i know i said that i was going to try to NOT watch new shows this year. i have enough on my pvr as it is, and little to no time to watch them (this season i don’t have a baby to nurse in the middle of the night…i must say, if i had to find a perk in the night-time breastfeeding gig, it’s that i was completely caught up on my tv watching).
Prison Break, Survivor, Amazing Race, Grey’s Anatomy, The Office, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (yes, i realize it’s a new show…), America’s Next Top Model, Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill (yes, i watch it. and no, i’m not embarrassed. not the least bit), the OC, etc. and now, i stumbled upon this little show called Heroes.
I hadn’t heard of it at all, and just randomly turned it on last monday, as it was starting. and i was hooked. mostly because it was Jess! from Gilmore Girls! (swoon). but also because it was just so different. and who doesn’t like to see Hayden Panettiere get all mangled?
The premise of the show is: ordinary people discovering extraordinary abilities. i know what you’re thinking. it’s X-men all over again. but it’s not. this is GOOD. and there’s much, much less body hair.
flying, telepathy (a personal favorite, since it’s Sean! from Felicity!), indestructibility, teleportation, being able to paint the future, pretty amazing. Waya has a nice little explanation of each character and his or her ability. (wasn’t it nice of her to do all the dirty work so i don’t have to?)
now, you probably know where this is going. if you could have one superpower, what would it be? there are many i’d like to have, namely, a little twist of my nose and my entire house gets cleaned. that’s a good one. the ability to control the weather (ooh…it would be sunny and 85 degress every day of the year. no jackets or boots or mittens or scarves. ever again. tempting). super strength. shapeshifting (come on, who wouldn’t like to spend a day in someone else’s shoes. like Sienna Miller’s, perhaps?).
(I actually do already have a super power. yes, i do. one that you’d all be super envious of. i have the power to fast for 25 hours straight and still manage to GAIN weight. yes, folks, it’s true. I fasted on Yom Kippur this year and gained weight. i’m not going to get into the mathematics of it all, but when you are taking in less calories (make that NO calories) than you are expending…you should LOSE weight. and i wasn’t even asking for that. i was simply asking not to gain. so…super power it is. i have defied the laws of science.)
but, at the end of the day, my #1 would have to be…drumroll please….the ability to freeze time. you’re tired? buh-du-du-dum, stop time and take a nap. no time to cook dinner? stop time and you can make a three course meal. can’t drive carpool because you’re stuck at work? stop time…drive carpool and no one at work is the wiser.
yessir-y. that would have to be it for me. and until i find myself on a show like Heroes, you’ll be seeing me, in my regular life, still begging for those extra 6 (…make that 11) hours in my day.
very fitting song of the day: Heroes by the Wallflowers. I actually prefer their version to David Bowie’s. i know. i’m a little shocked to even be writing that.
please head on over to Cheaper than Therapy this morning. for more Isabella walking goodness! and this time it’s not sideways.
Yeah… I’d like to be able to read minds when I felt a need. There have been many times I’d love to get into my daughter’s head. And my oldest is in junior high now…be nice to read his mind…or not, ew. Or this cute guy I’ve been dating for a while, would love to know what he’s thinking. But, yeah, the raw feed back thing might be a bit much to take. Eh, come to think of it, maybe I’ll choose the freeze time thing. That would be awesome:)
I’d love to be able to fly… That’d be tres cool….And, clean up the house with the snap of my fingers, of course!
I’d love to be able to go “woosh” and bring world peace and good health and happiness to all….
ah! so sickness for kids! that’s a GREAT one!
Also agree with Sara that it would be great if my kids wouldn’t get sick – well #1 & #3 are excellent, actually, but Toby is another story…if only that kid would get a normal cold instead of cervical adenitis, osteomyelitis, pneumococcal pneumonia, etc.
Grrr, another whinge for another day.
My ultimate superpower would be to…..snap my fingers, and every single LITTLE, ANNOYING toy/play thing/plastic bit would magically levitate and find its way into the right box without me having to haul butt upstairs to put the stuff away. (My kids have an extremely annoying habit, that instead of playing in the PLAY room, replete with Foxtel cable, DVD player, etc., they drag everything downstairs to play in MY lounge room, instead of in theirs or in Miranda’s room).
Honestly I must spend hours and HOURS on my knees getting crap out from under the couch/chair/bed/carpet and hearing the annoying words, “Mummy, where’s — and where’s ++++?”…
My super power would be the ability to never let my kids get sick! That’s right, no colds, no runny noses, no fevers, no asthma…you get it. To be able to make them immune to all germs! LOL Don’t I wish?! 🙂 I thought about the ability to read minds but for some reason I probably wouldn’t want to know at all times what people think, plus, I’m hard enough on myself as it is! I don’t need constant “raw” feedback! 😉
well…i lifted the idea from your site…so i wanted to give you some credit!! 🙂
I’m so happy you’re a fan too b/c I was watching last night’s episode and was so hooked. BTW, thanks for mentioning that I “have a nice little explanation of each character and his or her ability”, but really I copied and pasted from the Peacock site. How’s that for “superpower ability”? 😉
Can’t wait for the next episode. And Jess from Gilmore Girls…YUMMY!!
I’m with you – freeze time. That’s the one that I’d like to have.
I think I would like to read minds. However, I would like to be able to turn it off too! I find some people really confusing and would LOVE to know what was going on in their heads. Be careful what you wish for, right?!
My ideal super power would be to have a sense of humour that could diffuse the most intense siutations without inappropriate
timing or content for that particular moment.