Not that long ago I was with a group of women and we were discussing FaceBook and one of them said how she wasn’t on it much because she hated reading about everybody’s perfect lives. FINALLY! I wanted to jump up and down because someone finally had the same outlook I did.
Don’t get me wrong I – I am a pretty frequent FaceBook user / reader / stalker but many times (in one day) I really get sick and tired of reading status that are all about so and so’s perfect family vacation, perfect children, perfect husbands, and perfect lives and perfect everything. There have seriously been times when I have wished that I had special super powers that would allow me to jump into the computer and give some people a slap and force them back to reality.
I don’t know about you but I would much rather hear about true happenings and see less than perfect photos – now speaking of photos I would love to know how some of my FB friends get such perfect family photos! They must edit them or something – what is it called? Photoshop? I need to learn how to use that because my family pictures are so not perfect.
Maybe it is simply a case of “my dick is bigger than yours” and everyone feels that they need to show people they knew in their younger years (or not so younger years) that they have done a good job, are successful, and have a great family. It just always seems as though everyone needs to outdo each other in the perfect life scenario.
I won’t lie. When I first started out on FB I would often feel a stab of jealousy or get slightly depressed and have thoughts such as “Gee so and so’s husband is so involved with their children – I wish mine was like that!” or “Holy shit! She looks like she did in high school!” “Wow, how nice that they can go on so many vacations!” “Their family always looks so happy” And the list goes on, and on.
However, the more I trolled the FB community I soon realized that I have something many others lack. The ability to feel comfortable with my family’s strengths and shortcomings and to admit that we are far from perfect, because as always, I just tell it as it is, good, bad, or in between. A big thanks though to my friends who also keep it real!
Are you a FaceBook user? What do you like most about it? What do you dislike about it?
Until next time,
Chantel, momof8crazymonkeys
I usually feel exactly the same way Chantel. There are certain friends’ whose lives on facebook just seem soo perfect it makes me want to puke.
But really, maybe there’s more to it. Sometimes things aren’t always as they seem, and everyone has their issues. Maybe that perfect hubby is actually a huge dink…..ya, I said ‘dink’.
I used to post negative comments about kids, messes, tantrums etc, on my facebook, but then I realized that I didn’t want them to find a bunch of posts about how miserable I was when they were little as they got older kwim??? I try to keep it real, but I often need to remind myself that this is the INTERNET and nothing ever really goes away.
Oh need to read my posts….nothing perfect about them…not even my grammer…lol
Done. 😉
Sonya – I think it’s the people I don’t know that well that irk me lol. Or maybe it is the people that I knew in High school and college but don’t really see them anymore so I don’t know the full story behind the status posting and pictures, maybe I need to look deeper.
If you want me on FB it is under Chantel Preston – my maiden name not married name:) Promise I will post nothing about my perfect life lol
Tracey thanks for the photo taking tips! I really suck at taking pictures lol I am going to try some of the suggestions you have given me.
Now if you want to find me on FB I am under Chantel Preston – my maiden name not my married name:) I promise I post nothing about my perfect life ha, ha
After reading your post I went back onto my facebook to see how I’ve posted stuff, photos etc. I think I post up funny shit that happens in my life that makes me want to laugh (or often it’s where I’ve landed and can’t believe where I am). I also checked the pages of my friends and I don’t see anything that irks me either. I love seeing their vacation photos, kid pic and family pics or what they are doing at work, latest projects etc. It’s a great way keep up so when I do see them in person and do a real catch up I already know a bit about what’s gone on. I don’t think anyone thinks they are perfect but I bet you your friends see how great you’re doing on your page with the amazing skills of keeping all the monkeys in order and that you’ve got it all! Now..I’ve got to see if we’re already friends on FB. lol
You know what, Chantel? What you’re describing doesn’t bother me in the slightest, but I know lots of people who feel as you do… I don’t know what to say about that, really. People don’t tend to run for their cameras when their kids are slapping the hell out of each other, and when everyone is screaming… the sleeping child in the hammock is better. Or at the ice cream parlour. Or on vacation. Maybe it’s the lack of balance that bugs you?
But! When it comes to the photos? One tiny tip about getting better pics is getting closer to your subject – leave less background around them. People tend to take pictures from too far away, so you can see the entire building in the background, and everyone’s faces in the foreground are the size of pinheads. Too far!! Get closer to faces. I hardly ever edit my photos (I swear to god) but sometimes the cropping tool is golden. Get rid of the excess in the background!
Also? I’m gonna find you on FB now… heh. 😉