I've got an old laptop that was handed down by a neighbour who thought it would be perfect for my son to use for his homework. It's possibly 10 years old. It's heavy and it's S.L.O.W. We graciously accepted the offer as it was perfect first laptop for him. Then other people started offering their … [Read more...]
Gifting Your Good Stuff
A new season is on its way, and with it comes some new clothes - mostly for the kids at this point, who are growing like bad weeds... which means it's time to cull the closets and drawers. (I did some pain-free online shopping recently...) I have two kids of different sexes, who are also four … [Read more...]
Wipe(s) Out
My youngest stopped using diapers over two years ago (which I'm still rather joyous about) and though we managed to use up the last of the diapers, we still had two large bag of wet-wipes left over. We had so many, because during the diapering days, we bought those things by the box-load. You know - … [Read more...]
Two days ago, I came home to a Yellow Pages directory on my front doorstep.A Yellow Pages.A big, fat, four-hundred pound Yellow Pages book. Yes, really.I can't remember the last time I even cracked one of those things open. Has it been ten years yet? I'll bet it's been longer than that. I don't even … [Read more...]
That Time I Packed My Kid’s Lunch In a Wine Bag.
I got this email a few days ago from Madame's camp people, saying they were making a trip to the pool, hats, sunscreen, blah, blah, blabbity-blah, and could you please send a brown bag lunch with nothing to be reheated... no containers... basically, they want to throw everything away at the end … [Read more...]