Question: Have you ever thought to yourself : “Life would be easier if I quit my job and started my own business?” This was a big reason for my decision to leave my job and start my own business. Now that I am working for myself I realize how crazy it was to think I would have work life balance! At the point I realized this I knew it was time to ask other mom entrepreneurs what they were experiencing and they all agreed with me – it is not exactly the life you expected but you make it work.
I am making it work and I am fueled with excitement. It is a thrill to share this common vision with my husband. We are a team working together.
So as I grow from a newbie to a “seasoned” mom entrepreneur I can provide you with the following reflections:
- You are always tired and you work around the clock. In a tired stupor you put everything into the coffee maker except coffee. You sometimes miss your driveway when returning from your child’s school pick-up because there are too many things running through your head to recall which driveway actually belongs to you.
- Realize your children will sometimes hate the fact that you work from home. Tip: Pretend you are cleaning the counter while you press the buttons on your smart phone to check your e-mail or play hide and seek while holding your smart phone in a closet. Don’t worry the screen lights up.
- Realize your husband, while professing his love for you and your business ideas, will question what you have done all day and why the house looks like a disaster, all while expecting you to make money from your business. Said husband will also give you his unsolicited “business tips” or even worse “work-life balance” tips. Grit your teeth while he gives you this advice and look like you appreciate the advice even if you don’t. You will need his support later to chase after the children while you work .
- If you are passionate about your business, and you should be, it will be all consuming. You will turn into a night owl, all in an effort to be super mom and super star business owner. You will burn out and have a good cry at least once a month. Never give up; remember, you ARE a super star business owner. Now give yourself a pat on the back for balancing it all!
Are you coming to my next mom entrepreneur event on May 11? This event is for aspiring and established mom entrepreneurs. Visit marketing4moms for more info.
Ideally that would be a great time, but seize the moment when it comes, right? 🙂
I do my best to do my work, make calls, etc., during nap time too. Fortunately my son does a solid 2 hour nap in the afternoon while my daughter is at school. 🙂
Hi Jen,
I find that murphy’s law dictates that my youngest is having a fit just after I pick up the phone to answer a business call. I try to do as much as I can between 1-2 pm when I know he will be napping. Then it is off to the school to pick up the oldest. I think the best time to start your own busines is when your kids are both in full time school but since there is no ideal time you just have to make it work right?
Ah so very true. And don’t for get the “mom, aren’t you going to get my juice for me?” the one she asked for 5 minutes before you said “sure hun, just a minute” as you were answering a client email!
Hi Sue,
You make me laugh!. Hang in there. Hope to see you at our next event on May 11th.
Am patting myself on the back but it is only to try to keep myself awake.
Sue Sinclair
Chief Executive Mom, Raspberry Kids