My kids tend to get chapped red cheeks and lips around this time of year. I blame the same Irish genes that make me crave potatoes and love beer. Over the past ten years I've been to dermatologists, tried expensive creams, cheap fixes, homemade solutions, humidifiers and everything else. … [Read more...]
Dr. Tact
I had my first prenatal appointment this week and my doctor began the session by glancing at my chart and chirping, "My! You sure do weigh a lot more this time than you did when starting your last pregnancy! Let's try not to gain much weight this time around, OK? Try for a mere 10-15 pounds or … [Read more...]
Behind The Scenes With A McMom – Come On In
When I tell people that I am a McMom, they usually have one of two reactions - the first is the one I get from most people, which sounds a bit like "Wow! That's awesome!" and the second comes from people like my brother who have their strong convictions about McDonald's already decided. Their … [Read more...]
January 20, 2010
Ali wears: dress: Floreat @anthropologie shirt: good and pure @anthropologie boots: Santana glasses: vintage … [Read more...]
She’s sick. Again. Now I’m miffed.
A letter to the cold that is currently plaguing my sweet, innocent little Pea: Cold, (note the intentional lack of a formal greeting, such as "Dear" or "Mr") You [expletive deleted] son-of-a-[expletive deleted]! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE! How dare you enter my child's body and plague … [Read more...]
TOP TEN Signs Your Child is Now a Teenager
Here is my version of the TOP TEN signs your child is now a teenager: (my son turned 14 a few weeks ago, but I probably could have written this a year ago - ok - two years ago). 1. He wants to go to the MALL all the time. 2. The once tidy, organized child you use to no longer. See above … [Read more...]
You Decide: Did Bill Paxton “Lose to Cancer”???!?!?!?
At around the :44 mark of this video, after it was announced that Michael C. Hall won the Best Actor in a Drama Golden Globe for his role on Dexter, Bill Paxton says something.... Now, the internet is buzzing that what he says here is "I lost to CANCER." Now, if this is true, Bill Paxton is really … [Read more...]
Get That Child Out of the HOUSE!
I am wondering- am I the only mom who feels the NEED to leave her house, with her child, every day? Am I the only mom who thinks it's important for her baby to have outside experiences even though he may be too young to remember or understand them? Am I crazy for thinking that leaving the … [Read more...]
Off to Ottawa…again.
Well I'm pleased to annouce that finally they have moved my dad from the hospital to rehab. It's now been five weeks since the car accident and I'm going to visit my parents in Ottawa to celebrate his arrival to the rehab. In order for this trip to take place, I had to move mountains … [Read more...]
So You Think You Can Squeeze?
Welcome to the SO YOU THINK YOU CAN SQUEEZE CHALLENGE! Over the next three weeks you'll be the ones in the judge's seat as you decide which of our two aspiring Citrus Chefs has done the best job with three fabulous recipes featuring Florida Citrus products. Your job is simple: check in each week and … [Read more...]
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