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Graco Children’s Products Inc. has launched an awareness campaign in Ontario to help parents and caregivers prepare themselves for the upcoming booster seat legislation. Did you know that starting this September children under 80lbs, up to 4′ 9" tall and 4-8 years old are required to travel in a booster seat?
The challenge here is awareness. Many parents (and children) thought they were done with the booster seat long ago and may not be aware that, despite being in a "grown-up" seat for some time, their child is now required to move back into a booster. If you do not comply and are stopped you will face a hefty $90 fine and 2 demerit points. Obviously, this is a serious safety issue.
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation estimates that using a booster seat properly protects your child 3.5 times more than a regular seat belt in the event of an accident. Pretty convincing numbers. The challenge is getting the word out and convincing your child to cooperate. This is where the experts can help.
As part of Graco’s awareness campaign they have solicited the help of professional parenting coach and mom, Terry Carson. Carson advises parents of children who will have to move back into boosters to get them onside by taking time to prepare them and looking at the positives (comfort and visibility for example). Also, involve them in the purchase of the seat, send a message of love but state the law, and let them know that their friends are all in the same boat.
Educate yourself and your child on the facts of booster seat safety and help to educate other moms on this important new legislation. If you are not in Ontario and the laws don’t apply, be proactive. The numbers should be proof enough.
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I know it will be cliche to quote Tina Turner songs… but this is “simply the best”! I swear by this like a religious zealot!
I have a post on a different matter, but is related to the title (what we don’t know may be hurting our children).
Many of us know that household cleaners are harmful. But, we still use them. WHY? However, most of us are unaware that our personal care products(makeup, lotions, shampoos, deoderants, etc)also contain harmful ingredients, that over time may be effecting our health. To give you a better idea, here are a few studies:
-Since 1950 at least 70,000 new chemicals have been invented and dispersed into our enviroment. Only a fraction of those have been tested for human toxicity.(source:Herbert Needleman MD, Raising Children Toxic Free)
-150 chemicals found in homes are connected to allergies, birth defects, cancer and phychological disorders (source:Consumer Protection Agency)
-The USA Federal Code of Regulations exempts manufacturers from full labeling of products if used for personal, family or household care (source:USA FCR:Section 1910.1200C,Title 29,section 1500.82.2Q1A)
-Of the chemicals found in personal care products: 884 are toxic:146 cause tumors,218 cause reproductive complications,778 cause acute toxicity, 314 cause biological mutations, 376 cause skin and eye irriations(source:US House of Representatives Report,1989)
-Women who work from home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than those who work outside the home(source:17-year EPA study)
-Diseases that used to occur later in life are now appearing at younger ages. Diseases that used to be rare are now more frequent. For example:Cancer is now the #2 killer of children-second only to accidental poisonings. Since 1977 the rate of cancer among children has increased 1% each year.(source:National Cancer Institute)
-Childhood asthma has increased more than 40% since 1980.(source:Enviromental Health Perspectives)
-Today, children have chemical exposures from birth, that their parents didn’t have until they were adults(source:Enviromental Policy and Children’s Health)
I could keep going i have pages and pages of this kind of information, if anyone whats more study information i can email it to them.
So, why do we continue to poison ourselves and our children. Mostly, because noone knows there are alternatives out there. Safer more effective products than our grocery store brands and most cases cost less. If anyone wants more information about alternatives, please feel free to email me. I really want to educate people. There is way to many ill people in the world today and i believe it is because of the products we use in our everyday lifes. One more study i forgot:
-According to the EPA, most homes have airborne concentrations of hazardous chemicals that are 2-5 times higher indoors than outdoors.
Any questions please email me at