This contest has closed, but since we got such great feedback on it, we are giving away another Kobo HERE. What are you waiting for? Head over here!
When I first heard about the whole e-reader concept (you know, Kindle, Nook, Kobo and the like) I scoffed and thought, I am a book person!! The same way I was never able to give up an actual real, live newspaper that I could hold in my hands and turn the pages for the online versions, I just assumed I’d never give up A BOOK IN BOOK FORM. The smells, the feel, the covers. I am a book lover, though and through.
And then I was given a Kobo to try out. And I hesitated at first. And then I started reading Dracula while sitting in an airport waiting for my delayed flight to begin boarding. And then I started downloading books, which range in price from FREE to about $10. And, you guys, I was instantly hooked. It’s actually quite a lovely little device. The screen is totally non-glare and it’s easy to read, it feels good in my hands, it’s user-friendly, which is always a plus.
Other features of the Kobo include:
6″ 8-level e-ink screen
1GB internal storage, SD card slot
Comes with 100 classic books
Supports ePub, PDF, Adobe DRM files
It’s actually quite a lovely little device, and I am kicking myself for not wanting to get one sooner!
And because we’re in a giving mood, We’d love to give one lucky winner BOTH a brand-new Kobo AND a $50 Chapters/Indigo gift card.
For one entry, leave a comment and tell us what the first book you would download on your Kobo would be.
For an extra entry, tweet a link to this post. Then come back here and let us know that you’ve tweeted it!
Easy peasy, right?
Good luck! The contest will run from today, August 16th, until 10pm EST on Monday, August 23rd. The winner will be chosen randomly by our friends at
Only members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign-in. Not a member yet? Click here to join!
Click here for contest Rules and Regulations.
Tweeted it (double underscore)
Interesting question. I imagine the first book I’d download would be the NIV bible. Our son loves reading from it before bed, and an e-reader would be fun to share with him.
The first book that I would download (when I win) would be The Pearl by author John Steinbeck
Anything written by Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Little Prince – this book always makes me smile
I would love to read the grave series by Charlaine Harris on a new Kobo.
I would definitely dowload The Girl who Kicked the Hornets nest….The first 2 in this series were fabulous!
the first book I would download would be Eat, Pray, Love.
Heart of the matter by Emily Giffin. Thanks!
My first book download would be a Stephen King novel. Any one of his is a good read.
I, too, love A Prayer For Owen Meany.I just reread it for the 5th time last month, but I think that the first book I’d download would be Kathy Reichs’ new book, Spider Bones.
If I won this great prize, I would download ‘Baby Days: Activities, Ideas, and Games for Enjoying Daily Life with a Child Under Three’. Gotta keep things fresh and fun for my little one 🙂
I would read “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”. 😀
My first book to download would be anything by Agatha Christie!
Tweeted via @amysprague
The first book I would download would be Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
Tweeted under the FCF account here:
I think the first book I would download would be Animal Farm as it is my favourite book. It would be handy to be able to take my favourite books with me wherever I go! 🙂
Tweeted the link by @babybottomline
I would totally get some toddler cookbooks!
Healing With Homeopathy: The Complete Guide
By Wayne B. Jonas, Jennifer Jacobs
Lord of The Rings is the book I would download.
Just read “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” 2nd book is with my daughter 5 hours away. I would download the second one.
I’ve always wanted to read “The Secret.”
The Stand by Stephen King
I tweeted
I would download “The Color Purple”!
Looking forward to the opportunity of downloading “The Girl who played with Fire” and then the second of the trilogy “The Girl who kicked the Hornet’s Nest”….read the first one – it was an amazing read.
If I were to win a Kobo, I would definetly download the entire outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, but the first would be Voyager, then I would move on to the Rest. That is a series I could read over and over and over. Not sure what reading a book with out the actual book would be like, but i have heard a lot of positives about the new e-readers, and I want to give it a shot.
I also tweeted @angelnryan
The first book i would download is Eat Pray Love!
The first book I would download is Honey I Wrecked the Kids due to the current issues with my 2 year old.
Just tweeted!
The first book I would download would be Eat Pray Love, as I have not yet found time to read the book or see the movie!
I would download “A tree grows in Brooklyn” my fave book.
I would give this as a gift to my Gran who loves to read and I think her first book with be “The Lovely Bones” because it reminds her that even when we are gone we are still here and because of that book she feels closer to my Grandad who passed away about 3 years ago.
I think I might get Spider Bones by Kathy Reichs (if it’s available in e-book)
Hard to pick just one…..but my first dl would have to be The Kite Runner
the carrie diaries !!!!
I’d download Great Expectations.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo!!! Cannot wait to read it. Then the rest of them.
The Clan of the Cave Bear
Dr. Seuss’ ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ thanQ for this opportunity.
I absolutely adore James Patterson so the first book I would download is, “The Postcard Killers”. Even though I am a book-in-print lover, I would lilke to give the KOBO a try.
Would love to download Eat, Pray, Love since I have never read it, and have recently seen the movie. It’s really good!
it would be great to win it. the first book that i will download will be harry potter.
This would be a tough call, but I would download Lord of the Rings- The Two Towers. I could read it over and over again.
This would be a great thing to have when at the park with my son and his friends!
First book would be Eat,Pray,Love
First book would be Eat,Pray,Love
Eat, Pray, Love because I hear that is an amazing book.
I would download Eat, Pray, Love so I could read the book before seeing the movie. It sounds like a wonderful read!
I have read and enjoyed J. A. Jance’s series of books and would love to dodwnload her latest in the Joanne Brady series, “Fire and Ice”
I would download “The Dome” by Stephen King. That is one of my favourite books of all time – I can read it over and over and over again!
Thanks for the opportunity to win a Kobo, it’s my dream to own one! 🙂
i would download the latest book by sophie dahl
Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa
The first book I would download would be Pride and Prejudice, as this is always a good read, over and over again.
eat, love, pray
chelsey chelsey bang bang
The first book I’d download would be The Girl W/The Dragon Tattoo because I’ve yet to read it and I’ve heard great things about it.
this is cool! would download lonely planet guide to san francisco!
I would download A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines. I love this book soooo much!
Tweeted on twittier
The frist book that I would download if I won would be The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo.
I tweeted about the contest.
I woud download The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo.
The Red Queen.
I’d get Sizzing Sixteen by Janet Evanovich.
the girl with the dragon tattoo
I tweeted this contest 🙂
The Book of Awesome would be my first download!
I would download The Weed that strings the Hangman’s bag – great new series!
I tweeted this contest 🙂
The first book I would download is The Catcher In The Rye, my copy is falling apart 🙁
Committed by Liz Gilbert!
Eat, Pray, Love
The Passage by Justin Cronin
I would Download a Child called it A favorite since my teenager yrs. Brings you back to reality and what the world can really be like sometimes
I would love to read the new Lauren Weisenberger book A Night At Chateau Marmont!
Definitely Eat Pray Love – it was fantastic!
Half the Sky
I would download my favorite book George Orwells’s 1984.
I would download Nicholas Kristoff’s Half the Sky
Under The Dome by Stephen King
I would download The Dome by Steven King…I love his books!
I would download Spooky Girl by Laurie Notaro. Love her!
I would download Eat, Pray, Love, many of my friends have read it and absolutely loved it.
I would download Eat, Pray, Love, many of my friends have read it and absolutely loved it.
I would download any book by Stephen Coonts! He is my favorite author and I love the Deep Black series.
I would download all of Haruki Murikami”s book. Love em!
I would download Eat Pray Love. I absolutely loved this book!
The book i would love to download is Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert then followed by Committed, also by E.G. I love both these books and plan to read them again soon, as I wish I could run away and do the things that elizabeth did. A great read for anyone who wishes to fantasize through someone elses journies in life.
My first download would have to be The Postcard Killers by James Patterson as he is one of my favorite authors and I think that is the only one of his books that I haven’t read yet! I really appreciate the opportunity to win this, as it is one thing that I have wanted for a long time, but just couldn’t justify buying! It would be a dream come true! Thanks!
I would download “Worth Dying For” by Lee Child….I love the character Jack Reacher and can’t wait to read Child’s new novel!
I would download Twilight.
I would like to get the girl with dragon tatoo, I’ve seen the movie, now I want to read the book
I tweeted this –
My first book would be the double comfort safari club
Goodnight Moon. So my son could read with me!
I would download the Harry Potter series because my son would also enjoy them!
The first book i’d download is what to expect when you are expecting
The Appeal by John Grisham
The first book I would download would be The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo
I’d download The Stand!
I would definitely download I, Alex Cross by James Patterson.
The Island by Elin Hilderbrand. I’ve read her other books and they’re the perfect easy summer read.
I looked at these in Chapters book store and thought is was pretty neat, but I could’nt bring myself to buy one, but now, if I were to win one, that would be awesome!!
The first book I would download would be any book by Michael Connelly.
The first book would be Diana Gabaldon’s An Echo in the Bone.
The first book I would download is Harry Potter.
The first book I would download is The DaVinci Code
The first book I would download onto my Kobo would be Nicolas Spark’s novel “The Last Song”. I just watched the movie and I thought it was amazing so I bet to read the novel would be even better!
The first book I would download would be The Vampire Diaries. Yes I know I’m a mom, and I’m almost 30! lol BUT Sadly I love anything Vampires! I think I’ve read the Twilight books about 5 or 6 times each and the Sooky Stackhouse (True Blood) books 4 or 5 times. So I’m in need of another Vampire series to ‘sink my teeth into’ lol. Given how many times I’m likely to read any books I think an e-reader is a good idea for me.
I would download The Stand, been planning on reading that eventually
I would download Towers of Midnight by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson. Not out until November, but I think I would just read the free classics until then.
The first book I would download would be “Eat, Pray, Love”
I am dying to be able to read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The Kobo would be a great way to do it!
I’d download Anne of Green Gables – it’s an all time fave of mine. I still have my first copy of the book, all tattered and dog-eared! It’s very well loved!!!
The first book I would download is Christine by Stephen King. It was the first novel I ever read, way back when.
The first book would be Jean M. Auel’s The Land of Painted Caves.
The first book I would download would be Ken Follett’s new book coming out in September, I cant wait!
Pride and Prejudice, my favorite!
Oh! So many books to download. So many books to read and such little time. I would download “Love In The Time Of Cholera”. I’ve wanted to read it for a long time.
I would download Geneen Roth’s “Women, Food and God”. I’ve been hearing great things about it. 🙂
I would love to read the Last Song
Mariah Stewarts new book. She is a great writer
I would download Lavinia by Ursula K. Le Guin.
I would download any of the classics like Moby Dick, Romeo & Juliet, or To Kill a MockingBird.
the next book by sue grafton
The first book i would download would be eat pray love. want to read it before seeing the movie!
I would download anything by James Patterson!
I tweeted a link to this post. Good luck in the contest everyone!
The first book that I would download would be The Hobbit.
If I were lucky enough to win this, I would get the latest James Patterson 🙂
I would download the Sookie Stackhouse series of books!
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo would be my 1st book!
I would download Watch from Robert J Sawyer… Also tweeted
I would download the next book in the series that started with “Flowers in the Attic”. I read every book that came along and I have grown up reading them and they have also grown in subject matter along with me. Good Read
I would download Watch by Robert J Sawyer and tweeted 🙂
The First Book I’d download on the Kobo would be Charles Darwin’s On the Origins of Species!
I’d get what ever is Alexander McCall-Smith’s latest work.
i would download Eat Pray Love, i would love to read that book
The first book I would download would be The Night Before Christmas.
The first book l would download would be “Instinct Based Medicine”.
Eat, pray, love is popular right now. I think my daughter would be “borrowing” my kobo and downloading more than me.
I’d download Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It’s been a while since I’ve enjoyed reading this book.
my first book would be Lord of the RIngs!
I have also tweeted.. tomgirlbc
I would love to get Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest to finish reading that series.
this would be cool to have i read alot and , yea this would be great, the first book would be The New Earth
I am not sure if i entered yet, but if i did i hope i am not out of it because of that, i cannot recall. thanks
The first book I would download is Eat, Pray, Love
The first book I would download would be The Survivors club because it is such a good book.
I think that I would download Eat Right For Your Type…its a book that helps pick an informed diet that is geared towards your blood type.
I’d get Private by James Patterson. I just discovered him this year and am enjoying his books. Private is his latest.
Eat, Pray,Love I hear it’s great
I would down load any Bill Richardson or Stuart McLean books.
I love humor and they are great writers and an easy read.
I would download The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough. I gave away my paperback copy years ago. I would love to read this book again.
I don’t know what’s available but I would go with a Lisa Jackson book, her new one is Running Scared.
Corduroy Mansions by Alexander McCall Smith, the only book of his I don’t have yet.
I would start reading the top 10’s again with the large print feature and the easy to hold Kobo ! Smile
An e reader would be great for my focus towards my studies, and I’ve never tr’d an e reader before, I think it would be so neat to own one. I would have a hay day shopping at chapters indigo with a $50.00 gift card!
I think that I’m the only one who hasn’t read “Eat, Pray, Love”, but I’d like to read it before I see the movie.
I would download Twilight, then the rest of the series, i love the movies, and have only partly read Twilight, so maybe i would finally get around to reading the series! lol
The first book I would download is Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. I actually read it a couple of years ago, and it is the best book ever! Definitely worth a re-read.
I have no idea which books are available in e format…I don’t have an ereader so there fore have never looked to see if the series I currently am reading is available..if not, I am sure I could eventually find something to read
I do want to read Inferno by Dante so maybe that is on ebook
I tweeted-
I would download Babushka’s Beauty Secrets by Raisa Ruder so that I could have all those little secrets close at hand.One needs all the help one can get these days!
my first download would be Angela’s Ashes
The first book I would download is Angela’s Ashes. My mom loved it. Haven’t found the time to read it.
the 1st book i would download is the Girl who played with Hornets, the 3rd in the series, I can’t wait to read it
Honey Trail: In Pursuit Of Liquid Gold And Vanishing Bees
Heal Your Body – Louise Hay
I would download “God, Women and Food”.
Stephen King’s IT
It’s been a while.
My first book downloaded would be Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood. Love it!
The first book I would download is Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. It’s one of my all time favourites and I like to read it every once and awhile.
The newest James Patterson Book
The first book I would download would be “The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest”
My first download would have to be “A Fine Balance” by Rhohinton Mistry.
Although I have devoured this amazing book many years ago, it is so beautifully written, i would like the opportunity to digest it again.
It would have to be “A Fine Balance” by Rohinton Mistry. Although I have already
devoured this delicious book many years ago, the writing is so exquisite, I would love to digest it once again.
I tweeted it here
and I never tweet so you know I really want it!
So hard to choose one book! I have been waiting to read The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom so I guess it would be that.
The first book I would download would be Diary of a wimpy kid rodrick rules! My daughter is obsessed with the series!!
The first book I would donwload is Once A Runner by John L. Parker, Jr.; I am a runner and this book so inspires me.
OH how I love books. I too am skeptical, but curious! I would download Her Daughter’s Dream by Francine Rivers.
The Girl who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson – I have been hearing so much about it…I really should read it!
Eat Pray Love
the first book I would download would be The Book of Negroes
The first book that I would download……. So many to choose from… Janet Evanvich, Sizzling Sixteen! Excellent series!
The Girl who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson. I’ll have finished the other two by the time this arrives.
My first download would have to be Eat, Pray, Love!!!
I would download Angela’s Ashes because it is one of my favourite books!
Tweeted too @ mynym
Justin Cronin’s _The Passage_
Eat, Pray, Love – because I haven’t had a chance to read it yet -no copies in the used book store, or thrift shops yet! ; )
Tweeted!!! Great contest. I have a KOBO but my soon-to-be 4 year old keeps using it. mama wants her own!
I would like log in Eat Pray Love
I think that would be a wonderful book to read
I will download Fly Away Home by jennifer Weiner.
The first book I would read is going to be The Great Gatsby. I have wanted to read it for years, and am finally going to do it, and love it.
I would download Edgar Sawtelle!
I tweeted!
I would like to download Eat, Pray, Love as my first, I saw the movie but really want to read the book!!
The first book I would download would be “Life After Yes” by Aiden D. Rowley. I’ve been hoping to get my hands on a copy of this one since it came out, and what better way to read it than on a brand new Kobo?
I love to read and the Kobo would be great. My first book would be Gone With the Wind which I read many years ago & would love to tread again.
The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson.
The Passage by Justin Cronin
I would download the book The Passage By Justin Cronin
I would download White Oleander.
i would first like to download and read Diana Gabaldon’s An Echo in the Bone.I never got a chance to read it before .
The first book I would like to download would be STAR ISLAND, by Carl Hiaasen because I’ve been dying to read it.
P.S. I tweeted the link for this contest, too! :-}
I would download The Book of Negro’s. Excellent excellent read but to big for my purse:)
I would download The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
The first book I would download on my Kobo would be “What the Stones Remember: A Life Rediscovered” by Patrick Lane.
I tweeted:
The first book I would download is “The Kite Runner.”
I would download Craig Ferguson’s “American on Purpose: The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot”.
I would download “Shit My Dad Says”….What? It’s a book!
My first download would be Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
The first book I would download would be the final book in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn. Its the only one I have left to read.
The first book I’d download is The Stand by Stephen King.
the first book i would download is anything about scrape booking ..i love learning how to scrape booking ..seeing other peoples project i can new ideas ..hope i’m lucky enough to win this .thanks
I would definitly download the first book from the harry potter series. I have never read any of them and think it’s about time!
The book I would download would be WHERE MEN WIN GLORY, by Jon Krakauer. I’ve read another of his books and thoroughly enjoyed it. I’m an avid reader and would be thrilled to win this.
I would download Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events. I started to skim through a copy that my daughter borrowed from the library and it was pure entertainment.
I have to be honest but I haven’t read a book in ages. Just can’t find the time to. Maybe with a kobo this will give me a chance to finally read one! Or else to download books to share with my little girl!
the first book I would download will be “the vampire diaries”.
Any of the new James Patterson books and the Twilight Series!
I would love a kobo because both my husband and i love to read. i would start with something by nora roberts or steven king because they are the two authors i like best. Then I would check out what else that strikes my interest.
I’m not sure which book I would download first, but since I read so many professional books for work, it would be some trashy novel.
I would download my children’s favourite story Alice in Wonderland.
The first book I would download would be Breaking Dawn, as it’s the only one in the vampire series I haven’t read yet!
I would download Eat, Pray and Love
There very first book I would purchase for the KOBO is “Sizzling Sixteen” by Janet Evanovich 🙂
Heard so much about Twilight, I would like to download and read it.
I would download Blood & Chrysanthemums by Nancy Baker.
The FIRST book I would download would be our very own Canadian writer, Margaret Laurence’s: The Diviners.
Shared link to this post on twitter
The first book I would read is Mary Stewart’s ‘The Crystal Cave’
I would download Eat, Pray, Love and hopefully get a change to read it before going to see the movie.
the first book I would ad would be a clifford the big red dog book, my kids love these!! and it would always remind me of what is really important in life.
I would download The Lost Symbol, by Dan Brown. I would live to read it before the movie comes out, and I think I’d need a while to get thru it :)…I love his books!!!!
I would download the newest Laurell K. Hamilton book.
I would download the ‘Book of Awesome’!
I love to read anything and everything……I’m not sure what I would download first, that decision would take awhile. James Patterson, Patricia Cornwell, Stephen King, Sue Grafton, any chick lit, cooking books, holy cow, the list goes on. Would be great to read on the train everyday to and from work!
My first download would be To Kill A Mockingbird
I would read Pillars of the Earth. It’s a really big book to carry around all the time!
OH MY GOSH! I would love this! I am a librarian and a tech nut, so how much fun would this be. I have no idea what I would download first~maybe The Help…
I would download Eat Pray Love…I’ve seen the film and now I need to read the book!
I just saw the movie and would love to read the book now…Eat, Pray and Love would be the first book I would download 🙂
I would download the Anne of Green Gable series, a good read the first time and every time after that.
I’d download Women, Food and God. My daughter the techie would be so jealous if I won this.
I think I would download Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger because I really enjoyed the Time Traveler’s Wife
i would download “eat, pray, love” to find out what all the hype is about
I would down load “The Carb lovers’ diet”, I find we tend to eat more carbs in the cooler months, and this book has amazing recipes for carb lovers who don’t want to gain weight over the winter months. Ya hooo thats for me!!!!
I have shared this post on my twitter:
I’d download the book of awesome.!!
I would download The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, since I love the saga for a long time and always ready to read them all again in a heartbeat. Having an ebook reader sure beats holding the books, which can be quite heavy to carry around!
larry’s party by carol shields.
I would download the Hound of the Baskervilles
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
I haven’t yet read Eat Pray Love and I’ve heard that the book is much better than the movie, so I think that would be my first download!
Fabulous prize, thanks
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
I would download Nikolski – sounds like a great read and it’s Canadian – yay, eh!
The first book that came to mind is the last book in the Harry Potter series. I’ve not had a chance to read it and doing so on an e-reader sounds compelling.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
The Book of Negroes
If I won this sweet Kobo Reader, the first book I would download would definitely be “HOUSE OF RECKONING” written by John Saul.
I would love to read the book called Secrets and that would be the first book I would download.
I tweetered, tweeted, what ever you call it LOL
I think the first book I would read is Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
I would download Anne of Green Gables first!
I love mysteries so I would download The girk who kicked the Hornet’s Nest.
I love mysteries so the first book I would download would be The Girl who kicked the Hornet’s nest.
I loved the Life of Pi, so this would be one of the first. i might also get some good ol’ Chick Lit, as these would be great to read while on the go.
I would download “The Power”, by Rhonda Byrne. Follow up to”The Secret”! 🙂
My first book would be by Louise Hay, her newest book Health & Wellness, I love being inspired.
I would down Dan browns The lost Symbol.I love all his books and its on my lists of books i want to read
The first book I would download would be When Hungry Eat by Joanne Fedler. I first Joanne three year ago on a writers site we were both on Orble. We became friends fast (online) and she is one of the most amazing women I know, the journey she goes through in finding herself and I cannot wait to read it!
the first book I would download is “The Secret”
I would purchase Personal Finance For Canadians For Dummies, since times is
hard, times is so hard . . . .
I would download Diana Gabaldon’s OUtlander. I read this series pre children and want to read it again!
I would download The Hero of Ages 🙂
This would be soo cool!
The first book I’d download is Eat Pray Love. I’d read the book so I can go watch the movie afterwards.
I would download some children’s books for the kids for whn we’re in crazy, boring situations.
I think the Bible would be a great place to start. Then anything by Joyce Meyer.
The first book I would download is Phantom by Terry Goodkind.
The first book I would download on my Kobo is, “Phantom” by Terry Goodkind.
Wow this is amazing, I would love to download BEST FRIENDS FOREVER, by Jennifer Weiner.
I would probably download a cookbook – it would be hard to choose which one, because I am addicted.
I would like to download The Happiness Project by Author: Gretchen Rubin.
We can all stand to be a bit happier can’t we : )
anything by Noel Streatfeild.
I’d definitely download the twilight series. Great give-away
I would download Fear and Loathing in the USA by Hunter S. Thompson. I want to finish reading it, but every time I go to grab a copy of my own at the store, they are sold out. started reading a friend’s copy and really want to finish it.
My sister has always wanted one of these.
And the book “City of Glass” by Cassandra Clare just game out – i’d download that. 🙂
I would download Charlie and the chocolate factory to read with my kids.
I left a tweet
Win a Kobo & Chapters/Indigo gift card! #contest #kobo Fun contest from @UrbanMomsCa & @ChaptersIndigo(crafty501)
I would download ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’
I would get The Last Olympian, and maybe some new teen lit. Gotta love the vampire lit that doesn’t take up anymore shelf space. 🙂
I tweeted too 🙂
Blood & Chrysanthemums by Nancy Baker
The first book I would download would be “Pray for Silence” by Linda Castillo. Her debut novel was great, can’t wait to read this one!!
Sadly, my inner geek will be revealed. If I won a Kobo the first thing I would put on it is the Canadian Oxford Dictionary. As a geek it drives me crazy when I read something but a word either stumps me or, better yet, I think an author is using a word incorrectly!
The frist book I would download would be “The Postcard Killers” by James Patterson. I really enjoy his books, so it would be the first of many
I would download many of my favorite baking books and also Eat, Pray and Love.
I would download all the Harry Potter books, then it wouldn’t take a whole bag to carry them just one small device.
I have long and quietly wanted an e-reader of my very own, so have put much thought into what the first download would be! I’m thinking it would be a mix up between either the Kushiel series by Jacqueline Cary (which is, to say, RATHER difficult to find in paperback, let me tell you!) and The Night Inside by Nancy Baker….for no other reason then sentimentality, lol!
P.S. I was also an avid and loyal book person. That changed during a rather long road trip with my sister and HER Kobo….I have been converted! XD This truly is a wonderful piece of technology, and a great way to stay green 🙂
I would read any Marian Keyes book.. I love any of them for a fun read!
I would love to download and read “The Swiss Family Robinson” – I love that book.
And I Tweeted it :o)
Definitely anything by Kathy Reichs would be my first download!
First book to download would be ”Everything I want to do is Illegal”
Definitely anything by Kathy Reichs would be my first download!
I’m just about done with The Girl Who Played with Fire so I would need to immediately download The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest.
The first book I would download would be Making Toast. This book tackles an issue that a lot of families unfourtunatley go through. Thanks for the opportunity!
First book would be The Corrections by Jonathen Franzen. Want to re-read that one.
just tweeted it!
The first book I’d download would PROBABLY be All the President’s Men simply b/c it’s my fave and I haven’t read it in many years. But who knows what might catch my attention before then 🙂
I tweeted, but I don’t know how to link to my tweet 🙁
Tweeted! =)
I would download Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert so that when I’m finished reading Eat Pray Love I can just move on seamlessly.
The first book would be Mockingjay that comes out next week – so looking forward to it!!
The first book I would download would be City of Bones by Cassandra Clare….I’ve heard great things about these books!
I would download To Kill a Mockingbird.
The first book I would download is Nineteen Eighty Four. Because it has been so long since I’ve read it (where is my copy, anyway?).
Tweeted about it 🙂
The first book would be a guilty pleasure 🙂
J.R. Ward’s Lover Revealed from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series
I would download An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon. Love that series!
The first book I would download would definitely be a guilty pleasure book. The 4th book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood Series by J. R. Ward Lover Revealed
I would d/l Island beneath the sea by Isabel Allende
Eat, pray, love. Then The Girl with the Rose Tattoo, then…
so many books!
Probably the newest Kellerman or Roberts fiction novels.
The first book I would download would be a Bible !
I twittered it too!
The first book I’d download is To Kill a Mocking Bird. You know – for mocking me. Something I should have read in high school and am now interested.
The first book I would download would be To Kill a Mockingbird, because I have always wanted to read it!
The first book I would download would be To Kill a Mockingbird, because I have always wanted to read it!
The first book I would download would be Eat Pray Love!
The first book I would download would be Eclipse I haven’t had a chance to see the movie or read the book.
I’d download my favourite book, Pillars Of The Earth, by Ken Follett. I can read that over and over again.
The first I would downlown are mysteries and thrillers, e.g. Dean Koontz,StephenKing etc.
I would download the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo as I haven’t read it yet.
The Bible.
The first book that I would download would be the twilight saga eclipse book. I’m too lazy to buy it, plus I haven’t finished new moon.
I would download Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. I read the first book in this series and it was so good….
I tweeted giveaway
The first book I would download would be a cookbook. I love reading cookbooks but they’re often too large and bulky to read anywhere but at a table. I’d probably download Tyler Florence’s Real Kitchen because I think he’s pretty dreamy.
I would pick Dear John as my first book selection to download.
Geez , I’ve been dreaming of getting one one of these and how much fun it would be to have so many books in one handy package so it’s hard to narrow my choice to one title.I guess I’d start with ” The Complete Up North: A Guide To Ontario’s Wilderness From Black Flies To The Northern Lights ” and patiently wait for more of my fave nature guides and writers to come out with ebooks.
I would love to read, eat,pray, love! So that I can follow up with the movie!!
The first book I would download is The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
My first book to download would be “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” then I would download the sequel: ” The Girl who played with Fire” and then ” the Girl who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest” – all by Stieg Larsson. I think this would be great to take along instead of the 700 page paper backs. 🙂
That would be Eat, Pray, Love. After downloading, I will go to the movie – sit on the last row and flip pages as the movie goes – most of us do this while watching a dvd or listening to a cd – checking the back of the cover to see where we are watching or listening now or to know what’s next.
The first book I would download would be The Comedies of Shakespeare.
I think the first book I would download would be The Kite Runner
The first book I would get would be “Eat,Pray,Love”
death on the d list
This was my first time Twittering. LOL. My first book would be : Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey.
The first book I would download would definitely be Life of Pi. I had to read that in highschool, and its been so long. I remember LOVING the book, and the story it told. It was brilliant.
I would download The Everything Kids’ Science Experiments Book. How fabulous to have something portable at hand when doing an activity.
I also posted the link to Twitter:
The book I would read is War and Peace, since it’s such a large tome, it would be easier to read from a slim pad 🙂
I would love to get this prize. I could use it every day for myself and reading to my grandchildren. Thank you.
The first one I’d download would be the 5th Sookie Stackhouse book since I’ve read the first four and am dying to continue with the series.
I would download The Kid Stays in the Picture by Robert Evans!
The 100 classics that are included would keep me busy for a while, especially since I’ve been looking to catch up on Jane Austin’s works, as well as Grimm’s Fairy Tales! Otherwise, I’ve also been itching to read “Nanny Returns” by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus, the sequel to an amazing “Nanny Diaries”.
I how I would love one of these….the 1st book I would download would be The Lotus Sutra…it’s about the teachings of the Buddha
The first book I would download would be the soon to be released Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
A brilliant paperless invention! I’d download The Adventures of Baron Munchausen by Rudolf Erich Raspe.
I just tweeted it! 🙂
I would download Stitches: A Memoir by David Small
I would download the classics and the first would be Jane Eyre!
I would download the third Steig Larsson book, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest.
I would download Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy – I’ve always wanted to read it, but honestly it’s too big to carry around. A Kobo would solve this problem instantly. 🙂 Pick Me, Pick Me!
I would download Margaret Atwood’s The Year of the Flood, she is a wonderful Canadian writer and her books are sold all over the world. I loved The Handmaid’s Tale and all of her books are well worth the money spent.
I would download a big heavy classic like War and Peace by Tolstoy.
I would download The Book of Awesome!
The first book I’d download would be 1984, even though I have a paper copy here somewhere.
I would download the next book that our bookclub will be reading. So far it is unknown as the choice will not be announced until Sept 9 – surprises 🙂
My choice would be a favorite : Pride and Prejudice! I have a hard time finding large print books and heard the KOBO is a great option!
I’d probably download 1984 as my first book. I have a paper copy here but never seem to find time to read it.
I would download Angry Housewives Eating Bonbons. Because I feel like one right now and I could use some bonbons.
I would download Last Night at Chateau Marmont by Lauren Weisberger. It was just released yesterday and I want to run out and get it now!
Tweeted: Win a Kobo! And a Gift Card! – RK Nighttime Lounge |
Love this contest…after reading some of the comments I have got some great ideas on what to read next….the first book I would download would be Full moon rising the first book of the riley jensen series by Keri Arthur…Love that series!!!!
I confess, I would download “Gone With The Wind, “one of my all-time favourites since I was 13 years old – but so hefty it’s hard to pack, hard to hold, hard to read in bed! My paper copy is dog-eared and losing pages – a Kobo is a terrific solution. Now if it would only let me download the movie as well … 😉
The first book I would download is Pride and Prejudice. I absolutely LOVE that book and would read it over again. 🙂
I would love to win this, it would really lift my spirits…the first book I would download would be ” How to Love Yourself” Thank-you for the opportunity to win.
I would download The bridges of Madison County!
The first book that I would download is “The Brightest Star in the Sky” by Marian Keyes because I’ve been trying to read it for the last 3 years – the actual book is just too big to take with me (and all the other stuff needed when I go out with 4 children)…plus – the youngest one now enjoys reading books too but at a year old he’s already tried to read daddy’s books and they are now missing pages!
The first book I would download is “A Whistling woman is up to no good: Finding your wild woman.” By Laurel King
Hi I would love to win a Kobo. The first book I would download would be Eat Love Pray.
The Stone Angel would be my first book
The first book I would download would be ‘$#*! My Dad Says ‘ by Justin Halpern. I know it’s not a classic or a trendy novel. It certianly isn’t deep or steeped with plot twists. However, it is funny, light-hearted and reminds me of my Dad, whom I love so much!!!
I just twittered this!
I would download Diana Gableden’s Voyager
The first book I would download would be The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
I would download Mini Shoaholic when it comes out in September. I love the Shopaholic series. They are always fun to read and I’m excited for the latest release.
The first book that I would download would be The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown – it would be great to have a favorite fiction book that reminds me of one of my favorite trips as a stand by to re-read.
The first book i would download is Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. This is one of the best books that i have ever read and one that i could read over and over!
The first book that I would download in my Kobo, would be “The Key:The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want By Joe Vitale, is and old book, but I love to keep reading it. Thank you
I would download the True Blood series. tweeted !
Oooh a kobo sounds amazing! The first book I would download would be the lovely bones, I saw the movie and I’ve heard great things about the book.
I would download eat love pray
If I had a Kobo reader, I would download “War and Peace” by Tolstoy, which I have always been enamoured with the history and plight of the Russians aristorcrats ever since I was introduced to literary works in high school English classes. I have been told many times that it’s a classic and a “must read” in my lifetime, but the book never made it on any of my reading lists throughout high school nor university. So, years later, now, I would like to dive into this long book that is 4 volumes and thick like the height of a pillow. I think that since it would be in the Kobo reader size and weight, it won’t seem as daunting as it once did when I was in school. It would be a thrill!
I would download the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris!
I tweeted about this 🙂 (heatherlike)
Contest has been tweeted:
The first book that I would download, would be ANYTHING having to do with managing 2 year old temper tantrums!! 🙂
The first books I downloaded would be the True Blood series.
I think the first book I would download would be the Twilight Series, my daughter is right into it and I think it would be fun reading with her!
First book I would download would be The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest
The first book I would download would be Eat, Love, Prey. I want to read it before I see the movie.
Eat, pray, love, – it is next on my must read list
The first book I would download would be “The Carrie Diaries” by Candace Bushnell.
Or maybe I’ll download The Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson! So many books that I wanted!
My first download would be Mockingjay for sure.
The first book I would download would be The Help by Kathryn Stockett
I would put all of Bryce Courtenay’s books on starting with “The Power of One”
The first book I would download is Mini Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella. I have read every book in this series, and this book is her latest.
I would download A suitable Boy by Vikram Seth.
I’d download A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. I read The Kite Runner and loved it. Looking forward to reading this one, too.
I would download the 1st Twilight book. I know, I am awful that I haven’t read any of them yet – I figured I would just watch the movies but everyone keeps telling me the books are SOOO GOOD…… 🙂
The Power of One or any book by Bryce Courtenay
catcher in the rye would be my first book to read on the Kobo
Just tweeted 🙂
I would download the 1st of the Twilight books. I know, I know, I’m horrible for not reading ANY of them yet, LOL!
The first book I would download is anything that had romance, mystery and intrigue that would escape me from my ho-hum deary
Wow..this would be great! I would love one. My first download would be Farmer Boy by Laura Ingles Wilder as most of my reading these days is with my children 🙂
i’d download all of jasper fforde’s nursery crimes books!
After reading online about all the buzz about the actress who will portray the main character in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. That would be the first book I download. Just to see what all the buzz is about. I bought all the Twilight books after hearing all the buzz and really enjoyed them.
Tweeted here
I would download the Outlander Series – love it and could reread it over and over!
I iwll download Mockingjay by Suzanne collins. I loved Hunger games!
This first book I would download would be Eat, Love, Pray
Definitely Eat Pray Love. I’ve read the book last year, fell heads over heel in love with it and can’t wait to read it again – this time, Kobo style!
I also tweeted it:
The first book I would download would be any of the Diana Gabaldon books.
I love how technology is always evolving and would love to win a Kobo.
I would download Eat Pray Love. Although I’m quite the foodie and find Jody’s selection (“Gordon Ramsay – Cooking for friends”) very appealing as well. I’d probably spend the entire amount within the first hour or so.
I would download Hunger Games. It’s been on my “to read” list for a while!
Well, I also would download Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins!!! I have been waiting for that book to come out since I finished reading the other two in the series ( The Hunger Games and Catching Fire).
If it was in December though, the answer hands down would be Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning.
I would first down load THe Leisure Seekers.
Eat Pray Love. Cuz I heard you HAVE to read the book before seeing the movie.
Honestly….I would download Mockingjay!! Terrible but true. Then I would download some classics to balance myself back out ;). It would be fantastic for my morning commute!
I would download the new book “Private”
also tweeted by @bellacirovic (moi!)
I would download eat,pray,love.
first book would be: Stephen King, The Stand – a book I’ve wanted to read forever.
I tweeted
I would download all of the Elin Hilderbrand books – I am obsessed right now for summer reading!
How exciting! It would be amazing to win. So many books to read and what a convenient way to read them…
I’m like you Ali – I am a total book person. I love the feeling of opening a new book for the first time, the smell of the paper and the emotion that comes from flipping pages to find out what happens next. Have never tried an e-reader but heard wonderful things and think its totally worth a whirl. After all I did make the change from paper and ink to a PC and have grown to love the transition, maybe its time for something new.
The first book I would download would have to be a mystery novel – perhaps
Red Mandarin Dress by Qiu Xiaolong or In Cold Pursuit by Sarah Andrews.
Best of luck to all!
I’m with snickermom. The Great Gatsby would be my first download. I soooo want one of these!
I loved reading what everyone would download. I’d probably download The Help. It’s on my list to read. Or one of the Jodi Picoult books that I haven’t gotten around to yet.
The first book I would download would be the Kite Runner, a book everyone should read.
I would download “Gordon Ramsay – Cooking for friends” First. 🙂
i would download ernest hemmingway’s “the sun also rises”. i read this in university and many, MANY years later, it still remains one of my favorite books.
I would download my favourite book: The Bronze Horseman by Paulina Simons
I am dying to own the Kobo and I am dying to read three cups of tea!
I would download: Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home by Rhoda Janzen
& I tweeted! (@cdnmacgirl)
Oh, I really, really want one of these. Trying to simplify! My first book would most likely be Farmer Boy by Laura Ingles Wilder as most of my reading is with my children. 🙂
tweeted 🙂
I would download “Shadow of the Wind” first.
What to expect when you’re expecting…it’s a great reference for the pregnant mom.
Easy. The Bible.
I would download a cookbook
Hi the first book that i would down load would be The New Earth, by Eckhart tollee
Thanks for having this contest i would love to win one, thanks
I really, really want one of these. Trying to simplify! The first book would most likely be Farmer Boy by Laura Ingles Wilder as most of my reading is with my children. 🙂
tweeted it
What a lovely contest! But…um…a book to download…that’s a hard one…there are 1.8 million books to choose from at the Kobo store…wow, that’s a lot of books…but if I have to choose, then Elizabeth Gilbert’s new book “Commited”, which is the sequel to “Eat, Pray, Love”. Good luck everyone!
I would download Goodnight Moon as it is my 2 year old son’s favourite!
Oh so many to choose from…….I really enjoyed the Friday Night Knitting Club books but my 1st download would be To Kill a Mocking bird
my 1st book would be Stretch, The Unlikely Makeing of a Yoga Dude by Neal Pollack
I would like to download The Great Gatsby
tweeted it!
First book I would read is Eat Pray, Love
I would download “February” as this is our next book at my Book Club – shout out to “Great Expecations” BC & I am presenting so I should get right on that!!
The first book I would download would be Jack Russell Terriers for Dummies. I really need to learn all I can on this breed!
tweet was tweeted 🙂
Wow, what a tough call! I would want to download the final book in the Jean M. Auel’s Earth’s Children series as soon as it comes out, and the final book in Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein trilogy as well. I wouldn’t mind getting Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons too!
The first book I would download would be ‘The Great And Secret Show’ by Clive Barker (followed by the sequel ‘Everville’
I’m so dying to get my hands on an e-reader!
I would pick still alice
The first book I would download is Gone With The Wind
I would like to read Camelot and a whole library of good reads soon after that.
Mr. Darcy Vampyre
I’d read “The Power” by the author of “The Secret”.
tweeted here
Hee hee – with 100 books pre-loaded it’d be a while before I’d need to download. That would be The Energy Healing Experiments: Science Reveals Our Natural Power To Heal
I’d download Confessions of a Shopaholic
I tweeted as well
I would download Jurrasic Park. It’s so much better than the movie!
I’d download The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Steig Larsson.
Can’t wait to try it out.
Wow. Hot contest here!
The first book I’d download is my book club’s next pick. I think it’s going to be “The Slap.” I hope they have it in the Kobo store!
The first book I would download on Kobo would be The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley – it’s been my favourite since a highschool English teacher recommened it to me!
Wow! Would this be great!!!!!!!!! The first book I would download would be the classic To Kill A Mockingbird. Then there is about 100 other books I am dying to read!
The first book I would download would be Anne of Green Gables – the book I am reading now.
under the tuscan sun!!
I tweeted ……
If available, the first book I would download is “Killobyte” by Piers Anthony. What a great book! Kobo would be a great gift for our long trip to Disney at the end of September too!!
I would download the Agony and the Ectasy! The story of Michaeangelo!
Amazing contest..I actually asked for an e-reader for my B-Day but I guess it was a bit pricy (didn’t get it :>(( ) I would download “Hundred years of solitude” by Markes. Amazing book. I read it a while ago, but would love to read it again..e-version of course.
thank you
I am so excited about the Kobo reader. It means I don’t have to keep my STACKS of books. It will make reading easy on trips too. I can pack mroe clothes because I don’t have to pack a couple of novels! Tht is always great news. I hope Santa is good to me this year!! Can’t wait to get one!
I Tweeted ! :o)
Difficult choice. I’d probably choose “Solar” by Ian McEwan or “the sadness of the lemon pie”
I would read : Eat, Pray, Love
I’d download Nikolski, by Quebec writer Nicolas Dickner.
I would download the Message Bible.
i would like to download medical dictionary
Rachel’s Holiday
I’ve tweeted about it.
Jodi Picoult House Rules would be my first download!
The Stand by Stephen King
My first book would be To Kill A Mockingbird
I would download the Message Bible.
Anything Janet Evanovich for me (a light funny read) and something for the kids. Their choice. Even a 4 year old can use this thing! I heard this unit can keep children occupied for the duration of a flight. WOW!
I would download the twilight and harry potter bok but I would also get a bunch of my favorites, and tons of cookbooks….so want one of these!!!!
I would download Eat, Pray, Love
I would download any Agatha Cristy books that I used to read as a young girl in Europe – best way to learn English Language.
The first book I would get would be a cookbook.I do not know which one but I would use it to cook dinner the first night I had it after I won.
My first download would be an Ann Rule book, I love her true crme stories!
I would download The Bible, so I always have a copy with me in times of need. For fiction, I would pick Gone with the Wind – a classic that I simply adore re-reading.
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Rebecca by Daphe DuMaurier.
The first book I would read would be any Nicholas Sparks books. I have read some but with 4 kids books seem to go missing from my bedstand.
I would download Eat , Pray, Love .
I’ve also Tweeted about the giveaway:
I would download the first book of the Millenium trilogy by Stieg Larsson. I have been waiting to read these books for a while now, but didn’t get a chance to buy them yet. That would be a great opportunity!
“Eat, Pray,Love”…. dying to read it.
I’m pregnant with a baby due in one week. I would download a baby book, but not sure which one!
I would download ‘Tis by Frank McCourt, one of my all-time favourites. 🙂
Blood & Chrysanthemums By Nancy Baker
The first book to download – The Help by Kathryn Stockett
I would download James Patterson Postcard Killers
The first book I would download would be “Committed” as I just finished reading “Eat, Pray, Love” and I’m eager to find out what happens next!
I would download “To Kill a Mockingbird”.
I would read ‘The Sound of Music’ first!
Thank you for the chance to win 🙂
anything Stephen King
My first book would be The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas
Roots, by Alex Haley
Anything with Agatha Christie, love thise mysteries
Books by Harlan Coben, I borrowed one of his books from a friend and loved it!
anything by Stephen King, love his writing
I would download Harry Potter – never finished reading them and I really want to.
I tweeted
The first book would have to be The Princess Bride – classic! I already tested out a kobo by reading The Count of Monte Cristo. It was great.
I would first download Flirt by Laurell k hamilton
My first download would probably be a sookie stackhouse book. I’ve actually been trying to save up for a kobo reader but things keep coming up and the money goes else where lmao.
I would download the latest Kathy Reichs novel. 🙂
Blood & Chrysanthemums by Nancy Baker
The first book I would download is “The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-Being” by Hale Dwoskin.
I would love a Kobo. The first book I would download is Lamb by Christopher Moore, it makes me laugh.
Tweeted here:
The first book I would download is “The Time Traveller’s Wife” by Audrey Niffenegger.
The first book I would download is anything “The Hungry Caterpillar” Eric Carle for my daughter (her favorite book)
I would download Italian For Dummies as a handy reference for my upcoming trip to Italy.
my first download would be Eat,Pray,Love
i would download shopaholic and baby and all of sophie kinsellas book
What to download first?! Probably “An Echo in the Bone” by Diane Gabaldon. I love her books!
I would download Under the Dome by Stephen King
I would download A Tale of Two Cities-Charles Dickens as it would be a great one to have on it and read.
The first book I would download would be, Tom Clancy’s “Clear & Present Danger”.
Hey I tweeted about this contest.
Eat Pray Love would be the first book I would download!
I would download MockingJay by Suzanne Collins when it comes out next week!
The first book I would download would be the latest book by David Weber.
I’d first download Secret Daughter: A Novel.
I tweeted:
The first book I’d download is Paranormalcy by Kiersten White.
I would love to download my favourite book of all time: To Kill a Mockingbird.
I would definitely try and download the book ‘The Seventh Royale’. It has been impossible to find. Maybe I will get lucky. Thank you for the incrdible giveaway.
I would see if they have the book ‘The Seventh Royale’. I have been looking for that book for a very long timel. Here’s hoping! Thanks for the incredible giveaway!
After seeing the movie I would like to read the Time Travelers Wife. Thanks!
The first book I would download would be “Under The Bridge: The Story of Reena Virk”.
I’d download The Postcard Killers. Thank you!
The first book I would download is Smash Cut by Sandra Brown.
Family Ties by Danielle Steele
Eat, Pray, Love
I would love to win this!!! The local library just sent out a newsletter talking about how ebook use is increasing. The first book I would download is Mystic River. My sister is reading it right now and says she can’t put it down!
Where The Wild Things Are!
Of course, ha ha ha!!
Sookie Stackhouse – I love True Blood, but have never read the series!!
I would download the twilight series. I have them in paperback but would love to have them in digital format as well
I too would probably download a recipe book!!!
The first book I would download is “The Book of Negros” It would be an awesome read!
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, because it’s one of my favourite classics.
I love a good mystery so I’d prbably get Hangman by Faye Kellerman.
I tweeted!!
The first book that I would download would be “Baby Proof” By Emily Giffin
tweeted here
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
The first book I would download would be The Red Tent. My favourite book.
I would download The Outsiders
The first book I would download is twilight
The first book I would download would be Nicholas Sparks-The Last Song
Here’s What I Tweeted:
Win a Kobo & Chapters/Indigo gift card! #contest #kobo Fun contest from @UrbanMomsCa & @ChaptersIndigo Thxs @Jen_Maier
Here’s Where I tweeted it:
On Monday Night August 16 around 8:50 pm. :o)
Ask and It Is Given Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther & Jerry Hicks
Daughter of Destiny by Benazir Bhutto, I enjoy reading the autobiographies of interesting women!
Dombey and Son by Charles Dickens
I would download ROGUE by Danielle Steel.
I would download “Jan’s Story” by Barry Peterson.
Anything by Dean Koontz he is my favorite
I would down load Iris Johansen-Storm Cycle
I’d download Nicholas Sparks’ “The Last Song” – the only one of his books I haven’t read yet!
I would download the BenHur on my Kobo.
I would download Teddy Kennedy’s biography..he was an interesting man
I would download A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry.
First book I would download is Yann Martel’s Life of Pi
War and peace.
I don’t know. There are so many I want to read! I too was one of those that had issues with reading e-books. But that was reading while sitting at your computer. I like to lounge while reading. I like to be comfy. These ereaders make it so much easier!
twitted here
Believe me, Ive downloaded Emma by Jane Austen!
The Girl who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson.
Kathy Reichs latest
Tweeted it here:
I woud download The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo. I heard that’s its a good series so would want to eread it.
I’d download Eat, Pray, Love since I like to read the book before seeing the movie.
I’d download Eat, Pray Love since I like to read the book before I see the movie.
I’d love to download “Let the Great World Spin” by Colum McCann.
I’d really like to download “The Help” – my friends say it’s a great read.
“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”!
I would download the Bridges of Madison County. I also just tweeted!
The first book I would download would be Eat, Pray, Love.
Any book about Canadian history.
I would love a Kobo for myself and my visually impaired son. You can change the size of font and it is much cooler than large print books! I would also get all of the Harry Potter series for him and myself!
all together dead by charlaine harris
I think its the 7th book in the sookie stackhouse novel series (which is based on true blood)
I would download “Eat, Pray, Love”
The Hobbit…a classic!
I just left a tweet about this super contest. I would love to have a KOBO. I love to read and this would be quite a treat. I would download the Bishop’s man by Linden MacIntrye.
I would download The Bishop’s Man. It has received the Giller award which is a great honour. Also, Linden MacIntrye is an excellent writer.
I’d download Jennifer Weirner’s “Fly Away Home”
the stand by stephen king
What a generous contest! The first book I would download would be “Finger Lickin’ Fifteen” by Janet Evanovich – totally hilarious, total mind candy. Then I could lend my hard copy to my sister to enjoy!
The first book I would download is Cure by Robin Cook
I read Gone With the Wind years ago and have always wanted to read it again.l
The first book I download would be the Celestine Prophecy
The 1st one is a tough call, but for me it would probably be some craft book.
The first book I would download onto my Kobo would be Nicolas Spark’s novel “The Last Song”. I just watched the movie and I thought it was amazing so I bet to read the novel would be even better!
The first book I would download to my Kobo would be ‘War & Peace’ by Leo Tolstoy… I’m currently on a Russian Literature kick. Thanks!
The first book I would download would be any Harry potter and the Philosophers stone.
I’m a cook book fan so it would download a cookbook of some kind:)
The first book I would want to download onto my new Kobo would most likely be a repai manual for my motorcycle
I would love to download and read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo!
I would download Nora roberts,,, The search
I would download antique reference books for my business.
I would download stephanie evonovich , Finger Lickin fifteen ( Im behind my this one 15, and the new one 16,,,lol…..need to win this to keep me more up to date on my reading
I would download nora roberts THE SEARCH, it would be great to read, KOBO style
I’d get the Lord of the Rings trilogy
I would download The Time Thief By Linda Buckley-Archer for Jake so that he could do something different than play his DS on LONG car rides
I would download Star Wars since its my favourite movie
I’d download Mayday by Nelson DeMille. Its totally creepy (don’t read it on an airplane!) but a lot of fun.
I don’t tweet, but I put it on my Facebook. Does that count for an extra entry? (see how much I want to win? lol)
I would love a Kobo! The first book I would download is The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I think Kobo is better than Kindle as Amazon doesn’t have many Canadian books available for download, and we have some amazing talent up here!
I am a huge fan of JD Robb and so the first book I would download would be Naked in Death. Of course I would then continue to download each and every book in the series after that!
I would download Sarem – a wonderful book that I would love to read again!
I’ll download Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.
The first book I would download is The Color Purple!
The first book I would download would be The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat: And Other Clinical Tales
The first book I would download would be Misery!
The firs tbook i would download would be Under the DOme, by Stephen King…have you seen the size of that book?!?
I would download “The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest” by Stieg Larsson .
I love this trilogy.
The first book I would download would be Twilight. I wasn’t that impressed with the movie but hear the read is “delicious”.
Eat, Pray, Love would be an uplifting first read, from the looks of the movie 🙂
My first book would be The Stone Angel.
Eat, Pray Love so I can read it before seeing the movie.
I would download “Excuse me, your LIFE is waiting” by Lynn Grabhorn. This has to be the BEST book I have hands down ever read in my life. I am never without it. Even if I should not win the Kobo – I really recommend it to anyone and everyone!
I would download Push by Sapphire. Thanks.
This would be wonderful to win! The first book would be Diana Gabaldon’s An Echo in the Bone.
Twilight all the books. Only seen the first movie but havent had a chance to read the book yet.
I would download Reginald Hill’s Midnight Fugue.
Although I have seen all the movies I have not read any of the Harry Potter books. I would download the WHOLE series.
eat, pray, love – I’ve been wanting to read it for awhile
This would be wonderful! The very first book that I would purchase would be Diana Gabaldon’s An Echo in the Bone.
The first book I would download on your Kobo would be…
‘Always Looking Up: The Adventures Of An Incurable Optimist’
– Written by Michael J. Fox
I have been truly looking forward to reading this amazing book!!!
I’ll probably download a recipe book, Once-A-Month Cooking Family Favorites
By Mary-Beth Lagerborg, Mimi Wilson. Thank you.
The first book I would download would be The Great Gatsby.
I would download John Irving’s A Prayer for Owen Meany. My favourite book of all time!
The first book I would download would be The Book of Negroes.