I am tired. TAh-erd. Despite now (mostly) sleeping through the night, I am still bagged by the end of every day. Something about the work/kids/life/marriage/exercise/home/friends balance (or lack thereof) is just taking it out of me. I know I’ll look back on these busy days and be thankful for how packed they were, and I’ll stand amazed at how I summoned the energy to catapult through the frantic weeks, but for now, I’m just spent. I feel like I could sleep for a week.

Ever been there? Or spent a decade there? Zzzzzz.
WOW! It’s like you’re reading my mind! What is it? the weather? The supermoon? I’ve been sleeping a lot lately but find I’m more tired than usual! I could sleep forever.
Amanda – I’m the SAME. I swear it’s this adrenal exhaustion that my naturopath is convinced I have. I totally think she’s right!
I meant “live” there. Man, my nails are too long…
Dude, I love there. Word.
Yes yes I can totally relate to this right now. I have 2, and my goodness I don’t know how women handle more than 2. I thought having one kid was tiring but your tiredness reaches a new level when you have more. I don’t know if I my body will ever recover from this. I wish(fantasize) everyday that a nanny would magically appear and take care of the kids while I take a little nap;) hahaha. Good luck!
I have had sleepless nights for 7 years. Not only was it my kids not sleeping through the night, it is now my husband snores and wakes me up. That breaks up my sleep and it takes me at least an hour or so to get back to sleep after parking myself on the couch. I also run a day home (day care from home) and have kids running me ragged all day, so by the end of the work day, all I want to do is sleep. But then family takes over. Dinner, homework, playtime with the kids. That is another 2 or 3 hours. By 10 PM, if I am lucky to make it to that time, I am so dog tired, I really don’t want to do anything. Even my husband gets the shaft at times and I feel bad about that. I have also talked to my doctor about this and he has told me that I need a vacation. Well that costs money and at the moment, money is really tight and that is not an option. So, to me, I continue with the day to day struggle of staying awake during the day, not blow a gaskit from frustrating days (thank the good Lord for chamomile tea) and try not to dooze off.
I feel like that all the time. Even after I’ve had my coffee. I went to see my family doc, and she said “it’s called having kids.”
i also think all those sleepless nights with babies takes its toll. our bodies are sleep-deprived for years and perhaps they never fully catch up. Nap whenever you can – it helps.