Well, it’s officially a new year. And The Boy is officially 8 months old. And I am officially still feeling lugging around 10 extra pounds! This baby weight has got to go. I am almost positive that I have lost no weight since The Boy was 4 months old. I have stalled, with 10 pounds to go, and I’m at the point where I have to do something to jump start this baby weight-loss…and fast.
I’ve worked out, with some seriousness, since I was about 20 years old. Now, 9 years later, I am longing to get back into working out but am not sure how to go about it. I was taking a FANTASTIC bootcamp class, but my husband has started a new job and will not be home until quite late at night, leaving me alone with the boy from the moment he wakes up until the moment he falls asleep.
My favourite form of exercise has always been running. I adore running. However, I have tried running with The Boy and really don’t enjoy it. I feel clumsy, scared I’ll fall and tip the jogging stroller over and, selfishly, I just like running alone. I like the freedom I feel when I run alone- the ability to think or not think, to crank up my i-pod, to just be alone for a few minutes. With the Boy, I find myself constantly worrying about him, hoping he’s ok, searching the stroller for his toy, etc..
So, as I don’t feel comfortable putting him in a gym’s childcare yet (I’ve looked at a few, seen the kids running wild, and fear for my 8 month olds safety!), and all the mom/baby fitness classes I looked at don’t really have the intensity I need, I am forced to look at working out at home with my Tae-Bo videos (old school, but they work, I swear!). And here is where my newest problem lies:
I never know when he is going to sleep and for how long…I have tried all the tips and tricks and sure-fire ways to get your child on a great sleeping schedule. He’s so not buying into it! So I can’t put him down for a 10am workout, because he will decide that this is the day he is going to stay awake until noon!
Dilema 2: The Boy has very inconsistent nap lengths
Some days he sleeps for 20 minutes and some days 2 hours. I never know, there is no rhyme or reason, he is a wild man who marches to the beat of his own “no I don’t want to sleep” drum. As soon as I start working out, he is almost certain to wake up!
Dilema 3: I’m tired
I know, whaaaaa, poor me. But I’m tired and when he goes down for a nap, the only thing I want to do is sit down with some coffee for at least 20 mintues,
Dilema 4: Chores
I have, like all of you moms out there, a gazillion things to do!! I have cleaning and cooking, writing, and baby food making, etc… and I don’t know when I would get all of it done if I use precious nap times to work out.
So here I stand, full of excuses dilemas and wondering how I will ever get back to my old self! This Mommy Body has got to go and I have to figure out a way to fit exercise into my already jam packed schedule…I have the DVD’s, I have the fitness area (also known as my unfinished, cold basement), and I have the fat. I guess I just have to find the TIME and force myself to do it!!
Mommies out there- how and when do you workout? I know how good I’ll feel and that I’ll be a better mom, wife and all-around person because of it, but how the heck do I fit it in??
I’ve tried various low-carb, low-calorie, and low-fat diets for the past couple of years. Although the Atkins diet is very popular, it made me feel somewhat unhealthy.
The diet plan I’m on right now is the Medifast Diet. The caloric intake is roughly 800-1000 calories. However, it doesn’t make my body feel weak. It is a bit of a pricey diet, but there are plenty of coupons available on the internet.http://www.swoopup.com/stores/deals/Medifast-Diet .You should never pay full price.
My advice is just choose a diet plan which your body reacts positively to. No one knows your body better than you do!
Check out this article on Strollers for babies: Strollers For Babies
Very informative post indeed.. Blogging is one of my habit..
THere a lot of online workouts you can use. I recently signed up with HappyFitMoms.com. It has workouts that you can fit in to your life and they have kept my attention for more than 2 weeks.
I remember having a one year old. It was so hard to get anything done b/c she was in that in between stage and she was testing out her legs and anything else that she good get into trouble with. So I was always the most tired during this phase. For my second child it took me much longer to lose my baby fat. Almost 18 months! Not sure why, cause I seemed so much more active chasing around two kids. Just hang in there and try new things. The happyfitmoms.com has a 1 month free thing. So if you don’t like it at least you tried it out. and if you do like it, it’s only $8/month! just keep trying what ever you do. 10 pounds is do-able!!!! Good luck!
I enjoy keeping up with these stories It really adds that special something to my afternoon.
That’s funny Vicky because, for me at least, I have always been able to eat anything I want (within reason- an entire wheel of cheese, no, but a couple of slices, yes) as long as I worked out. I rarely had to watch carbs/calories/etc… unless I was getting ready for a really special event.
NOW however I apparently have to watch my diet and workout…sigh…the Boy was worth it though:)
Working out is great but its not the end all be all when it comes to weight loss.
Eating healthy…keeping a food diary….not eating after 7 p.m…..will help you
achieve your goals.
You can workout from here to timbuktu..but if you are eating 3 cups of pasta at 9 p.m. and snacking thruout the day, the exercise wont help.
I love exercising. Dont get me wrong. But it hasnt helped me achieve my weight goals at all. (sad but true).
I found it impossible to work out (except for running w the running stroller, which isn’t as good as running by yourself, but better than nothing) unless someone else was taking care of my babies. I never knew how long mine were going to sleep either – very frustrating to start a workout and not be able to finish it – have you tried finishing it w baby in the bouncy chair? You might look at other gyms w better child care? ARe there any teenagers in the neighbourhood who could look after your son in your house while you are there? Then you don’t have to worry so much. The last thing I found that it was really hard to decrease my portion sizes back to normal (or less than normal, after all, you are older than before you got pregnant) after being pregnant and breast feeding. With my 3rd baby on the way, I suspect that I will be doing a lot of PX 90 after it is born. Good luck!
I recently did a Nutritional Cleanse..I experienced increased energy, better sleep, clearer skin, sharpened senses, a cleaner body and increased relaxation, the most exciting part is I lost 16lbs and 20 inches in 30 days. It’s a simple program that’s natural and organic, the system feeds your body cleansing nutrients such as Aloe vera, herbal teas, vitamins and ionic trace materials. It helps kick-start your metabolism to burn fat naturally without harmful stimulants. I have the energy to exercise again.
I like Tasha’s idea of doing it before he wakes up. It’s not easy getting out of bed earlier than the little guy, but it might be the best time (or at least the most consistent time!). And it would be a great energy boost for the day. I’m thinking of starting to work out again too, but I’ll procrastinate a couple more months!
My baby girl will be two in march and I have lost nearly 70lbs to date. I have a fat mom. Read my story at http://www.teambeachbody.com/rruppe. BUT! basically I learned about clean eating from fityummymummy.com was mentored by one of my fitness instructors (turbo kick class to be exact) and now am a fitness instructor myself! I also do fitness consulting/coaching to help people(women & moms specifically) finally find the body they desire.
I’d recommend 2 things. Okay 3 😉 1st skim through my fitness blog: http://www.fatmomtofitmom.com for general ideas about fitness. Check out fityummymummy.com and lastly there is a BRAND NEW amazing at-home workout program called INSANITY that have the intensity level of no other DVD ever made! You must do it if you mean business! It can be ordered at http://www.teambeachbody.com/rruppe. A group of friends (& even random strangers from the internet;) ) are getting together and doing the program together starting Jan 9th (this Saturday!) join us for the accountability!!
As for when, these workouts are 35-40 minutes long. As soon as he goes to nap get to it! If he wakes finish it at the next nap. You can het the chores done later or when hubs is home. This schedule is not forever, just until you get the weight off(& believe me w/ this program that will be in no time!) oh dis I mention it’s a 60-day program? One you’ve reached your goal, scale down to a more doable maintaining workout schedule (like fityummymummy.com’s 15 minute workouts!!) good luck! I’d love to help more by becoming your personal fitness coach! I hope you’ll consider joining my challenge!
Finding time when your baby is not willing to be scheduled is SO hard. Out of 3 girls two were and 1 still is like that. So when you feel the energy to workout just go for it. I have had to wait until they are in bed for the night and then bring myself to workout. I am using the wii active sport at the moment and though my motivation is low at that time of day, you feel better once it is done. Just try and find time when you can. Your son may become a better napper in the next few months, which then may help you. If your son stays happy in his crib when he wakes up, do not feel guilty in letting him “play” or chatter in there until you are done. Got a friend you can buddy up with and trade some time so you can workout? It will give you another person to be accountable to!
Does The Boy have consistent wakeup times in the morning? I find the only way for me to get a regular workout time is to set my alarm and do it first thing in the morning before Samara gets up. It’s hideous getting up before I HAVE to but it’s a good feeling knowing the rest of the day I’ve already got it out of the way! Not sure if that will work for you or not.
Also, for a really quick workout, Jillian from The Biggest Loser has a 30 Day Shred DVD and it’s only 20 minutes which is a more manageable length for us mommies!
I didn’t lose all the weight in between my two kids…and they are nearly 4 years apart! The truth is that it is hard to focus on “you” when you are focused on a baby (or 2) so my advice is to do what you can, when you can and then integrate it into your schedule when you have a predictable one. Once your child/children are in pre-school/school you can set a specific day and time to work out but if your hubby isn’t home and your baby isn’t sleeping you need to focus on the basics. Go for walks, do the video on a day when you feel rested, watch what you eat. And give yourself a break!
But that’s just me.
It took me about a year. I asked around and it sounded like that was pretty typical. I must admit that I have given up working out bc of the unrelenting schedule my spouse and I manage, but I do take the stairs all the time and I walk, walk, walk all the time with my baby. Walking does not burn the same level of calories as running but it is better than sitting in front of the TV fretting about not working out. I did that too!
I’m also cognizant of the fact that I’m not “working out” so I’ve cut back my meal portions some.
Are you still breast feeding? If you are you body is probably still clinging on to some fat reserves to keep your supply levels up. I found that it took a few months after I stopped breast feeding to look “like myself” again. Don’t worry. It will drop off eventually! Get your rest while you can, drink 2 liters of water a day, eat fiber rich foods and walk as much as you can!
I love using Mel B’s workout video. You can customize your workouts and each one is really short. One day, you can do your arms and the next you can do your butt. The butt one is amazing. I am SORE! Good luck with your fitness!!!