Celebs are always changing up their looks, and it’s not just their cuts and colors. They experiment with all sorts of accessories. Even their eyewear.
Sometimes it works…
And sometimes it doesn’t…
And sometimes it’s just…well, what do you think of the glasses Anne Hathaway wore this week to the Rio premiere in Hollywood???
I never love the oversized glasses thing. it’s like trying to overhipster yourself and it doesn’t look good on anyone. Anne’s are too big, and too eighties.
aren’t there good glass people who say “too big for your face darling?”
seriously could not agree with the above more.
no no no to Anne’s glasses. I’m sure Rachel Zoe told her to do it but I think not. Too much.
Yeah, the good ones are good… the others… not so much. Anne’s? *shudders* No.
it drives me nuts when people who don’t have to wear glasses wear glasses. they’re a pain in the tuckus! why would you want that hanging off of your face? i’d love to be able to wake up and “go” instead of fumbling for my glasses and cleaning all the thumbprints off of them.
100% agree with all of the above. ONE HUNDRED percent.
Sidebar: I totally effing love Jennifer Garner’s though, almost makes me want to wear glasses again. ALMOST.