Rebecca Eckler is one of those writers. One of those. You either love her or you hate her.
and as far as i can see, the love and the hate come from the same place. Rebecca gets paid to do what many of us can only dream of. she gets paid to sit on her ass in her pajamas and write about herself. People who hate her can’t believe she gets paid to write this so called "me-journalism" made famous by the ever-so-clever leading lady of columns, Carrie Bradshaw. People who love her can’t believe how lucky she is! She gets paid to write like Carrie Bradshaw! She’s so cool. There are two sides to this coin, friends. (i guess it’s no secret what side i fall on).
Her new book, Wiped! Life with a Pint-size Dictator, hits the shelves this coming April, and i got my hands on an advance copy. Her new book, the sequel to Knocked Up: Confessions of a Modern Mother-to-Be, is exactly what i expected it to be. a great read.
Sure, she’s spoiled (ah! she has TWO Bugaboo strollers!) and shallow at times (but, then again, so am i…) and she’s self-absorbed…but it’s a book about her first two years as a parent. of course it’s going to be all about her. what else would it be?
she’s also honest. Rebecca is often criticized for talking the taboos. She didn’t breastfeed (the horror! call out the breastfeeding nazis!). She has a nanny (the horror! how can you possibly need help?!!). she finds some aspects of motherhood boring (the horror! how dare she admit that watching Dora for the 45th time in a row isn’t exciting?!!). She’s a Mommy & Me drop-out (the horror! she’s entirely unfit to be a parent…don’t you know you MUST sign your child up for classes?!!)
she’s also funny. Rebecca writes about being so tired she walks into walls (and finds a use for those frozen peas in her freezer. twice!). She writes about her inability to use a Diaper Genie. she writes about going-out-without-the-diaper-bag disasters and having to change her baby girl on the floor of a public bathroom (if that’s not funny, i don’t know what is).
she’s also more like you than you’d think. she has problems with her in-laws. she has problems going away and leaving her baby. she deals with everyone thinking her baby is a boy just because she’s bald (sound like anyone else you k…cough, cough, Isabella, cough cough). she has trouble listening to the baby cry. she feels lonely when her non-mother friends are out doing non-mothery things and her mother friends are all busy…well, mothering. she deals with toddler tantrums over silly little things like balloons (and, seriously, how many of have been there???) she runs to the ER with her baby the first time she gets a cold. She deals with job issues. She has trouble losing her baby weight…and she’s totally sick of everyone telling her "nine months up, nine months down". She’s been there, folks. just like all of us. Only she’s not afraid to admit it.
sure, people are quick to judge. They judge mothers of all shapes and sizes. they judge the stay-at-home moms, the working moms, the attachment-parenting moms, the moms who let their children cry-it-out, the moms who use pacifiers, the moms who don’t use pacifier. all mothers are judged. People judge Rebecca Eckler all the time. How dare she complain about being a mom when she has a nanny and she’s rich and she flies off to Hawaii for months on end?!!
but, folks, at the end of the day, when you strip off the $450 jeans she’s just another mother. she’s just trying to cope with the most life-changing event. just like the rest of us.
Only she’s lucky enough to be able to publish it. and i will forever be jealous. but i’ll wait patiently for the next installment in her life with the Dictator.
you can pre-order Rebecca’s new book on or and you can see more of Rebecca on her very own blog, NinePoundDictator.
I started Wiped, but found it too horrible to finish. I don’t fault any mother for needing help, and don’t poke my nose into whether mothers are feeding via breast or formula. In my opinion, however, Eckler came across as overbearing, self-righteous, and ignorant. She also seems horribly spoiled, as evidenced by the complaint that she was waking up at 10:30 a.m instead of sleeping in. I also couldn’t sympathize with her thinking she had it more rough than her Fiance, who did night duty AND had an outside job.
Sure, we all have selfish thoughts. I’m appalled that Eckler doesn’t seem to see that maybe she needs to learn that it isn’t all about her.
OTT = Over The Top
I am a closet lurker of Rebecca’s. I am intrigued by her and respect the way she says it like it is but am also sometimes cringing in my chair at her arrogance and ignorance. However, I did read her first book and thought it was entertaining so I will give number two a try.
Thanks for giving us the goods. I don’t judge her but often just simply can not relate.
Love the review! And I would WELCOME you as a guest reviewer on my blog anytime!
Great review, Ali!
(I still can’t figure out my fucking Diaper Genie. Genie my ASS.)
She sounds like my kind of momma. I can’t wait to get a hold of these books.
Great review. I’m even more excited about the book now. You totally got what I love about her – she says it like it is and isn’t afraid of being judged (or maybe is but says stuff anyway).
Honestly, I read her book when I had PPD with my son, and she made me realize that all the stuff that was monumentally important to me at the time wasn’t that big a deal. She put it into perspective.
I LOVE her!
Heidi, don’t feel bad for having an opinion other than mine. everyone’s going to have different opinions!!!
i just have one question…what’s OTT?
Sorry to go against the grain here BUT…..IMHO she is a total OTT spoiled brat-ling who can’t write her way out of a paper bag.
For God’s sake, people have been having babies for centuries – she acts like she is the FIRST one to ever do it “tough” (ahem). She should try being a single mom, strugglng on a single income and dealing with childcare and a conventional job like so many people I know.
I agree with your review for sure. I didn’t read her first book, but have just finished Wiped and found it to be an entertaining and easy read!
Great review, Ali! And, you forgot — we’re judged if our toddlers squeeze and twist our breasts (aka breastFEEL) all the frikken time….If one more person tells me not to let her do it, I will kill them — YOU try making her stop.
I have to read this book. I’m with you — I’m a fan of Eckler’s. 😉
that’s a great blog! You nailed RE’s appeal…i am so jealous, she does have the best job. Book sounds interesting…am going to order it!