sisterhood of Abuse’, to let they know they are not alone?