Natalie? you can go back to when i had no idea who you were, okay? thanks! oh, i’m so happy that Jason didn’t use his idol. i was not ready to lose Oz and James back to back. Ozzy’s entrance? love. his face when he found out that parvati was the rat? love love love. haha. gotta love Jeff’s "anyone who feels safe is a fool" i wish someone would give Cirie some credit for the ozzy orchestration…because that was ALL her, baby!
the contest! awe.some. loved Meredith’s and Lexie’s exchange. who hates Rose? raise your hand! Meredith is medicine-y…and able to talk to Derek about it. Meredith is a grown up! i kind of loved her in this episode. oh, and i how i love when Izzy gets smacked down. Bailey is Bailey. yay! also, Hahn needs a big ole swift kick in the balls, because, yes, i do believe she has a pair.
Alex! i cannot believe they did that. (ali…stop feeling sorry for Ben) and now he’s after Penny?? GAH! they changed the rules? what rules? whose rules? Jacob’s? Widmores? Nadia! does Ben have something to do with her death? Ben controls the monster! holy crap! ohmyfreakinggod, i love Sawyer protecting his Hurley and Claire. squirmy Faraday makes me squee!
Big Sheila…for the love of god, stop crying! Matty hates Natalie…love that! Adam’s got this one in teh bag, i’m afraid. i love that Sharon admitted to lying about her back hurting. i am so upset Sharon didn’t make it farther than final 4. she was great. Do you think Adam threw the HOH?
i so loved that they showed Fatima being sick but yet she totally rocked her shoot. way to make up for being a total douche last week, fats! yay for Katarzyna…way to correct Tyra for mispronouncing your name EVERY week! Anya eats the pavement in Rome. hahah. awkwardlauren gets the boot. FINALLY.
but Lauren was just TOO awkward. a little awkwardness would have been fine…but she just couldn’t do it.
I was sad to see Lauren go. She was entertaining and different and WAY MORE BEAUTIFUL than Dominic (yes, I do believe she is a man). I love how Ms. J said that she was a “brother”!
oh, i know…dominque needs to GO. i think they are keeping her around for comedic effect 🙂
HOW is Dominique STILL on ANTM??? I do not understand this. I despise her!
Ben is awesome. Anyone that controls the smoke monster rules….
hmmm, I didn’t like the ‘contest’ but the whole bear attack thing. EW!
Poor stupid Jason… and TOTALLY agree about Natalie. She is the one with balls, not Hahn. Heh.
i love katarzyna…and LOST is back on…yay!!!! those f-ers killed off alex wow…and i love sawyer protecting claire aron and hurley…i am going to cry a river if they kill sawyer and claire..ben is so evil…do you think he had something to do with nadias death?because now we know why sayid is working for him in the future….
I’m watching Grey’s Anatomy right now (I didn’t even know it was on, thank God for TiVo) and I am loving Lexie’s “creativity” with trying to find stuff for their apartment. “You see an underpad, I see a tablecloth! Ooh, fruit bowl!”
I don’t know how I survived without it these past few months )’:
Fats hahaha
I was so mad when they didn’t kick her off last week for being stupid and losing her own dang travel documents! Call me bitter from our own INS dealings…but that was her own stupid fault. But she redeemed herself this week.
Katarzyna must have been thrilled to be in a country where everyone actually pronounced her name without completely butchering it. It sounded gorgeous rolling off of the tongues of those Italian hotties…but what wouldn’t?