In May 2008, I received an e-mail about an interesting new program with McDonald's. I actually left the e-mail in my junk mail for several days. I have worked in the service industry most of my life, anything from making pizzas to pay for school books to being a VP of Merchandising for a national … [Read more...]
Fit after 40-ABSOLUTELY!
Why do we sabotage our hard work and efforts of eating well and working out, by chowing down a box of Jelly Bellies? Or how about that one chocolate chip cookie that turned into eight? Or maybe those couple salt and vinegar chips that turned into the whole bag? You get what I'm saying... and I'm … [Read more...]
This Adventure
I guess the most important thing I want to say is that being a McDonald's mom is not something I take lightly. This experience was not about being a spokesperson for McDonald's. This is already a multimillion dollar corporation. They certainly didn't need me for that. They very seriously did this to … [Read more...]
Where’d ya get dem apples?
I was cleaning out my car the other day, and found a McDonald's apple slice. I know the apple slice was from McDonald's because I cannot cut it that perfectly, as I have a tendency to put my knives in the dishwasher. Knives in dishwasher = Dull knives Then it occurred to me, umm, the last time we … [Read more...]
The Payoff.
It's true, there are, you know, selfish reasons that I became a McMom. I wasn't a McDonald's consumer, really, before, unless you count the occasional drive-thru diet coke stop (and you probably don't). But good god, I really wanted to be one. I mean, who wouldn't want to feel good about taking the … [Read more...]
The McMoms are on the Case
Whenever I surprise my daughter with a mother-daughter lunch and tell her she can pick the spot she always, without fail, picks McDonald's. As the world leader in fast food there is an overwhelming amount of information swirling around about them and it is virtually impossible to get to the bottom … [Read more...]
Zach Braff is NOT Dead
you may have seen the internet rumor yesterday that Zach Braff had OD'ed on pills and died. I mean, it was trending on twitter yesterday (which, you know, means it was more exciting than Miley Cyrus's I'm-quitting-twitter rap) The rumor started circulating after a fake CNN web page popped up as a … [Read more...]
On Tonight: Grey’s Anatomy
I am seriously in love with Arizona. like, seriously love. All my Bailey love has been transferred over to her. Also, it's always nice when Derek does something good instead of acting like a total douche. Taking some action and acting all Chief-like was totally kick ass, shaking hands and telling … [Read more...]
Go on…call her fat…
Seriously, when I was little, I wanted to BE Nicole Eggert. From her days as Jamie on Charles in Charge... to her days in that red bathing suit on Baywatch..I always thought she was awesome. and now I think she's even more awesome. because, well, she seems to have put on a little bit of weight. … [Read more...]
If the shoe fits…
See these shoes? They look innocent enough, don't they? But no. These shoes represent a major shift. A transition. An undeniable change. Can you guess why? Because now officially my 10-year-old son is wearing MEN'S shoes. I can no longer get away with a forgiving size 6.5 youth. Nope. These are a … [Read more...]
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