Well…it finally happened.
After 6 years of dvd’s, books, plush toys, figurines, websites and cd’s it happened.
Cuyler finally saw The Wiggles. Live.
All thanks to Sara/DIY. A few weeks ago she emailed me letting me know she had 2 extra tickets to The Wiggles and wondered if I would like to take Cuy.
WOULD I? Hell yes.
WOULD I? Hell yes.
And I really didn’t mind them. I would take them any day over Barney or Big Comfy Couch…Their tunes were catchy, there was a variety of songs and lets face it – Greg was pretty easy on the eyes.
I even made sure that his 3rd birthday cake reflected his love for them.
I even made sure that his 3rd birthday cake reflected his love for them.
Yes – I made this myself!
Now here we are. Five years later. We had a break from them and that time was filled with Thomas the Tank Engine and then Toys Story but we came back to The Wiggles. Except when we came back Greg was gone. Replaced by Sam.
Cuyler would not watch anything that included Sam.
Just the Wiggles of yore.
Just the Wiggles of yore.
Over time he came to accept Sam. Which made it a very exciting adventure yesterday as we hopped on the Go train (another thing he loves – trains!) and headed to the Ricoh Coliseum. We met up with Will and Sara and headed over to the merchandi$e.
I spent 50 dollars on a little Henry the Octpous stuffy and a t-shirt that is about 7 sizes too big (the alternative was 7 sizes too small)

I spent 50 dollars on a little Henry the Octpous stuffy and a t-shirt that is about 7 sizes too big (the alternative was 7 sizes too small)

To quote Sara: “No wonder these guys are richer than AC/DC”
Sara let us know prior to the show that Jeff would not be there – he was back at home in Australia recovering from heart surgery (dude is 58!!) but his replacement, Brad, was a-ok with Cuyler.
The lights went down and Cuyler’s fingers went immediately into his ears. Once he had adjusted to the volume the fingers came out and he had a ball – singing and dancing.
The lights went down and Cuyler’s fingers went immediately into his ears. Once he had adjusted to the volume the fingers came out and he had a ball – singing and dancing.
And I must say – I was incredibly impressed with them. They danced choreography, they played all their own instruments and the sang all their own songs – no lip synching for these guys.

My heart was smiling the entire time.
Three or four years ago this was something I would have loved to take him to see. All of our friends were taking their 3 and 4 year olds. But I just knew that he wouldn’t be able to manage the people, the noise and the overwhelming feeling of seeing his hero’s live.
Yesterday he was beaming. He loved it. And I was again reminded of how far we’ve come.
It reminds me that I will be able to do all the things I want to do with him and all the things he wants to do. Seeing all the little ones there yesterday – I am also reminded that we work on a different timeline than most.
And I am totally okay with that.
It reminds me that I will be able to do all the things I want to do with him and all the things he wants to do. Seeing all the little ones there yesterday – I am also reminded that we work on a different timeline than most.
And I am totally okay with that.
We (my husband and I) went to the same show this past weekend as well with my 5-year old and 7-year old son. I was lucky enough to win tickets for our family. My boys have been watching the Wiggles for the past 5 years and really enjoy their show. I agree that the concert was amazing but the merchandise was expensive!
We also spent money on a light-up car wand toy and some activity book.
My 7-year old is autistic and a few years ago, there was no way we could have taken him to the concert. He hated the loud noises, the people, the darkness etc. (he would cry, scream and try to run away!)
But now, he is able to enjoy these outings and we are so very happy we can take him to these places with his younger brother. This year we took him to the Disney on Ice (Toy Story 3), Shrine Circus, Cars 2 movie (not 3D) and the Wiggles show! He was great at all of them (though he still gets scared if there is fire on stage!). He is also still not great with fireworks (very scared).
We are very proud of our son’s progress and I can see that Cuyler is making great progress as well …. keep it up!!!!
That is terrific!!
My heart danced and smiled the whole time with Cuy!!!! It was a beautiful thing to watch because I knew how much progress it was for him and for you guys. The Wiggles were great! So happy you guys came with us!!
what a great adventure,