The Boy is blessed with copious amounts of toys. Mountains of fun, interactive, learning-centric, “important for his development” toys. Toys that have cost hundreds of dollars and were lovingly bestowed upon him by his generous family members.
To be perfectly honest, he’s not a huge fan of all those amazing toys anymore. I can’t count the number of times I’ve bought The Boy a toy that,
according to other moms or a magazine, he “needed” only to have him toss
it aside less then a month later. In fact, I have been hunting, searching, praying for good toys to cross my path. Nothing holds his attention any more and so our days are often spent with me chasing my desperate-to-walk son around the house, begging him to rediscover how fun his blue, green and yellow stacking toys are.
But TODAY I finally found one toy that would bring The Boy HOURS of fun. So much fun, in fact, that he actually lay down on it and attempted to convince me that it was the perfect place for a 9 month old to take his morning nap and cried when I pried him off of it.
I’m pleased to introduce you to our new favourite toy:
A big, white box. Delivered by Fed-Ex this morning. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to the sender, because this big white box has given us hours of fun. The Boy was in it, “climbed” out of it, tipped it back and forth, climbed over it, hit it on all sides over and over and over, played peek-a-boo with the flaps, had a very serious conversation with the label on it (sounds like “dadada, ba ba, thhhhhhhhhhhh”). HOURS of enjoyment.
And in between awesome games of hit every side of the box with a wooden spoon, mommy even got to drink a coffee and have a bowl of cereal. Hallelujah!
Oh, to be a little kid again… and, oh, to have more big white (or brown or beige, we’re not picky) boxes delivered to my door every morning!!
One day, see if you can find a REFRIDGERATOR box…cut out holes for windows, paint (if you are brave) and I swear he will play in it till he is 5. Ya just need a bit of space as it kinda takes over.
However a simple box (no matter how big or small) is a GENIUS toy. My kids loved the “box” as well.
I read your story about the “big white box” with interest.
It reminded me of my youngest daughter. She too had tons of toys, but preferred the “giant size Pamper’s box”! Every morning she would take all of the new diapers out of the box and then climb in herself for hours of fun! Every evening, I would gather up all the new diapers and put them back into the box….then the next morning she would take the diapers out again for another fun day with the “giant size Pamper’s box…..then every evening I would gather…….
Ahh….the memories!