I am trying, rather unsuccessfully, to potty train my two and half year-old.

I have done this before, with two ornery toddlers, so one would think I’d be a seasoned professional, but no. I have been sopping up misguided puddles of pee from the carpet, watching my girl refuse to go #2 on the potty then dumping a hot load in her diaper as soon as I strap one one, and it’s making me tired. Add to the mix a puppy who is also crapping on my floor and I feel as though my life is one, big feces-stained joke.
Whatever. It will be fine. She’ll figure it out eventually.
And then, when I reach the stage in my life when I no longer have to wipe anyone’s butt but my own, I will throw any unused leftover diapers into a huge fire and will dance on their ashes. What a glorious day that shall be.
Just saw that I wrote 2 instead of 3 – y’all must have thought I was a bit pushy for “buckling down” on a 1 year old!
I used Bribery..ummm I mean incentive for my son lol. I had the same issue where he would not do #2 for fear body parts where falling out and he would go as soon as a diaper was on! There was a toy that he really really wanted and I made it clear that that was a toy only for big boys that used the potty… We used a reward chart and low and behold a week later he was using that potty like a pro and earned that toy! Also only had him in nothing but underwear (pull ups did nothing for him other then provide him with a safe place to crap) then switched to easy to pull down pants about a week later. I found some of his accidents Came from trying go get the clothes down in time
My daughter will be 2 in May and we buckled down on the potty-ing in late January. We got off to a VERY rocky start but then, like a switch, it turned around. 6 weeks later, she’s awesome and dry through the night! I never thought she would be doing so well at this point, so there is hope! Keep at it (and reward YOURSELF with the M&Ms).
She’s my last baby so getting rid of the diapers, changing table, etc is bittersweet.