Christina and the pigs made my heart happy! Bailey gives Erica the smackdown…i couldn’t love Bailey more. and Hunt? i totally wanted to hate him until he totally redeemed himself by asking the Mcs for advice. classy. The chief was a total mcdouchebag with Meredith. loved Derek’s "hi Torres" -awesome. i actually *liked* Izzy this episode! and i loved the Lexipedia "i named the pigs today" and George’s "i don’t know what that means"
Ace! gone! hooray! good for Sugar for not giving you the idol. best move she could make at this point.and bitchy Corinne? best thing i’ve seen this season. Ken is totally winning this game. i love Bob. Randy and the king of gabon bull? what’s that all about. i was just totally meh about DAn.
first episode where i actually cared at all about Ethan. not sure how i feel about Mr. Matthews asking how old she was and then kissing her…(quite NEver Been Kissed-y) high Silver was AWESOME. Naomi’s hair KILLS me..WTF? i miss Kelly and BRenda. Naveed? not sure about this one. why didn’t we know about his crush on her?
it’s back!! ah! They make a RU out of MOR and S! penis pasta! the University of Tokyo commercial. Jenna’s stalker: "I don’t do anything for Yolanda and she sends me those headless dolls" and Colin Firth sure can wear a sweater! selling the "E" in GE to Samsung, who is now "Samesung" but maybe my favorite line of the night: those Dora the Explorer panties she was wearing were obviously made for an obese child
Jenny and Nate! HOT. i’ve never even really liked Jenny…but this? i’m all over. And Dan? what an asshole. that was so uncool. and Aaron? Serena certainly has a type, eh? i am kind of digging him. they are so right…if Blair and Chuck become a couple, it will get boring real fast. the chase, however, is HOT. also? Willa Holland makes me all kinds of happy.
I was glad to see Ace go.