okay, um, Alex? make-over much? i almost didn’t even recognize her this episode. love Hurley…"um, yeah, we kinda knew that forever ago." why won’t the island let Michael die? it let other people die. also…OF COURSE Tom is gay. also, of course Ben has a fake bomb. he’s a complete loon. i am a little bit mad at Sayid for ratting our Michael…especially since we know, in the future, that Sayid goes to work for Ben too. Libby!! gah! i will be pissed if Danielle is really dead. that just isn’t right.
i liked Marvita…i’m sad to see her go, but she really had mentally checked out, she was the obvious bootm although please, please, please send Dominique home. okay, seriously, Fatima, not shaving your armpits?? what MODEL does that? the constant mispronunciation of Katarzyna’s name is really bugging me. is it THAT hard. really? Lauren and her missing shoes? hilarious. most unintentionally hilarious moment of the night? when Whitney called out for the Saran Wrap in the middle of her fight with Dom. also? Dominique??? Catholic and Jewish are not races. just saying.
don’t mess with the Ozzy…you will get burned. i’m looking at you, Tracy. she had interesting ideas to keep herself in the game…but she was a total dumbass for thinking it’s a good idea to vote off anyone who could possibly help you win a challenge (mikey b, joel and Ozzy) i don’t get it…did Kathy not know where she was going? to an island? with no food? and…oh, it rains there? i don’t feel sorry for her and i am angry for her team that she quit.
Matt deserved to be booted for saying he didn’t want to spend his birthday alone. loser much? or…for rolling up his sweatpants into capris. what? also, pulling the mother card…whatever! you suck, Matt. you deserved to be voted off…and i’m so happy to James that he got to break the tie in person. i’m going to LOVE seeing Adam as HOH.
best. bachelor. ever. Crazy Stacey was hilarious. i want to invent a pharmaceutical that no one has thought of yet. and her prius line? priceless! and the underwear? ohmigod. the lawyer. and the dancing. what the hell was that? and the girl who bit the beer can? not sure what her name was…that was also perfect. the timing? when the other girl was going on and on and on about George Bush and politics? best line of the night? "She is riding my nerves like a pony…" ahahahahaha.
ben is so devious and manipulative.what an arse setting up carl and danielle like that.how could they shoot rousseau?arghhh.and sayid i am sure was right to do that to michael.now we’ll get some answers about the people on the boat.so many questions…
I think Adam as HOH is going to be fun times – although I really think he looks like Vern Troyer (a.k.a MiniMe) and his eyeballs are killing me – I want to poke them out. Pleased to see Matt and Natalie broken apart though!
How is Dominique still on ANTM? In a way I want her to do good (the whole Mom thing) but Lauren and Claire who seem to be the most level headed in that bunch are even getting fed up with her.
I was initially peeved at Sayid for ratting out poor, tortured Michael, but ultimately decided that he has good character judgement and probably has some reason for doing so…Danielle – how sad? Ben set that whole thing up so that the only other people that Alex cares about are dead – so he can take over her life again…isn’t funny that Widmore is playing his exact same Caleb character from the oC??
I too was ticked at Sayid — can’t really explain it other than I didn’t think it should have gone like that. WTF with Danielle!?!? OMG! That woman rocked the island for so long and then gets shot? Not fair! I didn’t realize we had to wait a whole month for more LOST. Grrrr!
Wow, Tracey did get the Survivor-Shaft…. I was scared of her nips though so it was time for her to go! lol… sorry, but very true. Just. Not. Natural!
I too was ticked at Sayid — can’t really explain it other than I didn’t think it should have gone like that. WTF with Danielle!?!? OMG! That woman rocked the island for so long and then gets shot? Not fair! I didn’t realize we had to wait a whole month for more LOST. Grrrr!
Wow, Tracey did get the Survivor-Shaft…. I was scared of her nips though so it was time for her to go! lol… sorry, but very true. Just. Not. Natural!
Totally p.o.’ed about Danielle on Lost. I mean this woman survived for 16 years on this island & then she just gets pegged off. And Ben is soooo obviously behind it.
I was totally blown away by the Michael backstory & that he & Walt actually did make it back to civilization. Big question, so was the Walt that Locke saw, when he was shot & in the mass grave, just a vision or was it really Walt (or Walt using his “powers” to speak to Locke)?
I loved Sayid takin’ charge & ratting out Michael. So who’s telling the truth Ben or the boat people? And who put that plane at the bottom of the ocean? Ben or Widmore?
I can’t believe we have to wait a month for the next 5 episodes!!
I thought it was another good LOST episode. I am very surprised that Sayid ratted Michael out. I am definitely more intrigued know as to how Sayid comes to work for Ben later. Again sooooo many questions. The boat people have an opposite story from the island people which is to be expected. I just can’t wait to find out who is good and who is bad! Oh and totally surprised about Danielle and definitely ticked off about it. And Tom is gay, does it really matter?