My friend sent me this cartoon yesterday. It was sweet he said he was going to ask how I was etc but that he knew I’d be fine so would rather just send me this. I liked the vote of confidence and I peed my pants a bit at this….
The Octo-Toddler…
Now…Will’s 8 hands would be slightly different…
1 This hand for picking my nose
2 This hand for rubbing the snot picked from nose onto mommy’s work outfit
3 This hand for smacking mom in the face during toddler meltdown
4 This hand for grabbing all the dvds, throwing them on the floor and then walking on them and breaking them
5 This hand for rubbing away tears over broken dvds
6 This hand to finger wag at my mom while saying ‘i do myself’
7 This hand to reach around my mom’s neck….
8 …and meet this other hand for my famous, and most requested, TWO ARM HUG!
What are your toddler’s 8 hands for???
1. This hand is down my pants.
2. This hand grabbing a toy from my sister.
3. This hand is clutching all the other toys to my chest possessively while I run away from my friends.
4. This grabby hand is “helping” in the kitchen.
5. This hand is going through the cutlery drawer looking for sharp objects.
6. This hand is taking off my mittens.
7. This hand is reaching out for a hug.
8. And this hand is … also down my pants. What’s so interesting in there?
1) The hand used to pour milk/juice all over the table
2) The hand used to grab his ‘peen-ah’
3) The hand used to scratch Mommy’s face with (my personal favourite
4) The hand used to help Mommy flip pancakes with
5) The hand that is constantly opening the fridge door
6) The hand used to pat Mommy on the back while giving a hug
7) The hand used to pull my face towards his for an eskimo kiss
8) My favourite – the hand used to hold his fork with to either a) hurl food across the room or b) carefully direct food into his little face:)
I just love all of those little hands!
The hand of an octotween.
1. The hand that’s always open looking for money to be placed in it.
2. The hand that is constantly texting at a rate of 6 friends a minute.
3. The hand that is punching her “annoying” brother.
4. The hand that is on the mouse. Cause the other one is texting.
5. The hand that’s in the pantry/ fridge looking for snacks.
6. The hand that’s on the doorknob cause “I have to go mom, you’ll ruin my life if you don’t let me go”
7. The hand that is usually facing towards me palm up like I’ve just said something in a language she doesn’t understand.
8. This is the redeeming hand, the one that once in a while still beckons for me to come and tuck her in.
My boys:
1. This hand for scratching my rear
2. This hand for scratching my front
3. This hand for picking my nose and smearing the snot all over the bed (effing ew!)
4. This hand to shove my siblings
5. While this hand grabs their stuff
6. This hand for helping myself to anything else that I want
7. This hand is hand is for doing homework, but it doesn’t work
8. This hand is to help aim my pee – but it also doesn’t work…
All 8 hands are used to pick the cuticle skin off of each other because that is what she is OBSESSED with and her fingers are looking red, raw and one might even have a wee infection…