Well today was my first day on the Isagenix program. I started a day later than Kath and was fully prepared to be absolutely starving after her admission to nearly snacking on dryer lint. But to my surprise it hasn’t been bad. I mean, I’m hungrier than I would normally be but not so much that I have had to eat something outside of the plan. What I did notice was how often I reached for something. I obviously pick and snack a whole lot during the day without even noticing. I went for the crusts of my kids’ sandwiches, a cookie in the cupboard, a chocolate in the fridge, a slice of cheese, chocolate milk after I poured it for my daughter…the list goes on. You notice that I didn’t say that I reached for the carrot sticks and apples. Nope. Maybe this is part of the problem…yah think?!
Anyway, I also went and bought myself a scale. We don’t own one ’cause I hate them. If I have one I obsess over it and end up weighing myself a zillion times a day. So I usually base my weight on the feel of my clothes. I am thinking I may have to get my husband to hide the scale somewhere and have him take it out when I am supposed to weigh myself. The big surprise was that I actually weighed less than I thought. I think the 4 Days At Sick Kids With Child With Pneumonia Diet stripped off those 10lbs I had gained over the holidays. So now I can focus on getting my energy up and feeling healthy.
I was so tired today from lack of sleep since my daughter’s illness that I was actually scaring myself. I would forget what I was doing in the middle of it. Could not remember the question someone had just asked me. And when I bought the scale – which was actually the whole reason I went to the store and the ONLY thing I bought – I left it there at the cash. I didn’t even realize it until I got home. I had to hold back pathetic, overtired tears. Can you say cookoo.
So, let me give you my first impression of Isagenix:
1) Don’t go thinking it’s easy ’cause it’s not. There IS no easy way to do a cleanse. If you are looking for one, don’t bother. However, after day one I can honestly say it was not as hard as I thought…BUT we haven’t done the actual cleanse days yet so I’ll reserve judgement.
2) The shakes taste pretty good but nothing like the yummy milkshakes you order in a restaurant so don’t go fooling yourself. I did find they filled me up though.
3) The drink you have to take first thing in the morning is yucky. Not disgusting. Not totally-gag-me-I’m-going-to-barf but yucky. It is 1oz so, on Steve’s advice, I drank it like a shooter…in a shot glass and everything.
4) I miss my Chai Tea Latte! Desperately! If I could have just one thing it would be my daily, warm, comforting CHAI TEA LATTE.
So, that’s about it so far. One day down. I am going to be meeting with Steve tomorrow, hopefully, about my overall fitness which I am really looking forward to! I’ll keep you posted. Oh! And PLEASE help me if you can. I went to 3 grocery stores today looking for almonds. Just regular almonds. I found roasted, salted, slivered and sliced but not a single plain old almond. Any ideas?
If you have any questions about Steve Bentley or Bentley Coaching or Isagenix contact Steve at performancecoaching@sympatico.ca or by phone at 416.407.6361.
Hey admin nice layout, and good writing I like your word usage. While I’m here I’d like to invite you to visit my site on chinese green tea. Please check it out it’s awesome and pretty! Thanks! Sorry I’m girlie =p
Britney 😉
Hey admin nice layout, and good writing I like your word usage. While I’m here I’d like to invite you to visit my site on chinese green tea. Please check it out it’s awesome and pretty! Thanks! Sorry I’m girlie =p
Britney 😉
hi jen – sounds like day 1 was good! i saw plain almonds in bulk at Food Basics.
I should dig through your blog to find out why you’re doing this cleanse thing? I’m always intrigued by things like this. Dr. Oz said on Oprah that cleansing diets have no proven benefits, or something like that. Goes against what I’ve always believed, especially when I was a crazy Fit-For-Life-to-the-nth-degree vegan.
Thanks for sharing how you’ve been losing your mind. Makes me feel sooo much better about my own grey matter. I hate this brain blip I’m going through (hope it’s a blip) because no one but me and those really, really close to me know it’s a blip– people just thinks I’m an idiot! Which, let’s face it, I can’t rule out…
I’ve done the Isagenix cleanse twice… the 30 day one is WAY easier than the 9 day one, and it’s easier to keep eating right afterward because you’ve made a habit of it by then… A website I found supremely helpful is my-calorie-counter.com which can help you track what you’re actually eating and how many calories everything is worth!!! JOURNAL what you eat, everything you eat, down to those kids sandwich crusts… you’d be amazed how many extra calories you might be adding with casual bites.
At first I thought I’d die without my coffee… but I found out that Celestial Seasonings has several chai teas that can help ease the way (especially if you’re used to having that hot drink in the am) There is a decaf, a white chai, a green chai and the one called Bengal spice which has no actual “tea” in it at all and is very good. You can safely do any of them without breaking the cleanse, use a touch of soy milk (be sure to buy plain, vanilla soy milk has sugar added) and a sweetener called “Stevia” that you can get in the health food stores. Isagenix products use Stevia as a sweetener so you know it’s safe. It “looks” expensive to buy, but you literally only use a drop to approximate a teaspoon of sugar, so one bottle lasts me almost a year, and since finding it I use it all the time!
The other hot drink you could try is hot water with a teaspoon or so of lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne pepper… it sounds horrible, but it’s actually not bad, and can help cut those cravings as well.
The most important thing on “cleanse” days is to REALLY drink a LOT of water… the more water you drink the less the cravings will hit you… and get out of the house and excersize during meal times if you can… it keeps your mind off the fact that you “should be eating right now” and you won’t have to smell the food (that is the WORST, smelling it and not being able to eat it!!!).
Good Luck!
OK, Jen, i just checked out Steve by clicking on “Steve” on your blog and i find him pretty good looking… So watch out, don’t get too intoxicated with your Isagenix! I’m sure you will be reeaally motivated for the workouts(hi,hi)!!!!
Hi Jen, so glad to hear our little warrior gal is brave through and through.
I usually find nuts at Loblaws up on Yonge.
I too am weaning off the caffeine and found some consolation in brewing Stash White Tea Chai. It at least smells like a Starbucks Chai and has very little caffeine because it is white tea (unfermented.)
I am going to blog about later today how I lost 10 pounds with no effort thanks to a suggestion by Dr. Oz on the Oprah show. No BS, it actuall worked and it’s not the green tea thing, it is calcium related.
Well wishes,
Mr. Husband and I are on the 4th day of the 9-day Cleanse, which is actually the second day, after the two pre-cleanse days, which means we are without solids for one more day. I hate this day! and I hate the brown morning sludge…but I really notice when I don’t take it. I’m sorry to read about your little sicky. That is so scary. I am glad all is better!
Jen: bulk section or baking section at Superstore/Loblaws. You will find raw almonds there. I would say Costco, but it’s about a 20lb bag, and at a limit of 6 a day the entire American army couldn’t wipe out a Costco bag of raw almonds while also doing Isagenix. 😛
I just stumbled onto your blog. I too love the Chai Latte’s. There are a few brands that make hot chait that is pretty good. It doesn’t have the sugar or milk, but the flavor is really good. I used to drink the lattes daily. Now, only once a week and only a tall.
Wishing you well on this journey.