My first trip into Microsoft Office 2010 was to Word. It is the most used program in my world. I use it for blogs, for articles, for long letters-personal or business and writing the never-ending book.
Before Office 2010, I would type my blog to publish. I would hit Control A and Control C. Then I would move over to my browser to bring up WordPress. Control V then voila- I would have a posting. Maybe pre-historic in the era of dial-up but it worked for me.
I was skeptcal on using the Blog To Publish option. I have been afraid of anyting technical. All that I have larned has come from mistakes along the way. My dirty secret is my reliance on Grammar check.
I typed away late one night. I hit the Blog template and filled out my post. In one smooth swoop, I was directed to my WordPress Account to hit post or edit on my Blog Dashboard.
What do you think? All this began at Word 2010.