Shall we talk about Michael Phelps for a minute?
okay…so dude was caught being photographed in a less-than-gold-medal-worthy pot-smoking, bong-using photo…
and Kellogg's apparently didn't like it and decided not to pursue a new contract with him. "We originally built the relationship with Michael, as well as the
other Olympic athletes, to support our association with the U.S.
Olympic team," a company spokeswoman says in a statement. "Michael's
most recent behavior is not consistent with the image of Kellogg. His
contract expires at the end of February and we have made a decision not
to extend his contract."
He was also punished by USA Swimming. He was suspended from competition and denied financial support for three months. "This is not a situation where any anti-doping rule was
violated, but we decided to send a strong message to Michael because he
disappointed so many people, particularly the hundreds of thousands of
USA Swimming member kids who look up to him as a role model and a
hero," the federation says in a statement. "Michael has voluntarily
accepted this reprimand and has committed to earn back our trust."
and then he apologized.
"I engaged in behavior which was regrettable and demonstrated bad
judgment. I'm 23 years old, and despite the successes I've had in the
pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner
people have come to expect from me. For this, I am sorry. I promise my
fans and the public it will not happen again."
and then Subway decided to drop him.
Phelps, who was supposed to be pushing the sub sandwiches, was mysteriously de-linked from the Subway website. In an e-mail from Subway spokeswoman Megan Driscoll, she said: “Subway is not commenting or releasing a statement right now on Michael Phelps.”
However, in de-linking all references to Michael Phelps, this is Subway
corporate as they prepare for dropping their sponsorship. Our insider
told us Subway execs are pissed off, talking to legal, want their
endorsement money returned — and to “get rid of this embarrassment.”
What do y'all think?
do you think Kellogg's and Subway are being too harsh on the Olympic medalist? or do you think they are justified in dropping the sponsorships?
Jen says
Big deal. It was stupid. I heard that Subway decided not to drop him in the end.
Giblet says
we are talking about pot here… not a banned performance enhancing substance…
He’s a kid. He was partying. Who cares?
Did we fire Bill Clinton when we told us he tried pot (of courese he didn’t inhale…).
Wasn’t a president just eleceted who admitted drug use earlier in life.
Phelps is human. He made a mistake. I think it’s being blown out of proportion.
Steph A says
I attended the University of Michigan at the same time as Phelps. He’s arrogant. He’s impolite. and He expects the world to fall at his feet.
I didn’t root for him in the olympics, and I’m glad to see he’s finally starting to get some comeuppance.
Teena in Toronto says
No, I don’t think they are being harsh.
He knew what he was doing and what he had to lose when he did it.