It’s no secret how much I love white vinegar…I’ve even been known to carry a small bottle of the stuff around with me because it’s simply so versatile! But did you know, my little pooch just loves the stuff too.

Why? Well here are five reasons why vinegar is canine-friendly:
- After our pooch was sprayed by a skunk, we tried the famous tomato juice bath to no avail. The only effective remedy we found to remove skunk odour was to rinse him with a 50-50 solution of white vinegar and water, followed by a plain-water rinse. We had to repeat this twice to get him fresh again!
- Keep your canine’s coat gleaming by lightly spraying or rubbing with a solution of 1 cup white distilled vinegar to 1 litre water.
- Prevent fleas by adding a little vinegar to your dog’s drinking water.
- Stop that pesky ear-scratching frenzy once and for all by wiping Spot’s ears out regularly with a soft cloth dipped in undiluted vinegar.
- Remove pet odors in carpets with baking soda and vinegar: first, blot any remaining wetness. Cver the area with baking soda and let stand overnight. The next day vacuum up the baking soda and wash the area with white distilled vinegar. Rinse with water and let dry.
I’ve used the pet odour remedy before and it really does work on cat odours (hairballs). My vet recommended the vinegar solution for her coat, too, which gets very dry and flaky in winter. So I guess cats must love vinegar too, right?