Three years. Three freaking years. Today you are three years old. My mind is more than slightly boggled that you’ve been here for three years but at the same time I wonder what the hell I did before you made your arrival.
I find myself looking at older kids at the pool or the skateboard park and wonder what you’ll be like when you get there. I’m not wishing the time between now and then away – I am just so SO curious what you’ll be like!
Right now? You fascinate, amuse, infuriate and exhaust me. I feel like one of ‘those’ moms when I rave about how smart you are; how beautiful you are; how amazed I am that you once inhabitated a tiny sac in ma belly. (and then I realize it’s normal…we’re all ‘those’ moms).
We still have some serious ups and downs my bubs. Gimme a break though…while you’re learning this whole ‘life’ thing, I’m trying to learn a new life. You try my patience and you push my buttons – we match each other emotion for emotion….there is never a dull moment.
Last night you were crying out in your sleep. I went in and rubbed your back and when I got up to leave, in your sleep, you automatically put your arms out to hug me. I sunk into it and thought ‘three may push me to the brink of sanity, but we’ll get through it together.’ Because as you said tonight – we’re a team.
So happy birthday Will!! Like I tell you every night – you’re awesome; amazing AND incredible.
Oh and if I were you – I’d make those cookies today…you never know what kind of ‘monster’ may stop by your party!
Oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, little Boo!!
I adore him already… have a blast, Will!!
happy birthday, will!
you’re right about the wondering…it’ll come too fast and you’ll wonder no more! i hope he has a great birthday! i hope you celebrate your third birthday as a whole new person, too
Hope you have an amazing day – cookies and all!
Happy mommy-versary Sara. You’re an amazing mom and one I totally admire! SO glad to have you my my life!